Kansas City Pothole Push Back Starts Now

Here's the current administration and council working to answer AN EPIC ONSLAUGHT OF COMPLAINTS about the condition of this town's streets. Checkit:

KCMO approves overtime for Public Works crews to fill potholes

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Drivers could soon get some much-needed relief from the sport of pothole dodging. The acting city manager of Kansas City, Missouri, on Friday gave the Public Works Department approval to pay workers overtime to fill potholes.


  1. Declare an "emergency" to fill potholes? The winter want't event a bad winter. Dumping asphalt on a failing road doesn't fix the road.

  2. Without regular street maintenance, which takes both a plan and actual management, the pothole issue will continue to get worse and worse.
    Maybe the "Infrastructure and Aviation" committee on the council could pay a little attention to the damage the incompetence and neglect continues to cause residents and visitors.
    It also seems unlikely that these clowns are exactly "on top of" the airport terminal fiasco.
    Your tax dollars at work.

  3. Mayor McDrinkerson will surely solve this extremely basic problem of civic governance!

  4. Thought we just solved the problem by attending the "KCMO RESIDENT SPEAK EASY SESSIONS".

    Maybe not.


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