Redux: Downtown Kansas City Stadium Might Spark 'Momentum' Seyz Developer

A CONSTANT KANSAS CITY REFRAIN offered at the alter of taxpayer subsidy . . . Here's a link to more deets for subscribers and a tease of the talking points for the new swindle inside the loop. Read more:

Royals stadium in Downtown would spur office momentum, developer says - Kansas City Business Journal

Kansas City's real estate community continues to root for downtown baseball. The long-simmering conversation about moving the Kansas City Royals from Truman Sports Complex has continued to bubble to the surface since the Royals got a new ownership group led by Kansas City businessman John Sherman.


  1. I would rather see the Royals move out of town rather than downtown.

  2. Does this new owner realise how worthless the Royals team is? Apparently not. He must be a stupid cocksucker if he thinks the Royals deserve a new stadium.

  3. Developers will say anything for their self interest.

  4. Developers and consultants know they are immune from failure in this town.

  5. The last thing downtown needs is a stadium.

    One word: PARKING

  6. there's many issues with a downtown stadium is there's no parking downtown that would have the capability to handle daytime games.and one thing the royals and chiefs are known for is tailgating which we ate very famous for they won't be able to tailgate downtown. In the myth that it's going to bring new development downtown is a myth.but one of the main factors is the new owners of the royals are bunch of fleecing carpetbaggers who basically have tax that not Just the Missouri taxpayers but the Kansas taxpayers of a by state tax.

  7. The County Don't have the Money, and the City don't have the Money. And you don't have the Votes. This is a Sales Pitch that won't work .Unless you can find an Entertainment Company that will put there own Money, That is over a Billion,Dollars. Ask Bloomberg.He is Spending Billions of dollars on ads .A BILLION is walking around money for him.y

  8. Well then the developers should go ahead and pay for it because they have the most to gain


  9. Naturally.

    What else is a developer going to say or hint at or promise?

    "This could be a great tbing!"

    If you suckers pay for it.


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