Once again the latest murder and mass shooting in Westport leaves Kansas City struggling to find answers and stop the violence.
Sadly, all we've seen from biz leaders is a disgusting blame game press release that seemingly attempts to throw one of their own establishments under the bus.

We won't debate the facts of the statement but merely question the tactics . . .
Fact is, the so-called "street vacation" hasn't been effective in thwarting violence around the perimeter of the Midtown party district and gives a FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY TO PATRONS who are on their own once they step outside the gates.
Moreover, in the age of technology and global connectivity the description of Westport's security systems seems antiquated and in serious need of updating and more investment.
The big picture: Time after time Westport has needlessly engaged in grudge matches with City Hall and played a losing political game with one council member and administration after the next while the elite clientele simply found safer and more trendy venues. Even worse, the historic and quaint buildings have been consistently torn down to make way for more generic fare. The final nail in the coffin might be an EPIC APARTMENT COMPLEX COMING SOON that threatens ruin the district with low-rent denizens overcrowding already dangerous streets. Meanwhile, bad parking, lame restaurants & bars and continued safety concerns demonstrate the lack of a clear vision for this embattled entertainment district.
To be fair, the have a new breakfast place that chubby middle-class patrons seem to enjoy.
And so . . .
Despite assurances from Westport leaders it's clear that Kansas City, our new mayor and neighborhood leaders have serious questions about ongoing deadly violence in this party place that continues to dominate local headlines.
Check the links:
Local Deadly Tradition
Westport business owners say gun violence becoming familiar
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - One person is dead and four others are hurt after a shooting around 1:30 a.m. Saturday in Westport. And nearby business owners said they are tired of Westport being associated with this type of violence. Jerusalem Cafe Manager Adam Alezzah said he understands why people feel on edge when going into Westport.
Witness Westport FAIL
Community reacts to deadly shooting in Westport
KANSAS CITY, MO (KCTV) -- Despite the shooting that happened just this morning in Westport, it is still crowded tonight and throughout the day it was pretty much the same. In the afternoon, Sophia and Micah were racking up Girl Scout Cookie sales in front of World Market in Westport for their camping trip.
Kansas City History Of Westport Violence Revealed
'Do I feel safe?': Leap Day shooting is the most recent of 5 gun deaths in Westport in the past 4 years
Around 1:30 a.m. on Feb. 29, a person in a white SUV traveling on Mill Street near the intersection with Westport Road fired a gun out of his vehicle, hitting five people. One of them died, becoming Kansas City's 25th homicide of 2020.
KCMO Life & Death Considered
Deadly Westport shooting has patrons questioning their safety
KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A deadly shooting in Westport has people questioning their safety in the popular area of Kansas City, Missouri. "I've been here before when there has been shootings, which is sad to say that I've been here before when there's been shootings," Maggie Bourk said.
You decide . . .
Westport has sucked since the 90s. You just can't have a low rent cheap beer district in kansas city. This is the same crowd the ruined the crossoads. Garbage drinks, food and drunks just create problems for everyone. At this rate the city might want to think about imposing a midnight curfew. No reason to waste police resources and put innocent people in jeopardy just to sell a few ore beers.
ReplyDelete^^^^ Wrong, wrong, wrong.
DeleteYou think the solution is regulation and nothing could be further from the truth.
The problem isn't the violence, it's the venue.
Get a big ring and put it in the middle of westport. When people have a problem they can get in the ring and slug it out until somebody taps out. That way cowards don't have to get their guns and instead can just knock each other's heads in. Problem FIXED.
Alcohol is the problem. Some of these people get blacked out drunk . They would never do any of these regretful things if sober. There is no answer except they grow out of it. But not soon enough.
DeleteFix Westport? Good luck with that! I'll be partying with the housewives of Leawood and testing out their vaginal rejuvenation treatments.
ReplyDeleteNo you won't. You'll be sitting at Bob Evans until your 8pm bedtime.
DeleteYea with his herpes from the 80's.
DeleteWould count on social media to fix much with KC. Too busy wanting free bus rides!
ReplyDeleteIf you hook up with some skank at Westport, be sure to double bag it!
ReplyDelete5:56 nailed it.
