How To Beat The Kansas City Winter Blues

College scribes share their secret to success that mostly involves some fleeting luxury paid for by their parents . . . Luckily, that's how most middle-aged locals "cope" as well.

Meanwhile, the remaining 99% of cowtown broke-asses must look for solace on a budget and by way of booze, smokes, carbs or refined sugar. Double bonus: THEY ALL CAUSE CANCER!!!

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How to Deal with the Kansas City Cold

The Kansas City winter is upon us! The walks to and from classes are unbearable once again, but don't worry, it will be over in four months. We already had our first taste of icy streets and snow-covered trees and we can only expect that to become more frequent as it gets colder.


  1. Get a girlfriend that knows how to keep hot chocolate warm.

  2. ^^OK Boomer.

  3. ^^ The only chocolate you're going to get it is from your boyfriend.

  4. ^^UGH. Stop Boomer, you don't do this well. Die off please.


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