Show-Me Guv Parson Rejecting 'All-Mail' Missouri Election 2020

A bold stance from this top ranking official who calls out partisanship highlighted by this post . . .

Parson: We're not going to let everyone vote by mail- it's all political

Apparently, Gov. Mike Parson (shown at the Newton County Republicans' Watermelon Feed in the days before social distancing) has rejected the pleas of local election officials, including Greene County Republican County Clerk (and former state representative) Shane Schoeller to allow everyone to vote by absentee ballots to ensure safety while the COVID-19 situation.


  1. Mail in vote is bogus and it's the only way the democrats can assure their win. Opening up the economy in May and making people mail in votes in November??? Think about that! It doesn't make sense. And your vote will DISAPPEAR!!!!!

    1. You got any evidence of that chief or did it just get transmitted to you through your tin foil hat?

  2. As one of the few states with no early voting, Parson blocking a mail in voting alternative is particularly backwards.

    I didn't think I'd ever see a more worthless Jefferson City idiot than Matt Blunt, but here we are.


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