The new rules are in place, the time is set and now the biggest medical experiment in Kansas City history is soon underway.
And so we ask our blog community for their expert insight an analysis . . .
In this town we notice much of the same right-wing push back to regulations from First Amendment Civil Libertarian Activists but the REAL resistance to new rules came from the restaurant and biz lobby; they were much more successful in overturning the rules than armed protesters and online pundits.
And so we wonder . . .
A strange contradiction: Many of the opponents of the regulations on cowtown good times aren't exactly denizens of local clubs or connoisseurs of fine dining. It's easy to understand the complaints of service workers wanting to return to their jobs. However, conservative Jack Cashill fighting or his right to party and dance the night away in the P&L District is a tougher sell.
Still, after the jump, this morning we've gathered more than a dozen LOCAL stories on the topic of the great Kansas City reopening to further the conversation and provide more info so that TKC READERS can make up their own minds . . .
Kansas City Reopen Timeline Finally Revealed
REOPEN KC: When and how parts of the Kansas City metro area will reopen
Food Fight For Rights
Kansas City restaurants react to mayor's re-opening guidelines
KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) - Kansas City is getting closer to giving non-essential businesses the green light to reopen their doors. That means restaurants will be able to reopen their dining rooms, but not without a new set of rules. There is a lot that goes into Kansas City restaurants reopening their dining rooms on Friday.
Coronavirus Confusion Reigns In Kansas City
Why The Kansas City Region's Gradual Reopening Is So Confusing
With rules varying from city to city, metro leaders fear the confusion around reopening will result in a lack of compliance.
Curbside Comeback In KC
Jackson, Wyandotte, Johnson counties begin reopening
JACKSON COUNTY, Mo. - Some businesses in Jackson, Wyandotte and Johnson counties were allowed to reopen Monday. In Jackson County, child care services, non-emergency medical services, restaurants, retail and libraries can open but must follow social distancing guidelines. Restaurants in Jackson County are allowed to offer dine-in services, but curbside and pick up are encouraged.
Delay In The Dotte
Wyandotte County restaurants won't open for dine-in customers for another two weeks
KANSAS CITY, Kan. - Restaurants, bars and other retailers are still limited to pick up or delivery only in Wyandotte County, as stay-at-home restrictions have been eased for only a few businesses.Wyandotte County has had more coronavirus cases than anyplace else in the metro. And as a result restaurants aren't slated to seat customers again [...]
Fine Dining First
Restauranteur uses soft opening in Leawood as blueprint for KCMO
Rye in Mission Farms held its first dinner service in nearly two months on Monday. The owners hope to use the lessons learned during the soft opening across the state line when they reopen the doors at their Country Club Plaza location on Friday.
Pool Party Contemplation
With summer around the corner, will city pools be open?
LEAWOOD, KS (KCTV) - It may not feel like it, but summer is just around the corner, and the coronavirus pandemic is already putting a damper on all kinds of activities including swimming. "I grew up going to the pool as a kid every day, so it's kind of what you think of summer," Leawood, Kansas resident Caroline Lynn said.
Local Eat Out Excitement
Some eager to dine out in Jackson County as restaurants reopen
Some restaurants reopened in Jackson County Monday to patrons eager to dine out for a change.
Tracking Reopen & Pandemic
As Wyandotte County re-opens, businesses still take COVID-19 precautions
KANSAS CITY, KS (KCTV) - The Wyandotte County Health Department has a website listing any place with five or more cases. KCTV5 News has told you about the nursing homes and churches, but it's not just them on the list.
Golden Ghetto Takes It Slow
Johnson County slowly reopening as shoppers, businesses take precautions
OLATHE, Kan. - Johnson County, Kansas, businesses are beginning to reopen, but not all of them are choosing to do so. It's certainly feeling like a slow start to the county's reopening process. While some of the essential businesses like grocery and hardware stores remain really busy, at nonessential stores now allowed to reopen, many still seem rather cautious.
Biz Adapts To Pandemic
Metro area owners, customers slowly getting back to business
LEE'S SUMMIT, MO (KCTV) - Life is starting to return to normal on both sides of the state line as certain businesses began letting people back into their storefronts Monday under Johnson, Jackson and Wyandotte County reopening plans. While business owners and employees are excited to get back to work, they are also having to adapt to some new changes.
Parks Almost Reopen
Johnson County, Kansas, parks will reopen in 4 phases
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Johnson County, Kansas, Parks and Recreation Department announced Monday it will reopen in four phases. Phase 1 includes includes park shelters and restrooms opening, but with restrictions. Park visitors can use the shelters, but there is a limit of 10 people per activity zone when social distancing is not possible, according to the parks department's website.
