Unelected Doctors & Newsies Speculate On Kansas City Reopening OR Another Three Weeks Of Coronavirus Lockdown

Whilst Prez trump fights over "TOTAL AUTHORITY" these locals attempt to exert their influence.


Public Health Experts: Here's What Needs To Happen Before Kansas City's Economy Reopens

As news broke over the weekend that the U.S. had the most confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world, some of the president's top health officials debated whether it was possible to meet the May 1 deadline President Trump has proposed to reopen the U.S. economy.

You decide . . .


  1. keep it locked down another three weeks and there won't be anything to come back to.

  2. PICTURE THIS: When your prospective barber sports "The Donald" hairdo, just turn and run away.

  3. Never trust the federal government. People aren't just gonna all of a sudden come flooding back to restaurants after Marshal Trump forces a re-open of all businesses on May 1, 2020. These restaurant and business closures/ economic downturn lies at Marshal Trump's feet.

  4. White folks are getting just what they deserve for electing that demon as president.

  5. Maybe al Sharpton would have been better or maybe Spartacus how about Beto they’re all idiots

  6. Thanks, Trump! Your stable genius led us to the brink of ultimate collapse. God damned, Deplorables. We told you Dear Leader would do this yet your ignorance brings us to this awful point in history. This shitshow makes Obama looks like the REAL leader he always was. What I wouldn't give to have his stock market track record back for another 8 years...

  7. Trump is in total control of everything except his mouth and his bladder.


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