Kansas Blue Wave Persists: Survey Seyz Guv Kelly More Popular Than Prez Trump

The impact of 2018 elections is still being debated as we slouch toward the next round of voting . . . However, public opinion research reveals Kansans happy with their decision of a moderate granny over an alt-right firebrand . . . Read more:

Gov. Laura Kelly's approval rating in Kansas tops President Donald Trump's

Kansans participating in a statewide political survey expressed greater satisfaction with the job performance of Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly than Republican President Donald Trump, who finds himself underwater in the deeply red Midwest state.


  1. Who writes this stuff? Just last week the whole state was 100% behind the President, you just can’t get anybody to tell the truth anymore

  2. Not surprising at all, a Licorice/Watermelon Popsicle would probably be more popular than Trump is, except among the deluded 12%.

  3. I like this quote by the so called political expert involved with this story. “But many of those people will still end up voting for him in 2020,” said Beatty.

    Kelly is very popular with the college students, Sedgwick, Shawnee, Wyandotte and Johnson county residents but not so by the rest of the state. Fort Hayes also did not elaborate on where the poll was taken. Brett Zollinger, Ph.D. has in past been questioned on some of his so called surveys leaning towards socialists views.

    I'd like to see polls declared unlawful as they are too easily tainted to give what ever view you want presented. Remember the polls said Hillary had it in the bag.

  4. ^^^In the bag by wide margins.
    She was already having a lackey polish her crown.

  5. Fake News. Weird.

  6. The polls said Hillary would win by a wide margin too. Weirdo


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