ReplyDeleteWasn’t this another occurrence of hood rat violence against other hood rats? If so, why does this matter at all?
ReplyDelete"they feel the shooting is a gun problem."... Yet in Rural areas of Kansas and Missouri almost everyone owns a gun. But shootings are very rare. I wonder what they are missing in Rural areas ? You fucking idiots. Lay it out and be truthful. It's a culture of one part of our population that generates it.
ReplyDeleteCan't blame guns, lack of cops, elected officials. The same people that complain about higher security levels there are the same people doing the crimes. Same people that committed the majority of murders last year and always have. Tired of the what ifs bullshit and lack of saying exactly what it is.
ReplyDeleteI still say to rid the violence in Westport, The Plaza and P&L is you create a diversion. People keep complaining about how there is no money to help 18th and vine. Build an entertainment district there with a few restaurants and live entertainment i.e. rap/hip-hop for them to gather along with the wannabes with an open mic night. You have to make many of the things free or cheap or else they won't show up. This also keeps city hall from funding 18th & Vine as well. Shows kc if this place is worth keeping open too. You would likely need a large police presence as well but it would be worth it if you can keep the bullshit in one place. It's obvious that they can't act civil so simply take them out of the equation.
ReplyDeleteWe did have a diversion. That shithole Ultra shithole where all the shootings were.
ReplyDeleteThe violence in Westport mirrors the exact same violence all over America where the white and black tectonic plates in the racial fault line strain mightily against each other until the next predictable eruption.
ReplyDeleteMore security, money, cops and good intentions are NOT the long sought after answers to this problem, which, admit it or not, is racial.
Progressives have, for decades, made bank at the ballot box by engineering a narrative that convinces black people that they can't make it in American society unless they embrace "victimhood" and the slavery of the 170 years now dead Antebellum South as the excuse for failure. That "failure" is the golden parachute that lets parents, teachers, politicians, 'community activists' and all SJW's off of the hook when lying to the black electorate about "Institutional Racism" and quoting poseur-phonies like Ta-Nehisi Coates in order to remain in power.
Employment in the "Racial Grievance Industry" one of the very best paying jobs in the country, while coming along with money, status and fame require zero effort in school, or, at any vocational on the job training program. You just have to wake up one day and decide to get pissed at WHITEY and then tell your black loser/ex-con buddies to spread the word, that the only reason they are not running General Electric is because of Slavery.
At this point armed with justified rage, blacks now roam the streets with forgiveness in advance for crimes, sins and misdemeanors by way of society's legal (Affirmative Action etc. etc.) and nebulous, blanket, umbrella of white guilt in the form of an acknowledged societal "PLENARY INDULGENCE". Black crime is forgiven in advance by way of the pretense that crime is not committed, it is "CAUSED" by the evils of White Devils.
The necrotic philosophy that kills, in this town, around 150 blacks a year in murders (I think they are under reported.) rapes, assaults, robberies, in just the inner city is the price that blacks pay, in their minds, in order to maintain political power. The bodies, stacked like firewood, exsanguinating into gutters is a grotesque indictment of the very 'leaders' who are still, after decades, more than willing to kill their own constituents in order to maintain power, money and sinecure.
After decades, there is metastatic growth into all levels of white and black thought that is probably now impossible to remove.
In the end, it is far easier to cast blame and expect recompense than it is to look the devil in the eye and know you are actually looking in the mirror.
Their will be no fall outside the walls of Damascus for black politicians who make a pretty good life off of hatred and calls for the usual penultimate calls for violence, as always just prior to the coda, calls for more money.
This is way to easy, way too predictable and there is still a lot of blood for these vampires to still suck out of their and our community.
When Westport is done, they will just move on, like those locusts in Africa.
8:04 FTW!
ReplyDeleteWell after browsing all these kicking the can down the road media links-feeble attempts at controlling what people think let me ask. How did that Sly James renaissance work out for everyone?
ReplyDeleteThe neighborhood just east of WP along 39th and Broadway is dangerous as hell and affects the area. Westport is fine during daylight hours.
ReplyDelete"Westport is fine during daylight hours."
ReplyDeleteOh really you haven't been held up or assaulted yet during the marvelous and frosty vibrant daylight Westport?
Don't worry about it. Chief Andy and Officer Fife are on it.
