Kansas City Mayor Quinton Makes Case For Gun Crackdown Cooperation From Jeff City

Already the new KCMO leader is making a calm, reasoned and legally supported push against guns in the metro . . . He'll be pushing this same strategy in the state capital today where the GOP Super-Majority will be far more skeptical than compliant KCMO reporters.

Read more:

Mayor Quinton Lucas, KC police chief head to Jefferson City to address crime

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Crime is a topic across the entire state of Missouri. Local and state leaders are meeting, once again, to discuss news ways to tackle the problem. Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas is heading to Jefferson City Monday to address crime along with Governor Mike Parson and KC Police Chief Rick Smith.


  1. LMAO "discuss"

  2. Raise taxes another 200%. That should lower the crime rate.


  3. Are you kidding me? Start with your own people and their black market guns, next use the people's tax dollars to hire more police instead of renaming streets and pouring money into entertainment areas that are only for racist intentions. Stupid moron.

  4. They'd do better to stay home and address it over going out of town and making fools of themselves.

  5. "Local and state leaders are meeting, once again, to discuss news ways to tackle the problem."

    After these woke wizards get together to discuss how to prevent crime, they will come back with the usual solutions.

    More money that will NOT put more cops on the streets, but create new "Woke" tax payer funded organizations that will report after the fact, what we all know is coming, rampantly metastasizing criminality in the face of crippling, Social Justice Initiatives that diminish the ability to fight crime.

    Then, during Act II, our feckless leaders will decide, that the only way to diminish the sound of gunfire and the smell of cordite in the inner city and surrounding areas, will be to take away the guns of the law abiding folks who arm themselves in the face of the stupidity of the leaders, who are elected by the criminals who will NEVAR turn in their guns.

    This will also have the long term effect (Especially after the enactment of "Red Flag" laws, where your Progressive neighbor can turn you in for flying an American Flag on your house.) of disarming the White population as the demographics change, in order to protect the new majority electorate from the folks who are still stupid enough to believe in the U.S. Constitution.

    What a fuckin waste of money.

    They should have stayed here and used the money for cases of Colt 45 to induce criminals to return for trial, after KC, like New York, decides to stop requiring bond for criminals who commit serious crimes.

  6. Byron Funkhouser11/25/19, 9:56 AM

    Denying that gun violence is about gun owners, & their guns, is why the violence continues. As long as Americans are armed to the teeth, they will continue to shoot each other.

    Every day we are given proof that our deliberate misreading of the Second Amendment isn't working.

    1. You can always tell when Byron has spent his welfare check and is out of money. That’s when he gets on here and hates on normal white people. He’s mad because the government won’t pay him enough for defrauding them.

    2. Dear Brian. Go f yourself. I'll keep my guns thanks. They must be defective because they have never shot anyone. Why...because they are inanimate objects.

  7. Byron you idiot! Millions upon millions took to the field hunting the past few weeks. No mass shootings by any of them, no armed robberies were committed by them or rolling gun battles took place on the back roads of America. Get it in your head you numbskull it isn't the gun it's trash like you in possession of a gun who using it to inflict their wants or needs upon the innocent and law abiding people.

  8. Byron is a member of the cause that commits the most gun violence in our country.

    Trailer trash who sit around all day with hands held out for freebies during the day while going around at night telling people hands up or I'll shoot.

    Take guns out of the hands of looney birds like Byron and make using a gun in a crime mandatory life in jail and you will see guns being used less and less. Then they will start using knives and machetes.

  9. Q, Frankie boy and forte.....

    "We hired you people to protect the citizens from the murderous blacks, not to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots."

  10. 10:09 you do realize the trailer trash hasn’t committed but maybe one murder in kc right? Out of 134 murders this year 133 have been committed by the koloreds so......

  11. Last week there were 22,000,000 plus cell phone users driving around the country. As a result of that more people died than anyone killed by any hunters loaded with guns. In fact I can't find where one hunter out of millions of them shot anyone.

    See Byron law abiding gun owners behave themselves unlike liars like you do.

  12. The FBI and the Media lie, lie, lie, lie. That whack job in Las Vegas a couple of years ago, was a "Woke" Progressive who wanted to kill Republicans.

    SHOCKER!!! His hard drive disappeared from his hotel room during the initial search.

  13. Just For the Record11/25/19, 10:34 AM

    Dontray Mills (a black man) purchased 27 guns using a fake ID, and then sold them to known felons. After being charged with 55 counts of federal gun trafficking, Obummer’s Justice Department negotiated a deal in exchange for a guilty plea on one charge. He got probation. He walks the streets a free man today. Ah yes, if only Obummer had a son.

    That's how justice works in this country. But if we had real justice Byron would be in jail for fraud. BTW Byron where are your tax returns at for all to see and your service records?

  14. Byron Funkhouser said...
    Denying that gun violence is about knee grows, & lack of self control, is why the violence continues. As long as Americans are armed to the teeth, they will continue to shoot each knee grows.

    Every day we are given proof that our deliberate reading of the Second Amendment is working.

    There, fixed it for you bryon.

  15. I hope they tell Quinton to get his black ass out of our state capital.

  16. Stupid dave..stop talking! You're dumb. You write like a retarded 1st-grader.

  17. ^^When assholes like that make a comment about Dave you know he has struck a nerve and on the truth of the matter.

  18. ^^ Says the retarded preschooler.

  19. ^^Boring. You post too much. Go away for a while. See if we miss you.

  20. Memo to sQuint: No gun store will let me leave with a gun until I've jumped through all the Fed hoops. If it's different on the bad streets of this city, then do you job and stop those people.

  21. Crimes committed with guns should have severe repercussions, not stricter laws for law abiding Americans


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