Clay Chastain Reveals New Campaign Pitch

This district hasn't elected a Republican since before the Depression era and maybe not then, here's the best shot of the longtime Kansas City transit activist . . .

Republican Congressional Candidate Clay Chastain discloses his campaign platform - "A Whole New Candidate"

As we hope to heaven we are emerging from a deathly, debilitating and frightening global pandemic, we are also moving toward the most pivotal National election ever.
With global warming darkening the prospects of future generations;
With America's war torn inner cities continuing to foster hopelessness;
With a $25 trillion National debt holding our Nation's future hostage;
With America in need of training and employing millions to rebuild and modernize its decaying infrastructure, polluting power plants and outdated transportation systems;
With economic inequality still a stain on the world's greatest country;
With the earth's ravaged animal and plant eco-systems in need of immediate rescue; and
With the unborn still being aborted (even while their innocent hearts are still beating) etc. etc., cries out for 'A Whole New Direction' and 'Whole New Candidates' to lead it.

Engineer Clay Chastain stands ready with his innovative ideas, work ethic and sense of duty to country, Kansas City and the planet, to do all he can to help.

You decide . . .



    Stay in Virginia.

  2. Clay, if you are concerned about $25 Trillion in National Debt, there is NO WAY you can call yourself a Republican!

    The only way to reduce that Debt is by raising taxes, and that path is forbidden to you by Owner/ Masters!

  3. Stay Away! Derks 2020


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