ReplyDeleteIf Quinton, city leaders or business comunity would look at and comprehend the KCPD’s data he would immediately know the who and what for KCMO’s homicide problem. The police already know the cause of the high homicide rate but do not want to directly say it. Everybody seems to be dancing around the cause of the high homicide rate.
ReplyDeleteKansas City, Missouri is 55 percent white and 30 percent black. The Kansas City Police Department puts together one of the more thorough homicide analysis available in the entire nation on a yearly basis.
The 2019 KCPD Daily homicide analysis noting of 148 victims:
77 percent were black
18 percent were white
But what was astonishing about 2019, was the race of the suspects in these homicides: 91 are black, four are Hispanic and 12 are white. Stated another way this means, 88 percent of known homicide suspects in 55 percent white Kansas City, Missouri in 2019 were non-white.
Data link
^^^ When you extrapolate into the area of unsolved crimes with the available stats, it is even more obvious.
ReplyDeleteKnown suspects...we know everyone one of the gun killers in kc are black. .100%.
ReplyDelete^^^ Sounds great but you forgot the biggest racist of them all, the dimwit leader of Missouri politics and Jackson counties own mean jean Petersucker baker, she keeps sending them koloreds back out to murder again and again, it’s kinda like the dimwit party refuses to let go of their racist KKK ways doesn’t it?
ReplyDelete^^^OK Boomer
ReplyDeleteStrip the damn "entertainment district" zoning bullshit. Turn it back into a neighborhood and require bars to be closed with doors locked shut at 2:00am.
ReplyDeleteProblems 85% solved.
House for Sale
ReplyDeleteSophisticated care free living in Historic Westport. Start living your best life when you step into this chic' sun filled unit updated with 2020 decor and finishes.
1bed 1bath For Only $275K!
Gosh Tony you're falling down on the job, you didn't tie this to Coronavirus at all, though if I give you a couple days I'm sure you'll try.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it a number of commenters here can see what the problem is but those like Lucas, Cleaver and the fat Rev's who claim to be such leaders can't?
ReplyDelete^^^^ Because Lucas, Cleaver and the fat Revs are part of the "victimhood" too!
ReplyDeleteGee NaziDave, what do you think should be done?
ReplyDeleteSegregation, genocide & 'stop & frisk' are not available options. You can't even take their guns away because you're Second Amendment Fanatics.
Maybe, you should abandon your notion of "party districts". It's not the city's place to ensure that the muddle class is entertained.
ReplyDeleteBuild That Wall.... along Troost.
11:15 and lying Byron just can't handle the fucking truth.
ReplyDeleteWe need leaders who think like Chuck and Dave. At least they can tell it like it is and not lie or be pricks about it.
Oh bLIEron, you belong to the biggest race group in the country, the KKK DIMWIT PARTY, you just don’t want your kind being arrested for stealing, fraud of the government, murder, rape, drugs, prostitution, child molestation, child pornography and so on. You belong to the most vile, nasty, worthless group of human beings on the face of the earth, your kind need to be.....
ReplyDeleteSmiley selfies Lucas was quoted as saying that the people who constantly perpetrate these kinds of mindless random acts of violence are "behaving with impunity".
ReplyDeleteSadly, he's correct.
Think about that for just a minute.
KCMO is so poorly governed that some folks KNOW that hey can behave any way they ant, including killing innocent people, and what passes for local government can' do anything about it.
Lots of excuses and endless empty explanations.
Who wants to live in anarchy and chaos?
1975 was Westport's greatest year. Safe, fun, cute normal girls, not one thought of anyone having a gun or knife. People totally drunk and dancing all night. Now its a place for the morgue van to park and wait for customers. But if you let Janie Yanofsky hang out on the corner in a bikini then all crime shall stop, her lovelyness cures evil.
ReplyDeleteHere's a great comment made by Super Dave on another site. Deal with it you bitches like Byron who just can't see the real truth.
