A reality check regarding what we're seeing outside today . . .
We've got a few examples along with a variety of other links.
The fact is that in one place after the next we've seen these very little attention paid to the rules and the situation isn't likely to get any better UNTIL/IF/WHEN people get scared again . . . That may or may not happen and right now everybody but the Illuminati are guessing.
Check the links:
Here's Why Experts Expect A Second Coronavirus Wave
As U.S. states and countries across the world begin to gradually lift coronavirus lockdowns, experts and officials are ramping up warnings about the possibility of a second- and more deadly -wave of the pandemic.
2nd Wave Seems Like Bad News For Westport
South Korea warns of second coronavirus wave after new cases linked to Seoul nightclubs
South Korea's president warned the public on Sunday not to let their guard down as concerns grow over of a new wave of coronavirus cases in the country as an outbreak has been linked to clubgoers.
Cowtown Safety Tips Emerge
As The Kansas City Metro Reopens, Health Experts Offer Some Tips For Staying Safe In The 'New Normal'
This week marks a new phase of the coronavirus pandemic in the Kansas City metro as many restrictions on both sides of the state line begin to be relaxed. Kansas City, Missouri's stay-at-home order ends Friday, May 15, though Mayor Quinton Lucas began easing some restrictions on May 6, allowing many non-essential businesses to open with certain restrictions.
Fact Check Your Drunk Uncle On Facebook & Twitter
Fact check: The Supreme Court did not deem social distancing unconstitutional in 1866
As states slowly reopen businesses to prevent further economic recession, individuals fatigued by social distancing measures and stay-at-home orders publicly have questioned the legality of such mandates. A Facebook user in April posted a photo of an earlier post that allegedly had been taken down.
Kansas City Scene
Football players hold scrimmages in KC park
KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- Football players from across the Kansas City metro came together Saturday to hold scrimmages in spite of stay-at-home orders and concerns for the spread of COVID-19. They could be seen out playing on the football fields across of Kansas City's Central High School.
Fight For Kansas Barber
Arrest warrant rescinded for Kansas barber for opening against governor's orders
MCPHERSON, Kan. (AP) — Three Republican U.S. Senate candidates are sharing their support for a Kansas barber who ran afoul of the law for operating his shop during the pandemic.
Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle, U.S. Rep. Roger Marshall and candidate David Lindstrom weighed in after Luke Aichele, a barber at Luke’s Barber Shop in McPherson, wrote about his troubles Friday on Facebook.
White House Safety Survey
Calling All Patriots: Should Trump And Pence Quarantine After Pence's Press Secretary Tested Positive For Coronavirus?
Editorial (Photo by Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images) Calling all Patriots! We want to hear from YOU to help shape our coverage. Our Patriots are the most loyal readers of the Daily Caller, and we want to make sure we're getting feedback about what we can do better, and what stories you'd like to see us covering.
Socialism Distancing???
The Moment to Change the World Is Right Now
After the world faces the grim coronavirus pandemic, the age of excessive individualism and competition may come to an end.
You decide . . .
thing of it is, there are a lot of people have haven't been taking these rules seriously FOR WEEKS.
ReplyDeleteThe doom and gloom predictions are scary. Some of them will come true.
The people who can stay home are better off doing so until we're sure about how this plays out.
Get the strippers back to work!
Delete^^^^ +1
DeleteThe hood hasn't spent a day behind those section 8 doors
Delete"Fact Check Your Drunk Uncle On Facebook"
ReplyDeleteI think the country's drunk uncle is on Twitter, not Facebook.
^^^^ TRUE!
ReplyDelete"Calling All Patriots: Should Trump And Pence Quarantine After Pence's Press Secretary Tested Positive For Coronavirus?"
ReplyDeleteWell, duh! Lock 'em up! Lock 'em up!
truly, trump's saying drink clorox was a turning point to total loss of credibility and any sense of order.
