It seems as if there's no room for civility in the conversation over public health during a pandemic.
To wit and just posted:
Here's his calm and patient response that offers a glimpse at his motivations . . .
"This is why I shouldn’t do social media on Sundays.
"Look, we’re trying to do what we can to save lives.
"For those of you who do think a smart, responsible approach to this crisis should remain I ask you to reach out to your leaders so that inboxes aren’t just filled with hate."
Take a look from his FB page . . .

You decide . . .
I think more productive protest would involve talking about an alternative candidate for Mayor next election or maybe organizing a petition. Ranting online only weakens the argument of people trying to be reasonable.
ReplyDelete^^^ Yes genius, that's probably the point of why Mayor Lucas posted this.
DeleteThink about it.
^^^ +15K
DeleteDon't worry about it Q.
ReplyDeleteThe internet is the playground for asshole trolls.
Like this place is at times.
Those who rebel against restrictions, must prefer a box for eternity.
ReplyDeletePot calling the kettle black. Quinton Lucas and his lackey John Stamm make a sport of harassing constituents on social media.
ReplyDeleteProve it.
DeleteYou can't argue with the morally superior "we're trying to save lives" douche bags.
ReplyDeleteDon't fall for their lives over profits bullshit. There are more important things in this world than MAYBE saving the lives of elderly with one leg in the grave already. The average age of death is over 80 years old and even then the death rates do not warrant destroying the economy. Life is not without risks. Millions of peoples' and their families' lives are being wrecked by losing their livelihoods, mortgages need to be paid, food purchased, utilities paid.
"The average age of death is over 80 years old"
DeleteYou're not even close there, Sparky. But go ahead. Roll the dice. Lick some gas pump handles. Go ride buses around town all day. See if anybody cares if you get sick. I won't.
344 what is it then?
DeleteMayor Q was doing fine with the response until the "a smart, responsible approach to this crisis"; as his approach is none of the above. He continues to highlight the issue is nothing more than a "blip"; unfortunately, the blip will bankrupt KCMO and the bailout from the feds or the state or the county isn't going to happen.
ReplyDeleteJust open the fricking city. I will stay out of the hood so I won't have to worry about catching 'ANYTHING'
ReplyDelete"Adolph Hilter?" Who's that?
ReplyDelete^^^ He's a historical character the Republicans act like while accusing the Democrats of acting like.
ReplyDeleteOr did he mean "Adolf Hitler?" Because Adolph Hilter invented the meat tenderizer that bears his name. Big difference.
DeleteShould we lower the speed limits on metro KC Interstates to 20 mph? After all, we're just trying to save lives.
ReplyDeleteCovidiots demanding FREEDUMB with terroristic threats and intimidation. Snowflake right-wing radicals threatening political leaders and first responders. Way to earn your DEPLORABLE name, three-toothed trolls. We are a nation of laws. Every single Deplorable should be locked up for disobeying the rule of law.
2:56 out of the 8386 cases Missouri has 7447 of those are under the age of 79. There are 931 cases over the age of 80.
ReplyDeleteThe deaths of those under 79 years of age are 199.
Over 80 is 153.
This is the problem with you young and dumb people, you are the biggest spreader of covid 19. You people have blood on your hands.
Yeah under 79 is all the 75 76, 77, 78 year old deaths, average with all the over 80 and you will get over 80 dipshit.
Delete3:41 The problem with your statement is all these things happened in dimwit occupied and run city’s, you just proved how big an idiot you truly are.
ReplyDeleteFACT: Based upon the latest release from the KC Health Dept., 15 residents of KCMO have died from coronavirus-related infection.
ReplyDeleteIf you're related to one of these 15 people, it's a tragedy. But only FIFTEEN out of a population of approximately 500,000 is miniscule. 50 people have been murdered in KCMO this year according to homicide statistics from the KCPD. Think about that for minute. More than 3X as many people have died from homicide this year than the coronavirus crisis.
And what gets lost in all the hype and panic about the coronavirus, is the tremendous collateral damage inflicted upon KCMO residents as a direct result of the senseless and illogical economic shutdown.
Fact: Suicide rates increase 1% for every 1% increase in the average unemployment rate. What happens when you purposely shutdown the economy? Many people are under extreme financial/emotional stress and become hopeless, depressed, and abusive. None of this gets counted by those claiming that we must keep the economy shuttered for as long as possible.
Mayor Quagmire's ridiculous and harmful approach to protecting an extreme minority of residents (a small fraction of 1%) is like firing a shotgun into a crowd to get rid of the mosquitoes.
But, 4:02, you've only proven that the measures put into place WORKED. Instead of 1,200 dead in Jackson County, it's 15.
DeleteMaybe this chart about how infections spread will help explain it better for you.
But in short, the measures worked.
Wrong. Sweden did nothing and is better off per capita than places that did lockdowns.
DeleteWe could prevent thousands of deaths each year of we lower the speed limit to 5 mph everywhere. So if you are so worried about saving lives, why don't we do that? Or ban smoking completely? Or ban junk food?
ReplyDeleteYou're confusing "median" with "mean" and throwing in "average" for extra stupidity credit.
ReplyDeleteMCC has some nice statistics classes available. Plus they accept morons, which means you're an shoo-in!
Quinton Lucas loves a good pitty party; "pity me" said the man with two armed guards circling him 24/7.
ReplyDeleteAmazing how all the Quik trips, auto parts stores, grocery stores and other businesses have remained open and busy with no problems, they are perfect examples of why things should reopen.
