Sadly, there's a paywall so we can't read it . . . Therefore, we share this analysis of their historic publishing endeavor that pays tribute to the victims of coronavirus and blames Prez Trump.
Agree or disagree, there's no denying this is important:
Agree or disagree, there's no denying this is important:
'Incalculable loss': New York Times covers front page with 1,000 Covid-19 death notices
As the US approaches the grim milestone of 100,000 coronavirus deaths, the New York Times has filled the entire front page of Sunday's paper with the death notices of victims from across the country.
Thanks a lot China
ReplyDeleteToo bad it's an utterly compromised partisan fishwrap.
ReplyDeleteYou have to wonder if Jayson Blair read this and laughed.
ReplyDeleteBlame Cuomo. He put infected people in Nursing Homes and Blamed Trump.
Florida didn’t do that and with the same population had ONE TENTH the deaths.
Cuomo and NY being heavily investigated.
I am Joe Biden and I forgot this message.
Jew York Times.
ReplyDelete'nough said.
Ihr Führer wird sich freuen.
ReplyDeleteThe (((New York Tomes))) ran a story about the pavement-ape that attacked elderly White people in their beds at a nursing home while live streaming. (((They))) must have been in a rush, because (((they))) forgot to mention the race of the attacker and the victims.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link around the paywall, dumbfuck.
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot Trump (and all you covidiot Trump enablers)
ReplyDeleteAll the biased and hypocritical DNC talking points that are not fit to print.
ReplyDelete^^Poor little wounded baby. Go to your safe space and cuddle with Mommy.
ReplyDeleteYou mean like you've been doing, afraid of the virus and following orders? Lol
DeleteThe Times and Biden said Trump response was late and weak.
ReplyDeleteThat’s funny.
Apparently they forgot The president, defending his record, has repeatedly pointed to his ban on non-U.S. citizens from flying from China to the U.S., which was implemented on Feb. 2.
At the time Biden and Schumer said it was racist and unnecessary.
Can’t wait for the debate- betting Biden’s family pulls him- Alzheimer’s advanced stage 4.
I am Joe Biden and I forgot this message.
False, @4:15, Trump banned non-US Citizen ASIANS from flying directly from China to the US, provided the flights did not originate in Hong Kong (look it up for yourself).
ReplyDeleteAny anyone else, Asian or not on a flight originating in HK was free to enter.
Not the Tinfoil Hat Brigade's mythology, or Trump re-election misinformation, but instead reality... and Racism.
Except that Rapey Biden thought it was a good idea after he thought it was a bad idea. Don't bother the poor man in asking him again. He needs a nap and he gets gropy when confused.
DeleteNot to mention that yes, ANY sort of travel restriction (a good idea) resulted in the usual cries of racism. So was it a good idea or not? Let us know when you've got the latest MSNBC spin.
And never mind DeBlasio telling people to continue their lives as the virus ate New York, Cuomo ordering people back into nursing homes that resulted in mass death, and the failure to shut down the subway system, resulting in mass death.
Did Trump screw up? Yes. Did others? Oh yes.
I know your only purpose in life is to hate Trump, but your one-track mind is boring.
700,000 innocent unborn are killed every year. So what's another 100,000 or so. Don't kid yourself, this country doesn't care.
ReplyDeleteIf you read this, try to remember what the boy mayor and his faithful sidekick Archer never figured out and that is that Kansas City is not New York City.
ReplyDeleteSo far there have been 24 officially classifed CoVID-19 deaths in Kansas City. There have been 100 homicides in Kansas City so far in 2020 and there are 325 obituaries in the latest edition of the Star.
the point about the new york times being a a must-read is true.
ReplyDeletelike almost every aspect of our economy, only the biggest companies can spend enough to present a quality product.
the wall street journal may have better news coverage than the times, but the times is often more in-depth in some areas, such as international events.
as we know in kansas city, a shrunken local paper is quite limited in its coverage. ( also, it misallocates manpower to non-serious writing.)
as in corporate america, the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer. with newspapers it may be the rich are getting poor more slowly..
It will go away like magic, its just like the flu - Donald Trump
ReplyDeleteThe sixth name on the front page is a murder victim who was found in a crashed car. Clearly a tragedy, but not a victim of the virus. Not a lot of confidence the rest of the story is cleanly vetted.
ReplyDeleteMost of the people that died are 75+ years old. While still tragic, they might have died of the regular flu or really any illness. This thing isn't killing healthy people.