Kansas City Fact Check: Cleaning Blood Off Local Streets Helps Neighborhoods

Here's a mental health effort story that starts with a SHOCKING NARRATIVE revealing that blood from a recent murder stained a local street-corner days after a murder. Read more:

New program helps shooting survivors 'rise' above

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - When thinking about violent crime in Kansas City, many think of the lives lost. But now there are resources available for those who live through the unthinkable. At some of the city's violent crimes scenes, Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker is there.


  1. White people are demons from hell who infect the earth with a blood lust leaving bodies in their path...take the Native Americans for example white people will be celebrating their genocide in what the demons call Thanksgiving.

  2. ^^^ Whatever floats your boat dude. Sounds like a pitiful existence to me being perpetually offended.

  3. Sounds like Petersucker is bribing the victims families to shut them up when she lets the murderers go. Somehow in petersuckers world this all makes sense.

  4. Leave the blood as a reminder of the crimes ghetto hood rats commit. Maybe they will rethink their “no snitching.” Jean Petersucker Baker is worthless. Her job is to put criminals in prison, not to make sure she and the liberal fag judges grant probation to murderers.

  5. ^^^^hurry up and die paw paw..everybody hates you!

  6. Someone let loose their village idiot I see @ 11:18am!

  7. Yeah. Sure. I am going to share all my emotions with cops and prosecutors. This will work about as well as every other "program". Kansas City is too packed with ego maniacs and money mongers to care the people who are victims and witnesses or family members of crime victims.


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