News Roundup: Kansas City Metro Suffers 1,000 Coronavirus Cases And Counting

At the end of the day, here are the metro coronavirus totals as the Greater Kansas City Area endures more than 1,000 cases reported so far . . . Here's a quick breakdown of the numbers:

KCMO Health Department: As of April 8, Kansas City has recorded 253 positive COVID-19 cases and 7 deaths. Includes 129 women, 119 men, 4 teenagers and one child

KMBC: Kansas adds 146 cases of COVID-19 to reach 1,046 mark -- On Wednesday, Wyandotte County passed Johnson County to become the biggest outbreak of coronavirus in the state.

Post-Dispatch: Missouri reports 3,327 cases and 58 deaths in the state, more than double the totals reported one week earlier.

After the jump we're sharing TWO DOZEN STORIES concerning the pandemic and local life . . .

Kansas City Coronavirus Survivor Story Inspires

COVID-19 survivor shares experience as KC metro sees more than 1,000 cases

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - As of Wednesday, there were more than 1,000 COVID-19 cases in the Kansas City metropolitan area, and one woman who has recovered from the virus believes she might have contracted it while on the job. "This is serious.

Kansas City Public Television Teachable Moment

KCPT Shifts Daytime Programming to Support Kansas City's Students

KCPT, Kansas City PBS, has announced a shift in programming to better serve caregivers, educators and home-bound students during the ongoing COVID-19 public health crisis. Beginning Monday, April 13, 2020, all previously announced weekday, daytime schedules will change to educational programs and lessons featuring social studies, math, and literacy favorites.

Kansas City Working-Class Confront Coronavirus

Social distancing, working from home isn't so easy for all in the KC metro

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - We've all heard it by now: Stay home and when you have to go uot, social distance. But this advice isn't as easy to follow for everyone in the metro. "The fact that we've got minority populations that are more susceptible to particular diseases is not a new story," said Franklin [...]

Golden Ghetto Transmission

Wife of man who was Joco's first COVID-19 death finally gets tested and it's positive

"I called them twice after Dennis died to see if I could get tested because I was his caregiver, and they said no. Now I'm sitting home with symptoms, and I have the disease," Joanna Wilson said of the health department.

Kansas City Fights Cavity Creeps And Coronavirus

Some local dentist offices remain open, hoping to avoid strain on hospitals

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- The American Dental Association has instructed dentist's offices to remain closed through the end of April in most cases as part of the effort to slow the transmission of COVID-19. But some dentist's offices are opening their doors under certain circumstances for the very same reason.

Senior Moment In The Burbs

Lee's Summit meal delivery service now face challenges while dropping off meals to senior citizens

LEE'S SUMMIT, MO (KCTV) - A Lee's Summit based meal delivery service says their program is more important now than ever but delivering in a pandemic presents many challenges. "It's very rewarding to give back. That's what it's all about," One Good Meal volunteer Hershell Spurlock said.

Worker Healthcare Privacy Vs. COVID-19 Public Health Data

What rights do you have when a coworker gets COVID-19? Privacy takes precedence

KANSAS CITY, Mo - There's a lot of fear surrounding the coronavirus, especially among those who still have to work at companies where someone has contracted the virus. FOX4 has been inundated with people writing and calling, upset they're not being told more about co-workers who have tested positive for COVID-19.

Golden Ghetto Courthouse Catches Coronavirus

Johnson County Courthouse employee tests positive for COVID-19

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A Johnson County Courthouse employee has tested positive for COVID-19, the Johnson County District Attorney's Office confirmed Wednesday morning. Some staff continues to work inside the Johnson County Courthouse in Olathe and Johnson County District Court remains operations, though it went to 100% remote hearings last week.

JoCo Plan To Flatten Curve

Johnson County asks residents to report symptoms then announces random COVID-19 testing plan

OLATHE, Kan. - In the first 24 hours that a community health survey was available, 1,600 Johnson County residents logged on to tell health officials they have symptoms consistent with the coronavirus. Then on Wednesday, the director of the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment announced its first drive-thru testing.

Harsh Times Hit Heartland

Unemployment claims skyrocket in Kansas, Missouri

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - New numbers show both Kansas and Missouri unemployment insurance claims are skyrocketing as the economic impact of COVID-19 spreads through communities. Kansans are being asked to use the state labor department's website to file new claims, and it's getting a lot of traffic.