ReplyDeleteSo sad the so called leaders of Kansas City can't do what is right and needs to be done. But I guess to do so would be having to admit some fault and we all know that ain't going to happen. Bad education and parenting the past two decades is starting to really effect daily life for all. What is Kansas City going to do when those who live in the surrounding counties no long feel safe coming to events in Kansas City and spending their money there? I kid you not, I know people who won't do it now. While the risk is low in a lot of the areas the common comment I hear goes something like this, "Why take a chance, there are many other places to go and have fun while avoiding the downtown area along with Swope Park, Worlds of Fun and the Plaza area. As for concerts a lot of the acts go to Omaha and it makes for a nice get away weekend to go see them there. Ticket prices and costs as a whole are cheaper as well and cover the cost of the drive up for the weekend."
This city is losing tax dollars and to say they are not would be denying what we know is happening. The Chiefs have a parade the country was watching and seeing all over YouTube and what do they remember? Drunk ball players and two people of color being chased in a car along the parade route. Who is doing all the shooting? It's colored people that's who. Byron, if a felon has a gun they can be stopped and frisked because that is what's known as probable cause. Only fools like Byron and people of color are against stop and frisk. Those who will go to jail the most are the ones against stop and frisk. The large majority of American law abiding citizens want stop and frisk.
ReplyDeleteThis is priceless and as usual expected.
ReplyDeleteA man has been charged in Saturday's Westport shooting that left one dead and four others injured.
Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker has charged Devon L. Carter, 25 with Unlawful Use of a Weapon, and Armed Criminal Action.
Those are some of the toughest charges I’ve evar seen, I bet that boy is scared shitless, he’s truly and deathly afraid that Petersucker will give him...... probation.
Petersucker is worthless.
Historically Kansas City is prone to gun violence. Wild West. Cowtown.
ReplyDeleteThat criminal shot those people while the police were watching. Doubt he will get probation - even though the prosecutor would like him released, so he can mow her lawn this summer. Or is he the "pool boy" at her house?
ReplyDeleteStupid Dave you don’t even live in KC, so nobody gives a fuck what a degenerate racist Boomer like you thinks about anything. Maybe stick to orally pleasuring chuck. OK Boomer?
ReplyDeleteTo save future generations we need a one child on welfare only if mother accepts sterilization.
ReplyDeleteAnd, a three violent crime and out policy. As in the death penalty.
Both will help take the burden of raising America off the backs of the school systems and law enforcement.
Tough times demand tough choices.
The facts are : our ancestors, yes our great grandparents and their relatives brought Africans (against their will) to the USA. The Africans wanted to stay in africa with their families and traditional lands. I blame our greedy, selfish, backward thinking ancestors for present problems. They wanted free labor to pick cotton. We are paying for it now. They got rich and we get shot!
ReplyDelete1:35 STFU, you know nothing and are a nothing.
ReplyDelete11:17, you ask what can we do about it. Well one possibility is to do what you did - move to one of the whitest, least black cities in the country.
Some of these comments are REALLY DUMB. The only decent idea are those who suggest making the curfew more strict. Seems like having the place open till 3 AM is a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteJust remember that there was a woman who got shot in Lawrence because of all this fear about Westport. This is America, you can get shot anywhere. Stay safe and be peaceful!
ReplyDeleteFrom Cow Town to Clown Town
ReplyDeleteChuck you do have a point .But in this metro they are shooting at each outher in fifty and sixty thousand dollar,cars and S.U.V.I DON'T think these .Bangers want 40 Acers And a MISSOURI MULE.
ReplyDelete1:35 are you one of those people with Alzheimer's disease that often act as if their minds are caught in an endless tape loop. You say the same thing all the time no matter what Dave says. I bet he could say Happy Birthday to you and you'd respond with, "Stupid Dave you don’t even live in KC, so nobody gives a fuck." Dave owns your ass you know that? If Dave wants you to do something stupid all has to do is say hello and boom you say the same tired crap.
ReplyDeleteBTW I know you're the idiot that says OK Boomer all the time, you say that all the time so yes I'd say it's the early stages of Alzheimers.
Byron moved to where he lives now for easier access to welfare handouts and to get away from those he claims to be so in love with and shows support for.
ReplyDeleteHa! stupid Dave getting run! Love it!
ReplyDelete^^^OK Boomer.
ReplyDelete^^ Ok Millie, Milli vanilli Millie.
ReplyDelete6:56,we all know males are the real skanks.
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck thinks moving to black town is a great idea ? WTF ?