ReplyDeleteReally people do not get mad at Mayor Lucas. Belton and Liberty are going to be open tomorrow and they would like you to come and spend your money in their beautiful cities.
ReplyDeleteWhaaaahhh!!! Whhhaaaaaahhhhh!!
ReplyDeleteI don't have even two month of savings to weather tough times!!!
Whaaaahhhh!! Whhhaaaaaaahhhhh!!!
^^ 3:30, Surely you meant it's what the left calls everyone that opposes them or doesn't agree with them totally. Not many can compare to a person responsible for killing over 60 million people. You left wing nuts tend to give too much credit to people that really don't have that much power.In fact, you often give it to people that have never killed anyone and haven't done much to change your life as well. Tally ho dipshits.
ReplyDeleteWhat the government is NOT telling you is why they tested a malaria drug on Covid19. Its because they are so similar and both can be spread by MOSQUITOS. So Mosquitos spread this summer and then when Flu season hits in winter you can get both flu AND Covid19 at the same time (Covid-flu). This is not a matter to be taken lightly if you want to live.
ReplyDeleteThe large numbers of highly valued young, health, highly educated doctors that have died in Italy, the USA and the U.K. show its very lethal. Nurses have an even higher toll. Nothing wrong with a stay at home order for a long long time. Work or die? Thats the choice.
You DUMB MOTHERFUCKER @9:42. Stop spreading lies. Here's a fact check for you stupid ass:
DeleteThe CDC and WHO Have Already Said Mosquitoes Don’t Spread Coronavirus. An adviser for the American Mosquito Control Association says the possibility of mosquito transmission of the coronavirus is “nil.”
Instead of being reasonable and talking responsibly you spill that stupid shit trying to confuse people.
Yes, covid is real and dangerous and we need to be prepared but not scared. Go to Hell you Chinese or Russian sack of shit. Americans don't fall for you garbage. Go back to your shit hole. We'll call when you're needed to make more cheap trash for poor people.
6:50 none of them got shut down, if they knew any of those places helped spread the Chinese red death virus the city would have forced them to close, seeing how they didn’t demand they close apparently there weren’t any problems. I guarantee QT would’ve closed their stores in a heart beat if they had a problem. Seems like social distancing worked in these businesses.
ReplyDelete8:50 wrong again dummy, there have been deaths in all age ranges, you seem to be oblivious to that fact. Why you’re hell bent on thinking it’s all and old age problem is just stupid on your part, the Kung fu flu can kill anyone at any age. Anyone with asthma or diabetes is a prime target for this virus.
ReplyDeleteI am far from a dumbocrat, but Mayor Q is right on this one!! I think he actually cares about KC and I havent seen that from any Mayor since I have been here and I have been here for more than a minuet. Suck it up buttercups, you will get back to chasing pussy and getting fucked up at your favorite bars and clubs patient grasshoppers so you dont end up a patient on a ventilator - grow the fuck fuck up!!!
ReplyDelete8:22 comment
ReplyDeleteNice attempt, but no matter how hard you try or want to believe the phony methodology, a LIE is a LIE, and PROPAGANDA is PROGAGANDA.
Let's go back to the beginning. Americans were purposely lied to, that if we didn't impose draconian anti-Constitutional measures, we would see 2+ million deaths in this country. Just weeks later, it's bizarre to contemplate such a obvious fabrication. And why did we need to adopt these never before implemented restrictions upon our liberty? The stated reason was to prevent our hospitals from being inundated.
Were all Americans issued a mask to be worn when outside the home? Absolutely not! Masks in public didn't become an item of interest until about 1 month after the declared national emergency. And you still don't see supposed Infectious Disease experts Drs. Fauci/Birx ever wear one as they crowd into the daily media briefing. Trump and Pence don't wear one either. Why do you think the Secret Service isn't keeping them protected?
8:22, sadly you seem to be a gullible sap. Using your illogical thought process, the following scenario makes perfect sense:
Government officials state, "Our goal is to proactively protect the innocent." Every year in this country, Influenza A/B virus complications lead to the death of 30,000 to 60,000 Americans. We're mandating stay-at-home orders, closing schools, closing businesses, closing faith centers, limiting group size, etc. It's because we care about you! These orders will stay in effect until we've eliminated the influenza virus.
Oh! And while on this is ongoing, the same government officials approve of you using alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, abusing prescription drugs, overeating, getting abortions, and gambling online. Remember, they care about your health, and want to protect you.
Are you sure most of you didn't Mean the AIDS PANDEMIC ? You know the Pandemic going on since 1980 and killing more people than Covid will ? As it is more likely to be a part of your lives, than Covid. Now wave that Rainbow and keep typing. Make certain your concern and requests of ID /outing are equal for all Pandemics. Pop pandemic of the day game is cool shit.
ReplyDelete^^^I've seen your dumbass try to make this AIDS comparison on here before. You really are fucking stupid aren't you?
ReplyDeleteYou are right I just read another article from the same damn place that's acting like the 10-10-10 order is only for churches you know we have a Russia propaganda station here in Kansas City I think this is part of it I think he's doing a good job everybody wants to cry cry cry that's fine we're going to be opening up soon and you can quit crying just don't start crying again when it becomes twice as bad and you're in lockdown for even longer it's what you wanted anyway good job Mayer
ReplyDeleteMayor sorry I was using voice command