Show-Me Legal Risk Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Missouri Health Care Workers Lack Legal Protections For Potential Life-Or-Death COVID-19 Decisions

With COVID-19 cases yet to peak locally, health care workers on the front lines of the growing outbreak face the possibility of having to make excruciating decisions about who gets care and who doesn't. And in Missouri at least, doctors, nurses and others working under these crisis conditions currently lack any legal protections for such life-and-death decisions, worrying health experts and bioethicists.

Missouri COVID-19 Prison Death

Missouri DOC inmate with COVID-19 dies in hospital

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A Missouri Department of Corrections inmate who was being treated at a Kansas City-area hospital for COVID-19 died last week. The man, who was held in isolation for two weeks before being transferred to the hospital on March 19, died April 2, according to a spokeswoman for the Department of Corrections.

Kansas Grave Convern

Kansans Can't Gather For Funerals, Further Complicating Grief During COVID-19 Times

WICHITA, Kansas - Open the newspaper to the obituaries and you'll read a reflection of our times. Private family graveside services planned. ... Celebration of life at a later date. ... The memorial service will be live-streamed.

Show-Me Coronavirus Missouri Field Hospital Coming Soon

Parson announces National Guard has begun work on state's first alternate care site

(From Gov. Mike Parson) In today's COVID-19 briefing, Governor Mike Parson announced that Missouri is moving forward with its first alternate care site to assist hospitals in the St. Louis region treating an increased number of COVID-19 patients.

Kansas Confronts EPIC Layoffs

COVID-19 outbreak leaves grim unemployment picture in Kansas

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Kansas spent nearly $15 million last week on unemployment, but that barely scratches the surface of the need amid the COVID-19 outbreak. During a typical week from January to March in the past two years, Kansas provided unemployment benefits for roughly 8,500 workers.

KCFD Adapts To Coronavirus

Local firefighters and their families divided by COVID-19

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) - The Kansas City Fire Department is recommending firefighters and EMS professionals socially distance from their own families. Which can be hard, especially for those with young children. Kim Prentice's husband Adam is a KCFD firefighter. For now, he's living in the basement of their home.

Celebrating Community Fabric Amid Coronavirus

Quilting guild making face masks for first responders

Members of the Olathe Quilter's Guild are focused on making face masks for health care workers and first responders."It is analogous to rolling bandages in the Civil War," quilter Mary Ellen Winter said. Winter is currently off from her day job, but she has not had much down time these past few weeks.

Conversation With Bird Lady Of Kansas City

Staying Home On COVID-19 Lockdown Has Turned This Kansas City Woman Into A Serious Bird Watcher

Now that we're spending more time at home, you might find yourself looking out your window more. It's unlikely you'll get as lucky as one Kansas City woman did, though. Shannon Lindgren was a little nervous when she and her husband had to start working from their 5th floor apartment on the Plaza.

Tamale Lockdown Time

The Tamale Kitchen cooking for workers who've lost jobs

The secret to delicious tamales is in the ingredients, says Gigi Aguirre. Spices added to the dough and meat add flavor, but they must also be made with love and patience because they take a lot of work. Aguirre has been cooking with other immigrant women as part of The Tamale Kitchen for six years, since its inception.

Coronavirus Clears Downtown Kansas City Streets

Photos show downtown Kansas City streets, parks deserted during 'stay-at-home' order

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The streets of downtown are much quieter after Mayor Quinton Lucas issued a "stay-at-home" order that went into effect March 24. Photos taken on Thursday, March 31 between 6:30 and 8 p.m. show streets largely devoid of cars. Caution tape is wrapped around a chair and park equipment in an effort [...]

Kansas City Nonprofit Repurposed To Help Community Recover From COVID-19

New nonprofit switches gears to serve those in need

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - The Village KC, Inc. is a new nonprofit that just launched in late February. It is housed at DeLaSalle Education Center and their focus is to provide a safe space and resources for middle and high schoolers to grow and learn.

Locals From Every Demographic Join Coronavirus Fight

Local Chinese community helps fight COVID-19 in Kansas City

KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) - For many in Kansas City, the severity of the novel coronavirus didn't hit home until February or March. But for some, the dismal future in the U.S. was clear before that, because they saw it in their native country of China.

KC Drive-Thru Pandemic Help

Food bank serving drive-thru style because of COVID-19


Kansas City Coronavirus Support For The Troops

Kansas City VA Medical Center staff get morale boost as they start shift

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - As nurses, doctors, volunteers and other workers entered the Kansas City VA Medical Center parking lot Wednesday morning, a group of people cheered them on. The group held signs with encouraging words to recognize the selfless and courageous work these medical employees do every day.

Developing . . .