Disgraced Bishop Called Out For Alleged Youngster Molestation In Kansas City

This news roundup offers a glimpse at Kansas City's complicity with the legacy of the Catholic sex abuse that continues to confront the Church. Checkit:

Kansas City police say they received molestation allegation against retired Wyoming bishop

Kansas City police took a report in August alleging that retired Wyoming Bishop Joseph Hart molested a teenage boy in Missouri in 1974, a spokesman for the department said Wednesday. Unlike Wyoming, Missouri has a statute of limitations, so police and the local prosecutor could not proceed with the report.


  1. Here little person let me anoint you with my special sause.

  2. I wish the public cared about the decades-long abuse and cover-up in the public schools like they do the Catholic Church.

  3. So it took someone 40 years to admit a priest played with their johnson? Of did someone figure out a way to get a extra paycheck here soon. I was forced to perform oral sex on an uncle but didn't wait any 40 some years to deal with it.

  4. Something about that smile says "danger".

  5. 8 more detectives in cac will solve the no investigation policy

  6. Priests also rape young girls. But its not pleasant to talk about.

  7. Every one of these child molesters in the catholic cult needs to be prosecuted and executed. There’s no need to feed these pieces of shit till they die

  8. Catholic priests claim to forgive sins. That's a lie. God does not listen to the prayers of the wicked - that's in the Bible. God ignores wicked priests. So all catholics who confessed to this priest will not be forgiven There is no purgatory. They will go to hell. They will join the priest. Don't be deceived- a priest and Mary cannot forgive sins. Its clearly stated in the Bible so people have NO EXCUSE on judgement day.

  9. Bibles are everywhere, in hotel rooms, schools, libraries, and churches are on every corner, every radio band, all over tv, all over the internet and represented mailings. If after all the exposure you have to the truth in the Bible, you believe "priests are somehow closer to God than ordinary people", and that "priests can forgive sins", you deserve to go to hell. Insulting God and thinking priests are Godly is blasphemy. Ignorance and laziness is no excuse.


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