KCMO Stays Losing Retirement Planning

Another quick reminder that City Hall is failing their employees in a variety of different ways . . . Read more:

Audit: Kansas City needs to better prepare employees for retirement

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A new audit says Kansas City, Missouri, is not doing its part to help city employees make informed retirement decisions. The City Auditor's Office concluded that the city does not have a retirement education program.


  1. Let's recall that the vast majority of KCMO employees are KCPS "graduates" at the lower end of the bell curve. There is literally no amount of information or preparation that can provided that will change the ability to make future thought/action/planning in the slightest.

  2. The city that is $700 million short on pension funding is gonna teach a course on retirement planning. That's rich.

  3. ^^^ Haha +100

  4. Are the city employees too childlike to find their own retirement planners? That's what the city should be encouraging. It is against the law for plan sponsors to provide retirement advice, as opposed to making it available.


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