Kansas City Crusader Against AIDS Shares Local Hope For Coronavirus Crisis

Stigma, government inaction, political debate and culture war posturing mark every disease. The current pandemic is no different.

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Veterans Of The AIDS Epidemic In Kansas City Have Advice For Coping During COVID-19

For gay men in Kansas City who lived through the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, the threat of COVID-19 is eerily familiar. That comes with anxiety and grief, as well as powerful lessons and perspective.


  1. The doctors on TV use the same playbook. The White House wouldn't acknowledge AIDS and the White House wouldn't acknowledge coronavirus. Let the stigma begin.

    1. Uh, no. Fauci was behind the AIDS propaganda too. Heteros DID NOT get AIDS in large numbers. They got it from tainted blood products. Trump acted when the WHO was still claiming that COVID-19 was nothing to worry about. Any questions?

    2. Dr. Birx deserves the credit. She worked with Reagan when Reagan wouldn't say the word AIDS out loud. The White House press conferences during the Reagan era were frequented with jokes about AIDS, not unlike the current White House press conferences. Trump still makes jokes... The doctors refer to one type of curve and Trump refers to another.

  2. AIDS is still as bad, and fudge Packers are still spreading it. We just have more drug cocktails and th he media doesn't talk about it. So unless you are shoving your dick in a dirty ass you are probably not gonna get it. Probably.

  3. Been there seen that4/11/20, 3:05 PM

    In California it's $1,000 fine for being outside without a mask. There is no fine and no punishment for knowingly transmitting HIV. When AIDS first came dripping out of the San Francisco bathhouses people raised their concerns but we're told they were bigots for voicing their health concerns. Now we see the disease was mostly driven my personal sexual choices, Then got transferred into the blood Supply system. Yet gay people were not forced into confinement or forced to self isolate. Because that would just be silly, yes? More people will die this year from hiv-related illnesses then this pandemic.(from the CDC website) This is not gay bashing this is a look back at how a disease could have been avoided.

  4. HIV / AIDS is currently most problematic in the black and Hispanic communities, not the LGBT communities. Prejudice didn't help in the 80s and wont help now.

  5. Alphabet people make more noise than a busted chainsaw.


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