Ruskies Targeting Kansas Votes?!?!

Here's a peek at the fight for better election technology in 2020. Take a look:

Kansas Election Officials Say They're On Guard For Hackers Messing With Your 2020 Vote

TOPEKA, Kansas - Kansas and federal election officials say they know the 2020 election could come under attack from foreign governments or rogue hackers. They also insist they're braced to guard against efforts to tamper with voting. In recent elections, Russian hackers tried to breach election systems in more than 20 states and successfully accessed voter registration data in Illinois.


  1. Well then lets have voter ID and only use paper ballot. Problem solved


    Sharice Davids (D) of Kansas' 3rd Congressional district has suggested banning the option of voting a "straight ticket"!!!

  3. The Democrats are the ones that will influence the Election Minorities Independent And Democrats are Tired of the Democrats Socialist agenda, The,more they want to impeach. The more Americans will vote for Trump. INJOY the Show. With Sleepy JOE. The Ukraine


  4. 'Russian hackers tried to breach election systems in more than 20 states and successfully accessed voter registration data in Illinois'

    ^ this is not true
    this whole article is propaganda and probably a cover
    for actual interference from here at home

  5. Really NicK??? Why, did Trump tell you it was the Ukrainians you dumb fucking useful idiot? Move to Russian you fucking authoritarian loving ass.

  6. Representative Swallow-well12/24/19, 8:26 AM

    I saw Putin at a motel 8.

  7. ^^^hehe, except, yeah, everyone in our intelligence community has stated explicity Russia was responsible for tampering in our last election. But then again, intelligence and you dumbfuck Trumpers are two words that don't mingle at all.

    Do you enjoy being a useful idiot? Or are you just like, "whatever, at least I'm owning the libs".

    1. Yep those couple of Facebook ads really made the difference for 63 million people.

      Did the evil Russians hack Hillary's charisma too? Dang it!

  8. Craig Glazer's Head In A Jar12/24/19, 3:20 PM

    The illegitimate, apartheid state of I$rael interferes with every aspect our government and has been doing so for decades.


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