Kansas City New Normal Now
Here's what we can expect when stores open their doors Friday
KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- Some retail stores across the metro have been closed more than 50 days to stop the spread of COVID-19. On Friday, some retail stores have the green light to open again. However, it's up to store owners and managers to figure out how they want to reopen.
You decide . . .
Fact is, there's not really a choice. Kansas City had to reopen quickly or risk going bankrupt. With little federal assistance coming through, KC needs ever penny of revenue they can collect. This was an economic decision, some something that wanted to save more lives.
ReplyDeleteThe only real disaster here was 10 10 10. That was a bad plan from the start and restaurants were right to object to it. Obviously devised by somebody who never worked a day in a restaurant.
DeleteThink you only hint at the real question here.
ReplyDeleteWill people go back?
Doubtful, for many the risk is just too high.
That lady getting a haircut looks terrified. She might have been better off saving herself some worry and cutting her own mop top.
ReplyDeleteGoing out to eat during an ongoing pandemic: big mistakes or bad idea zombie? You decide.
ReplyDelete^^^ Easy to say from your retirement home boomer.
ReplyDeleteEat me hindquarters for your breakfast!
I mean re-open all you want. The question is whether people are comfortable dining out. I think the next month or so will be really sparse for diners.
ReplyDelete^^^ +100
ReplyDeleteSucks to be a server and risk getting sick for 10 dollars in tips.
ReplyDeleteSorry. We need to keep the country closed down to avoid needless suffering and death according to Doc Fuaci.
ReplyDeleteThe reason there has been a clamoring for more testing...to show an imaginary increase in infections. There always has been a high infection rate with a very low death rate as shown by the fact that >85% of the ppl who get it do not even know it and that the death rate is artificially high because they count deaths of ppl who it when die even though the virus is not the cause of death.
ReplyDeleteThe lock downs only destroyed the economy not the virus or its spread.
Next they are going to mandate blindfolds so you cannot see the truth either.
Total scam.
Fake vaccine.
Gates & Big Pharma money grab.
Globalist, WHO and Dem power grab.
Chronically mismanaged KCMO will never recover from this economic hit without bankruptcy reorganization with the current crop of crooks and parasites still in charge.
ReplyDeleteOn Jan. 24, three families sat at separate tables at a windowless restaurant in Guangzhou, China — a city in the southeast corner of the country. The tables were next to each other — all nine people in the study sat within the same 20-foot span. An air conditioning unit stationed above a table next to a wall was blowing air toward the other two tables, and an exhaust fan on the opposite wall was blowing air back.
ReplyDeleteThe day before, one person at the middle table had traveled about 600 miles from Wuhan — the epicenter of the pandemic — to Guangzhou. Though that person had the coronavirus at the time, they didn't know it because they were still asymptomatic.
Ultimately, all nine people at the three tables contracted the coronavirus. Through contact tracing, researchers determined that the person who had traveled to Wuhan was the only person that could have passed the virus on to the people at the other two tables.
Usually, large aerosol droplets that carry the coronavirus can't travel longer than about three feet — meaning the families at nearby tables should have been safe from contracting the virus. However, the study determined that "strong airflow from the air conditioner" may have sent those droplets between tables, infecting the other customers.
Yeah, totally fake plandemic, Bill Gates, big pharma, profit. Go out and eat guys and have a blast. Die from Coronavirus, own a lib. Rock on.
913 has swallowed the propaganda hook line n sinker.
DeleteAt one time I had hoped that Crosby Kemper would step up to be mayor and straighten things out. But he turned out to be an empty suit who ran away.
ReplyDeleteDepends which group you're talking about.
Liberals at City Hall and the County will desperately cling to their Big Brother fantasies of dictating the liberty and rights of local residents. They absolutely love the face-time they've been getting with their daily media briefings. And the "coronavirus crisis" affords them the perfect opportunity to shirk fiscal responsibility and hike taxes to combat the crisis.
So, for Liberals, the answer is "Never reopen, prolong the crisis as long as possible."
Conservatives, had they been in local power, would have taken steps to protect the vulnerable and promote personal responsibility (masks when outside the home, hand washing, etc.) but wouldn't have shutdown society for a bad case of the flu. Conservatives are ready to work, be responsible for themselves and families, respect the legal system and U.S. Constitution, participate in their faith community if they so choose, love thy neighbor, and love the USA.
Hahaha conservatives wpukd have taken steps to protect the vulnerable...
DeleteJust like they did so effectively at the federal level!
CDC 2017... Between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza-related respiratory illnesses each year, higher than a previous estimate of 250,000 to 500,000 and based on a robust, multinational survey.
