It's official . . . At an EPIC salary and after one of the most disproportionate tax increases in Kansas City history.

The City Hall leader is walking across the street . . .

Here's his resignation letter . . .

2nd draft . . .

Insiders remind us that the Jackson County Legislature is going along with this move because their relationship is so bad with Exec Frank White and his assitant Caleb that they're eager to seek out any voice of reason.

And so, here's the body of Mr. Schulte's accomplishments which mostly revolve around shifting money back back and forth and playing nice with developers . . .

City Manager Troy Schulte today submitted his resignation letter to the Mayor and City Council. He is expected to be hired soon by Jackson County to fill the position of County Administrator.

“I am looking forward to tackling several major challenges for Jackson County,” Schulte said. “The County Administrator position provides an opportunity to continue my public service in a new role, and I appreciate the confidence shown by the County Legislators and County Executive.”

Schulte has served 10 years as city manager, and a total of 21 years with the City of Kansas City, while racking up multiple success stories:

- Balanced billion- dollar budgets during both a recession and an economic upturn

- Guided the creation and implementation of the GO KC 20-year infrastructure repair program

- Created an award-winning citywide business plan

- Expanded the use of data to guide decision-making and to measure results

- Created a modern streetcar system that has sparked billions of dollars in economic development

- Brought free public WiFi to the downtown business district and along the Prospect Avenue corridor

- Increased leadership opportunities for women and minorities

- A new convention center hotel is under construction

- A new airport terminal is under construction

“I thank Troy for his decades of service to our city,” Mayor Quinton Lucas said. “The impact of his work will be felt for generations. I appreciate Troy’s participation in our city manager search process and his dedication to ensuring continuity for our City employees during this transition period. I wish Troy and Laurie the best in this next chapter.”

Schulte previously announced that he would leave city service at the end of his current contract, in February 2020. His final day as city manager will be Dec. 2.

Schulte leaves city management on solid footing. Following other top-level retirements, he has promoted Tammy Queen to Finance Director, Donna Maize to Fire Chief, and Teri Casey to acting director of the Human Resources Department.

You decide . . .


  1. Can we start taking bets.

    Here's goes:

    He'll last less than a year. Jackson County is much rougher than City Hall and Troy is far too much of a gentleman to succeed.

  2. Department heads are gonna roll sooner than expected! This is a good thing as for this city. Get the lazy riff raff out fast!

  3. The Management Flow Chart for the County will now look exactly like a map of the sewer system for Saginaw, Wisconsin.

  4. I won't vote for one Legislator who approves going along with this unless they insist Caleb Clifford resigns first. We don't need a Chief of Staff and County Administrator making a combined $350K.

  5. County Administrator??? How about County Wet-nurse?

  6. He polished Sly's shoes for 8 years. I guess that qualifies him for a lot.

  7. To answer that first comment. He'll probably have the job for 2 years and then retire. He's not going to be able to clean up Frank's mess. Just getting another paycheck.

  8. Will Troy crack down on the staff rules? No more fancy County cars? No more three hour lunches? No more cutting out early after the three hour lunches?

  9. As a Clay County resident of Kansas City, Missouri, my only comment is... "Thank God"!

  10. ^^^ Agree completely, he's "Baja KC's" and Independence's do-nothing jackoff problem now.

  11. Schulte is no voice of reason...maybe a voice of lying but not reason. Sorry, hes as crooked as the judges and County expect any leadership from this dullard.

  12. 11/22/19, 5:24 PM
    Don't forget the married senior staffer who has been using the county's email, cell phone and social media to carry on a sexual fling with out of town lover on work hours? The records are there. The executive people think they can do what they want. They need to follow rules.

    1. Interesting... would love more info.

  13. Our property tax increase is going towards his epic salary. Let's also point out that all of his self proclaimed accomplishments would have happened without him.

  14. Waiting on Eric Bosch City Architect to resign and/or drop dead, whichever comes first. Lol He looks 75 but is probably only 35. White people aging is a lot like dog years to their skin.

    1. You’re a dolt. Bosch resigned months ago to take a new and better position He contributed a great deal to the City and was honored as City Architect of the Year a few years ago because of his hard work and dedication.

    2. You're the dolt. Sly James honoring an Architect that did most of his dirty work with as much bias as possible hardly qualifies as contributing "a great deal to the City". Hes status quo at best. What he and Schulte have in common is that they are as dishonest and dishonorable as they come. They are merely hangers-on; political grifters.

    3. Bosch left before he got fired. He went to work for a city contractor he funneled excess money to for years for out-of-scope work.

    4. 11:14 conflict of interest?

  15. Angie is single. Try again loser.

  16. Don't forget to add skyrocketing water bills and record violent crime while Schulte was in charge.

  17. So now Troy will read e-mails secretly and jack off? That's a great use of taxes.

  18. ‘I’ll earn more money and sleep better’

  19. I thought the County Executive was supposed to administrate the county government?

  20. The basic duty of a county administrator is to oversee the departments that deliver services to the public.

    LMAO with Troy in charge we know whats coming at least.

  21. "while racking up multiple success stories:

    LOL did Gopher4KC write that part?

  22. So in other words he broke his contract early. Guy doesn't even have the integrity or honor to finish his tenure as written in Feb 2020

    What a freak.

  23. “I thank Troy for his decades of service to our city,” Mayor Quinton Lucas said in the news release. “The impact of his work will be felt for generations.”

    LMAO yes. City of KCMO now hiring shit shovelers and hose operators to clean downtown sidewalks.

  24. Wait a god damn minute here he hasn't even been approved for the job by the county yet. They want more to time to look into it and make a decision as the meeting this week.


  25. "County Executive Frank White asked Schulte to work for the county after Schulte announced in September that he would not seek an extension to his contract with the city. It expires Feb. 29."

    Hell what could go wrong?

  26. So the big question is... who will be the interim city manager?

  27. honored as City Architect of the Year a few years ago because of his hard work and dedication.


    1. Laugh all you want. It’s true. Did McDonald’s honor you for the speed with which you scoop fries?

    2. Sly James promised so many...literally like patting your own ass. Bosch was part of the corruption at City Hall. With Millenials at the healm, the silent generation - like Eric Bosch - are retiring or resigning or dying off. Thank gawd!

    3. You’re obviously a know-nothing about what goes on at City Hall. There are some corrupt folks. Eric Bosch wasn’t one of them.

    4. Anyone that willingly works for City Hall earns a side eye.

      It is not a place where integrity and hard work go together.

  28. Crook Exodus

  29. But the legislature tabled this on Monday. Was there a special meeting to approve his contract??

  30. Bosch was worthless, and destroyed the Muni Arts Commission!!

    1. The MAC was a worthless group of power-mad amateurs who couldn’t deal with the fact the new KCI terminal project was moving along without them. David Dowell tried to use his MAC position to get hired as the KCI art consultant and was furious when he didn’t get it. He repeatedly threw fits and even said he felt he was living in a Kafka novel. Drama queen much? Kathy Achepohl couldn’t manage the committee. Megan Crigger was supposed to step in after Bosch retired but she refused to do any work (pretty typical). The good news is the Mayor is planning on replacing the MAC with adults. Bosch served the Committee well. It’s not his fault their egos and appetites caused them to implode.

  31. what happens to Ed Stull the chief administrative officer CAO???

  32. nice quid pro quo for Troy hiring Chairwoman Galvin’s husband as ast KC fire chief


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