Hot Mess Crash Course In Hyde Park After Kansas City Police Chase

Quick look at "vibrant" local life in one of this town's most troublesome enclaves. Here's a report on one of many urban life risks:

Police chase leads to several smashed cars in Hyde Park

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Several cars are ruined after a police chase in the Hyde Park neighborhood. The chase happened at 1:54 a.m. on Saturday, according to KCPD. When officers were on patrol on East 39th Street, they saw a silver Nissan traveling the opposite way on 39th Street speeding with only one headlight on.


  1. Midtown living! Smashed cars, busted windows, thefts, drugged out weirdos! I did it for 15 years. Left 2 years ago. Don't miss it.

  2. Like the Slyster once said.
    It's all just a part of living in a vibrant, diverse, dense, and exciting urban environment!
    All this and you get to fill your own potholes and shovel snow off your street too!

  3. What would you expect out of a shithole armpit of a nigger ran city full of stinking out of control apes

    1. Well I wouldn't expect them to lead the cracker invasion of Iraq based on bloodthirsty lies which you eagerly cheered, but which you now think was a bad idea because some shithole named Trump finally told you so, you Nazi little bitch.

  4. @9:02 Get the F out of our city and our country, go live in Iraq with the rest of the jihadis. You don't even know what a Nazi is. It's obvious you have no idea what is going on in the world. Trump doesn't even fit into this equation MORON!

    It's so funny these people are coming into Hyde Park over paying for these houses and then park on the streets, it's also no place for kids. There's way more that goes on in Hyde Park than what people here about. GANGS and they have no problem living like Iraqi's just look at 9:02.

  5. 902 is a Sand monkey. Obviously he supports terrorists over Citizens here.

  6. ^^^ C'mon man. Nobody likes you.

  7. I'm so glad I don't have to park on the street like nearly everyone in Hyde Park. I've got a friend who lives in an apartment building there because of the diversity. Her car has been broken into and vandalized three times. It's time to rethink some of these police chases.

  8. What does breaking into and vandalizing your friend's car have to do with police chases?


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