This market overview reports that Kansas City housing inventory stands at -16% YTD.

Send our way by TOP ECHELON INSIDERS offering a behind the scenes look on the upcoming local economic crisis:

Here's where the housing shortage is the worst

The supply of homes for sale is falling across the nation, as demand soars and attractive mortgage rates pull buyers off the sidelines.


  1. "Housing Shortage" is a scam devised and cooked up by builders and real estate people. It's also a code word for unaffordable of course as always. It's all a big scam, joke.

  2. Mandatory birth control would help. Just put it in the public water supply.

    Housing shortage problem solved.

  3. +100000

    The other part of the equation is how much destruction the blacks have caused in their own neighborhoods, the city tears down so many houses in the central core its not even funny, blacks destroy neighborhoods and cities with their presence, nobody wants to build anything around them. This is why we have to pay businesses to come here, the tax breaks and money we give them is to cover their losses because of these fools. Sorry, but it’s true.

  4. 7:34: How about mandatory abortion? Sometimes birth control fails.


    Housing market - sales fall, prices fall most in 5 years

  6. There will be abandoned properties far and wide in Jackson County. Plenty of housing for everyone.

  7. Developers have switched to the more lucrative rental market than building new neighborhoods. They are creating the shortage to drive prices up which also increases profits. Don’t fall for the old okey-doke. FOH

  8. As a builder/Carpenter/Manager retired after 40 years in Construction and having had a Home Builder father, it's more than clear we have a housing crisis of huge proportions. Rents are going sky high while wages are actually falling behind for the working poor and the middle class. There is no significant amount of affordable housing being built. The market has abandoned the lower middle class and the working poor. There is no money to be made from serving that market.
    Solutions will have to include significant tax breaks and some Government support. Some way must be found to return to a large scale of supplying starter homes to a burgeoning mass of the lower to lower middle class.
    There also needs to be the same effort to rehab urban housing in a way that money can be made. Make it economically viable to serve that market and you will see amazing things happen.
    In KC split the School district into at least three new districts, force them all to install new leadership. What sane person would send kids to the KC School district?

  9. I would add more clarity to my previous post. Get government out of the way. De-politicize housing in urban areas. Stop the corruption among the urban core political class.

  10. Nobody is buying what the real estate brokers and building contractors are saying on the housing shortage issues. Look at the lack of quality One Light and Two Light construction and compare it to the cost per square feet? This is clearly the best fraud racket in Kansas City. Tax breaks for construction contractors are through the roof in Kansas City. You can't demand less government and more tax breaks. You clearly have no understanding what the roll is government. Contractors are walking away with tax dollars as we speak. Look at the Jackson County Jail. Millions are spent on maintenance but there was no maintenance. Where is the engineering reports over the last 30 years of the life of the jail? No fire inspections?

  11. Inventory is down from last year; but lower inventory doesn't necessarily indicate a shortage in inventory. An excess inventory isn't a good thing, either.

  12. The CNBC writer, Diana Olick is "relegated to very fast reports on real estate". She is not really deemed pretty enough to be on the floor of the studio. She does her own research and its usually wrong. She looks like a drowned rat. Now the demand is strong for $600,000 + homes, like teardowns in JOCO. But there are plenty of cheaper homes for sale around the entire area, amny needing work, older people going to nursing homes in huge numbers and their houses are for sale. Also banks have hundreds of foreclosures still on the books and sitting empty so they don't have to record a loss. Plenty of homes, just fewer buyers of cheaper homes.


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