Cowtown Reality Check: Kansas City Stays Losing Blight Fight Just Like Baltimore

Local comparison on this town's lack of progress despite City Hall promises to cope with a longstanding complaint of neighborhoods:

"Kansas City, which has about 100,000 fewer residents (across a larger area), also has roughly 10,000 vacants."

More deets on the big city housing challenges this cowtown is losing:

Can Baltimore ever fix its housing blight?

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - For decades, Baltimore City has been plagued by blocks filled with blighted, boarded-up and dilapidated homes. Recently, the city's seen new efforts in tackling vacant houses, which have continued to number about 16,000. For the past couple of years, Project C. O. R. E.


  1. The dark state is sitting on an etnic based virus. Soon as they feel like they have bought up enough of the inner cities they will release it. Gentrification unleashed.

  2. That housing in the picture is suitable for colored people in Baltimore. They tore it up, they can live there.

  3. But all the anti landlord regulations passed by the kc council have fixed all of this. Right?

  4. Baltimore is a shithole city torn up by the you know who's so piss on them let them live in their filth.

  5. Hey KCMO,

    Baltimore just broke their homicide record, so if you're going to be keeping up with the Joneses, you need a few more murders in the next 4 days. Don't be a slacker!

  6. 10:44 +1000000000

  7. This beautifylly de-gentrifying neighborhoods should be celebrated as an urban success story. Housing on these blocks has become much more affordable. Look at D.C. - with only 1,200 vacant units - has been a victim of gentrification.

    Abandoned decrepit houses are a boon for those looking for affordable housing, as such, urban decay should be encouraged!

  8. The only way to fix anything in this shithole town is to get rid of all blacks, sorry but it’s true, where evar they go, death and destruction follows.

  9. Well, when City policy is to discriminate and throw Black people out of homes that they owned for 50 years or more because some two-bit hustling Black preacher has a connection to the Police department, then you’re bound to have these realities. White people can complain about the so-called ghetto but they don’t know half the dumb shit Black people face with regards to the City, City services, access to services and crime which make staying in a house a near impossibility and maintaining one a hardship rather than an equity booster. And... many of the vacant and blighted property in Kansas City urban is owned by suburban Whites who buy the property so they can get a lead on Chiefs and Royal tix.

  10. ^^^ that’s the dumbest comment today so you win the award, here’s your “stupid” sign.

    1. May sound dumb but its full-on fact. You miserable, ignorant fucktard.

  11. Fucking spooks are worthless. I was at Walmart in Lee’s Summit last night the apes were EVERYWHERE. The loudmouth animals are gonna destroy Lee’s Summit next . I guess the complete destruction of grandview and raytown and Ruskin doesn’t satisfy the animals. Everything the savages touch turns to shit, filthy animals

  12. Trump has proved after 3 years he can't make America great again. In fact, according to reporting here, it's getting worse.


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