ReplyDeleteBoris Johnson was "let-er-rip," then changed to conventional. After getting the virus himself, he's now a zealot just like former smokers. He's extended the UK lockdown to June 1.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should seek a presidential candidate who's immune, that is to say who's survived.
ReplyDeleteWe have indirect evidence that Cuomo could survive after his brother did--and while partying in the Hamptoms!
There will be no "second wave".
ReplyDeleteThere was never a "first wave".
All smoke and mirrors, faking death certificates, imaginary numbers of cases because no one tested them, empty hospitals even in the "first wave", doctors who are blatantly lying to the public,etc. etc.
All is designed to unseat Trump in November. It won't work. He will kick Biden's old wrinkled ass.
A bona fide lunatic, who can't explain why Trump gets tested every day while telling the rest of us, lunatics included, to go Fuck ourselves.
DeleteThe crisis crazies make up whatever fairy facts they want to believe but say verifiable reality is just pretend.
DeleteWow. What are the odds of two batshit crazy posts coming in at the same time--3:44. Is there a full moon today?
ReplyDeleteThe first seems to be satire. But who knows, with so many raving crisis crazies free to express their insanity.
DeleteSatire? Open your eyes SHEEPLE, we survived hundreds of thousands of years being on top of each other. Social distancing is not the way nature works. The whole thing is a power grab.
ReplyDeletealso michelle obama is a man thank you
And in 1918 that worked so well. If you're into population control.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the old WWI photos with the 1G towers in the background? It's true! It caused the Spanish Influenza epidemic! I saw it on YouTube!
ReplyDeleteThose were negative 5G in 1928 dummy. -5G - even more crazy making.
DeleteThat 1G tower is A FACT, there's a picture right there!
ReplyDeleteWhen government at any level over reaches, it risks losing the consent of the governed. KCMO may be losing that consent. This isn't bad in and of itself, as unjust laws should be disobeyed. But the unfortunate result can be a loss of respect for laws in general.
ReplyDeleteIf that were true the Fed would have collapsed long ago.
DeleteCities including Austin, Texas, and Durham, North Carolina, are best poised for a quick coronavirus recovery because of their levels of population density and educational attainment, according to a Moody's Analytics report cited by Yahoo Finance.
ReplyDeleteOthers... according to unnamed sources... cite KC as a last place city because if the Nationally ridiculed 10-10-10.
Look for thousands of businesses to fold and the poor unable to find employment directly because of 10-10-10.
Lucas to blame. Village idiot. Ask Trump. Email the WH and tell Trump Lucas hates Trump and to please continue to refuse Fed dollars to KC.
Oh so it depends on sucking Trump's dick! You will get a cool Million $$ Nanny State free money.
DeleteOthers... according to stuff I pulled out of my smelly ass...
DeleteI told you 2 weeks ago it was over.
ReplyDeleteAnyone with any sense saw through the bullshit weeks ago.
Mostly political theater.
You are welcome...next time listen.
ReplyDeleteMost reasonable models done by scientists - not you guessing idiots - expect deaths to rise substantially once reopening starts.
ReplyDeleteSo it's only just starting, 6:08. But get out there and lick some bus seats and prove us all wrong.
635 you gotta be kidding...models...none have been anywhere close they keep getting revised DOWN.
ReplyDeleteKCMO less than 20 deaths out of 500K plus.
Stay home scared little mouse and eat your government cheese.
6:35 those models done by scientists have been about as accurate as a blind guy at a dart tournament, but if you want to cower in your home in fear knock yourself out.
ReplyDeleteIrony, all of these "brave" comments are written by people staying at home.
ReplyDelete6:45 so you’re saying about as accurate as bLIEron has been on everything his whole life, about zero percent!
ReplyDelete7:10 well, I would normally be home on Sunday but your point is made besides, with everything shut down by the gubmint where else could we be?
You can always tell when the liberals are losing.
