Kansas Rep. Sharice Talks Coronavirus Issues Impacting Native Americans

Just a bit of progressive tribalism given that this power player is confronting reelection challenges and is part of the effort to make historic Democratic Party advances in Kansas . . . BUT, big media phone in an interview on a topic that's important but isn't the most captivating part of her political struggle during 2020.


Kansas Rep. Sharice Davids On The Last Word With

"The coronavirus is exacerbating a lot of the issues tribal communities and Native people have faced for far too long. I spoke with @Lawrence last night about why that is, and what we're doing to help address these issues." https://twitter.com/sharicedavids/status/1254916793337929728


  1. Well Sharice there is a reason for this. Even in NYC the virus is going down. Maybe if your people would keep clean it would fade, so don't go pulling this woe is me racial issue. After all everything you people get is free so stop bitching and put on your " I want to kill colonizers" shirt and go teach them how to keep clean. How stupid to think the virus attacks only certain nationalities.

  2. The height of fantasy is to have the words "power player" and Sharice Davids in the same sentence.
    Even people in her own political party have no idea who she is.
    And certainly couldn't care less what she thinks or says.
    Identity politics all the time.
    She'll be gone before the snow flies this winter.

  3. The virus is going going down in NYC? They be lyin bout that, boy!

  4. Keep it up Sharice - the more you talk the less likely you are to be reelected.

  5. I'm heartened that she is so concerned about native Americans. Those of us who were born here, i.e. native Americans, could use some support.

  6. This lady has done nothing while in office same as she has done nothing worth noting her entire life other than to get what she wants by playing the race and gender card.

    She's a loser as her record shows.

  7. If she wanted to represent American Indians then she should have run in The Second district. That is where most of the American Indians live in Kansas, not that many in the Third.

  8. ^^^^^Logical reason for that. She would have lost as those she claims to love so much can't stand her at all. She is gay and Indians hate gay people.

  9. @12:01PM-and yet she's in Congress, famous, young and a leader. You? You're here. All day. Everyday. Alone. She won loser. You lose every day! LOL! Now get your shinebox!!

  10. 1:43 you have explained yourself in great detail, yes you are a loser. Oh and using LOL to make a point shows how uncouth of a trailer park living troll with no education you really are.

    Davids is a loser as 12:01 pointed out due to honestly doing nothing but having a few town hall meetings and a few select other Meme appearances.

    She only won in a race where she was the lessor of other evils. This next time around that isn't going to be the case since some good candidates are now going for the office and people quickly became aware of how big a dud Davids was. Nope she is done and will probably be along side you competing for customers with your shine boxes.


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