ReplyDeleteCovid 19 - Global Deaths as of May 12. 286,940
Hmm how come we didn't close down cities lock and do social distancing all those years and decades up to 2017?
^^and yet Conservatives at the Federal Level shut the whole country down. Narrative blown. Weird.
ReplyDelete927 let me guess you get your information from the MSM.
DeleteBankruptcy will do little for KC MO. The "liabilities" will not decrease as the liabilities are deferred liabilities. $4 billion in deferred water and sewer infrastructure will not be eliminated with a bankruptcy. $2 billion in deferred road infrastructure will not be eliminated with a bankruptcy. The endless tax deferments continue with or without bankruptcy.
ReplyDelete9:27 AM I know your incapable of any thinking beyond what you see at the surface level. Translation your an idiot and that is probably being complimentary.
ReplyDeleteHave a good day geezer.
^^and yet he managed to knock you the fuck out, destroy your narrative, and get you triggered in one fell swoop. Bravo. Weird.
ReplyDelete9:13 I recommend you avoid going to any location with wall mounted fans that blow sideways. Especially a closed air system like in your house. Most restaurants have fresh air systems that are replacing air taken out by exhaust systems in the kitchen. There is a reason they took cooling fans out of factories, any fan blowing across the room will be a big no-no from here on out. That example you gave was a textbook example of what CAN go wrong. Fortunately for the US most modern dining room HVAC systems are not designed that way. What is also not discussed in that example is how close together those tables are, nor the ceiling height (aka room volume) of that space, circulation flow, etc. Was it nightclub seating that was shoulder to shoulder or tables spaced 6’ apart.......
ReplyDelete@ 9:16 CK3 is much to erudite for Kansas City (he is a product of Exeter/Yale and almost Oxford). He would have difficulty relating to fellow council members and civil servant staff.
ReplyDeleteBut I agree he would otherwise be a very good mayor despite my disagreements with his absolutist position regarding tax incentives.
Many people in the US and around the world don't have the option to quarantine, otherwise they will starve to death.
ReplyDeleteBeing able to quarantine is a privilege for the well off and overfed.
The local governments could play a part in helping the local businesses return to operation but the local elected officials chooses to grandstand. The restaurant owner cannot stay in business with 10% of seating or 25% of seating. The barber cannot stay in business with every other chair empty.
ReplyDelete9:36: And yet 9:27 probably knows when to use "your" and when to use "you're"and how to punctuate. Weird.
ReplyDeleteThere are fewer deaths in liberal California than in a comparable population of the "open" states.
ReplyDeleteBelieve the trump toads and die, it's simple so out and mingle and kill your family.
81,000 dead Americans, and the dear leader cannot stand the heat of his own kitchen.
^^ and yet their are more in liberal New York, go figure.
ReplyDelete^^^Their are?
ReplyDeleteWhat a farse
ReplyDelete9:36 got his ass beaten to a pulp by a geezer so bad that he doesn't understand the difference between "your" and "you're." --
ReplyDelete"I know your incapable of any thinking beyond what you see at the surface level. Translation your an idiot and that is probably being complimentary.
The filthy subway system in New York likely was the biggest difference between it and the big California cities.
ReplyDeleteWhich Cuomo didn't shut down until far too late.
DeleteI think sick geezers n boomers and lardass diabetes fucks should live forever...no matter the cost to everyone else.
ReplyDelete^^Nah. I graduated college and have an IQ above 40. That's how.
ReplyDeleteI kind of like the peace and quiet. The walkers. I’ve met people I did not know existed. This boomer remembers when everything was closed on Sunday it was nice. We should try it again.
ReplyDeleteOk kids guess what the libs are calling the Chinese red death flu today?
ReplyDelete“The European virus!” These poor people are insane! Hahahahaha!
More people die by bullets than corona
ReplyDeleteCorona hearing revealed much. Redfield ask about tons of money to hire 30 workers for helping months before virus out break. Appears millions misappropriated.
ReplyDeleteSen. Rand Paul calls out fauci on questionable and wrong predictions about virus and doom counts used to shut down America.
Folks believe just like ddt chemicals sprayed over cities aka corona virus. Whether is weird for May.
Folks are aiding up about this scam.. fake virus tester responding to positive on those who took flu shots through years.
Lots of things in flu shots that shouldn't be. Bill Gates is USING fauci who has been exposed.
Amazing how fauci could work for gov.
Then patent stuff he made using his jobs materials and time.. then sell inventions to big pharma then gates buys stock in same company.
When does a private citizen gates use gov.
To make stuff then add fauci to his foundation board and push inventions out for mass use in u.s. and the world.