ReplyDeleteThe predictions (that did not come true) and the predictions that will not come true get more strident and hysterical.
Here is something is not fantasy, assholes. Trumps polls are going up. Not down.
Chew on that and tear your hair out.
MAGA 2020 !
And yet only the Fox News polls are going up for Trump. Weird.
ReplyDeleteWhat are the questions? If you were to vote for Trump or a mentally and morally challenged mummified zombie, which would be your choice? And he's still only pulling 40%.
^^^and yet Trump gets crushed in November. Bigly crushed. Weird.
ReplyDeleteWould you believe me if I told you that COVID-19 was a covert US military operation to identify and exterminate blood drinking adrenochrome junkies worldwide and that "covfefe" was a code word for the operation meaning "covfefe" = "COVID-19 > (FeFe) (Fe2) (Iron)" because Iron and ferritin are crucial in the adrenalin oxidation process into adrenochrome. COVID-19 and adrenochrome both bind to the same ACE2 receptors. Basically habitual adrenochrome users are particularly vulnerable to this virus.
ReplyDeleteSo you guys are missing the point entirely yeah
Hillary 2020!
ReplyDeleteThen we are doomed. She will get us in a war with Russia
DeleteAdam Schiff has evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. He kept saying that over and over, and he still has a fu*kin' job. Life is indeed one huge joke if people like Schiff and the rest of the measly libs are not punished for all of the false crap they've spewed to try to bring down Trump. It cost millions in taxpayer money and time that could have been better spent helping everyday Americans. Hillary gets a subpoena and then destroys tens of thousands of emails and computer devices. Let me know when the Dems get back any sense of integrity in legislating to help Americans. This Independent voter won't hold my breath waiting for it and won't hold back from voting for Trump in 2020.
ReplyDelete9:32 a war we will lose thanks to Hillary and the billion dollar uranium one deal she made, the nukes will be flying and Hillary won’t have anywhere to hide, she didn’t think that part through Very well now did she.
ReplyDeleteRussia Russia Russia, collusion collusion collusion, impeach impeach impeach, covid covid covid.
ReplyDeleteAnd now it turns out Barry, rapey joe and the clintons had their hands in all of it, like the puppet master he is, just like peelousy, shifty schiff, nadler the penguin and the fbi, doj and a whole slew of dimwits. The Durham report is going to be very interesting when it comes out. Looking forward to it.
Everyone's a fucking EXPERT!!! All of you are dumb mother f...
ReplyDeleteCan’t wait for the Durham report. Finally get to see mentally ill democrat traitors bankrupted tried and thrown in prison. And with any luck maybe we’ll get to see some of these traitors given the firing squad on live tv. I’m sick of seeing these smerking traitors on tv it’s time to put an end to all of them and save our country time’s running out
ReplyDelete^^^^ +10000000000000
ReplyDeleteTrump and Pence will continue to be on the front line leading America.
ReplyDeleteTrump and Pence are not girly men like Joe Biden hiding in his basement or Adam Schiff hiding under Pelosi's dress.
^^ +1000 x 10
ReplyDelete(But don't give me the image of "under Pelosi's dress".)
^^^ LOL
ReplyDeleteNotice how, as the day goes on how all the drunken trumpsters get to conspiracy ranting and sundowning.
Sundowning just as the increasingly brain dead IQ45 and Mikey Rapture display nightly.
Enjoying your Mother’s Day from your vermin infested mommy and daddy basements tonight little Trumpies?
Good, good. Now, back to your Faux News now. Time for your re- indoctrination. Peace, little magas.
^^^ you must be very lonely
ReplyDeleteTrump lied, thousands have died.
ReplyDeleteYour Momma lied, your Daddy is Slie.
Delete@10:42 is right Trump and Pence are not "girly men"!
ReplyDeleteThe two of them put together aren't as Macho as the wimpiest Girlie Man to ever mince around DC. You know, that guy Lindsey Gray-hams.