Same with beyond meat and impossible meat.. fake meat grown from extracted animal cells.
Fake corana lies to shut down meat plant then ship bulk of meat to China. Give u.s. fake meats.
Just Google what restaurants serving fake meat. Bill Gates again goes to cdc and fda for fake meat approval big stock holder in it.
After gates 30 million dollar buy of Leonardo divinci codex Leinster davinci name translated little devil.
Gates goes on vaccination craze to Africa. False satanic power but God's true power always wins over darkness.
Rothschild passed this on evil to do population control. This virus and control of officials is part of this. Gates pushing vaccines thru fauci. President is aware of scam and millions of others are too.
Millions have subdued this in heavenly realms their efforts will and have failed and are shut down in the name of Jesus.
ReplyDeleteDoom, doom I tell ya, doom.
ReplyDeleteOpen it up, let god sort us out.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Jesus, 1:12, "Jesus, what hearing were YOU watching?"
ReplyDeleteBut yes, absolutely, this pandemic is all about BILL GATES and FAKE MEAT. Thanks for straightening us all out.
Welcome to Crazytown. Population: you.
1:41 For the win.
ReplyDeleteWERE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trump guaranteed us a V-shaped recovery. It will come roaring back, bigger and better than ever. So much pent up demand. People want to get back to work.
ReplyDeleteHe became president as is a very successful businessman and stable genius. He's got this. My money is on his prediction.
Kc went up a whopping 8 cases since yesterday and there’s been 16 reported deaths that number hasn’t changed for a week now.
ReplyDeleteQuick! somebody hold me, I’m scared to go out into the world!!! Bwahaha!!!
effing pussies
Fauci makes a base salary of $384,000 year. Not including bribes and payoffs and dividends and fees.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell should he care if we are shut down for the next year or two?
Trump lied; 80,000 Americans died. More Americans dead each day. Deplorable covidiots couldn't give a shit. Thoughts and prayers when their racist parents and grandparents are shuffled off to the County hospital to die alone and miserable. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch. Oh well. FREEDUMB!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, President Trump is not acting well lately. More so than normal. The adderall is taking a heavy toll on his frail, weak mind and thin-skinned ego.
4:00, stay in your safespace zoo cage gobbling on falsified numbers by the fake news.
DeleteI like Trump because he's orange
ReplyDeleteI like Trump because he's got one of the smartest brains
I like Trump because he wants to paint the wall black so it will scare all the Mexicans away
I like Trump because he only wants to bang hot chicks, including his daughter
I like Trump because of his WWE fight with Vince McMahon
I like Trump because he went to the best schools
I like Trump because YOUR'E FIRED
^^^ ok karen
ReplyDeleteWe need to do what ever it takes to make sure all pussies feel safe at all times no matter the cost to everyone else.
ReplyDeleteIt will be O.K.This summer but the winter of 2021 YOU go back Jack do it again. Travelers will bring this back into the Metro .Yes they will talk to a Hotel worker or a server or someone at the bar.
ReplyDeleteRicky don't lose that number,uh, I mean Retro don't believe those numbers.
DeleteWhat travelers retro? If they do come here they stay downtown so thank god the rest of the city will be safe
ReplyDeleteI like Trump he's strong
ReplyDeleteI like Trump he doesn't need a mask if he gets the Corona he'll just sue it away
I like Trump his uncle was a science genius in turn that makes Donald smart too
I like Trump because he tells me what fake news is
I like Trump because he runs the country like a reality TV star
I like Trump because he buys Filet O Fish sandwich's by the dozens
I like Trump because he is sticking it to the man by not showing his taxes
I like Trump because he built an empire with a small loan of a million dollars
I like Trump because of his part in Home Alone, I love that movie
I like Trump because he brings out the wackos, like the guy above me.
ReplyDeleteThe Streetcar will once again be packed with 100 million tourists breathing on each other.
ReplyDeleteActually Fauci makes $417,608.00.
ReplyDelete6:27 you are the wacko Karen so......
ReplyDeleteHas rapey joe come out of the basement yet?
ReplyDelete6:48 That's what happens when you dedicate your entire life to a career in his field. He has reached the pinnacle of success and makes top dollar for his knowledge and expertise. It's funny how dumb Trumpers can watch a few youtube videos and a little Fox news and become experts.
ReplyDeleteAll hail Trump, king of the dummies!
^^^ ok Karen, you just proved how gullible and stupid you are.
ReplyDelete8:41 top of his field? He guesses for a living not save lives or anything truly important. Doesn’t take much to impress dimwits now does it.
ReplyDelete8;49 I'm sorry that you're dumb, must be a family trait. Make Merica great again dummies