Democratic Party Presidential Debate 2020 Postscript As Seen From Kansas City

Just a quick roundup and guide to last night's festivities wherein Prez Trump earned more one liners and our progressive pals STILL aren't sure which contender can defeat the incumbent.

Looking For Face In The Crowd

The Democratic muddle

Here is something I never thought I would find myself saying: I was genuinely happy at the start of Wednesday night's Democratic presidential debate. After 20 or so hours of tedious impeachment hearings in the last week, including roughly 10 of them stretched across the morning and afternoon, revisiting this varied cast of characters felt like reopening a much-loved old book.

Mayo Pete Proves Nimble

Buttigieg counterpunches as rivals take aim at his rising candidacy

The topic of race on Wednesday night was, notably and repeatedly, a focus. As was impeachment, in the first debate since the House began its inquiry into President Donald Trump and whether he pressured the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden. Here are some of the key moments of Wednesday's debate.

Progressive Cat Fight!!!

Kamala Harris Goes Scorched Earth on 'Unfortunate' Democratic Candidate Tulsi Gabbard

With less than three months left before the first vote is cast in the Democratic presidential primaries, the party's presidential hopefuls arrived onstage in Atlanta on Wednesday night knowing that elbows were going to be sharper than ever before.

Marathon Review

4 winners and 3 losers from the November Democratic debate

The November Democratic presidential debate in Atlanta came at the end of a marathon day of political news, marked by US Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland's historic testimony before the House Intelligence Committee confirming that President Donald Trump tied military aid to Ukraine to investigations into the Biden family.

Democratic Heckling

Democratic candidates not on debate stage make voices heard from the wings

Julián Castro won't be on the debate stage Wednesday night, but that isn't stopping the Democratic presidential candidate from making a splash in the host city of Atlanta, holding two events as the 10 front-runners ready themselves for the MSNBC/Washington Post debate.

Prez Garners More Gabbard Material

Trump campaign seizes on Gabbard quote about Democratic Party

The Trump campaign on Wednesday promoted a snippet of Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard Five takeaways from the Democratic debate As Buttigieg rises, Biden is still the target Gabbard, Buttigieg battle over use of military in Mexico MORE (D-Hawaii) criticizing the Democratic Party.

Stat Overview

What Went Down In The Fifth Democratic Debate

Live coverage of the MSNBC/Washington Post Democratic Presidential Primary Debate for the 2020 nomination featuring Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Andrew Yang, Tom Steyer, Amy Klobuchar and Tulsi Gabbard.

You decide . . .


  1. The butt is ahead!

  2. Did Buttplug look clean and shiny ?

  3. Suck it, haters.
    My man is the Peter.

  4. Sorry, Mayor Pete has zero minority support.

  5. Negroes hate queers so.....

    1. And everyone hates negroes and wants them exterminated. What's your point?

  6. He has minority support.
    Trans love him/her/they/it.

  7. ^^Nah, pops...that's you everybody hates. Don't get it confused.

    1. Oh Chimpy. Don't call a human 'pops'. You don't know who your monkey daddy is!


    Transgender religious cult member
    Delirium tremors
    Granny on speed
    Alzheimer's patient, father of cocaine addict influence peddler
    Angry shouting old Jewish man from the deli!!!

  9. Booker: Good performance

    Gabbert: Needs more camera time.


    Butageig(?): Will win Iowa, but may have trouble with the negros and homosexualphobes who don't want to think about anal sex in the Lincoln Bedroom.

    Granny: May win primary but not a good prospect for a national election. Dems establishment may try and take her out.

    Biden: It appears that his best days are behind him. If he were a bit more salient, I think he would be the man to beat Trump in a general election. He would do well in the upper midwest and better in the south than previous dems. Plus negros like him.

    Bernie "Larry David" Sanders: Genuine in his passion but dem establishment will take him out if he appears close to winning the nomination.

    "Nasal" Harris: American will not vote for someone who makes them feel like they are constantly under cross - examination.

  10. Wow! How could they possibly win against a sleazebag whoremonger who cheated his vendors, abused the bankruptcy system four times, and defrauded taxpayers?

    1. They won't. Because Trump found a way to reach voters that the left insulted, ignored, and refused to engage with.

      Much like now. Good luck! :)

  11. ^^^^
    That's really what's so sad.
    Just like last time.
    They won't.

  12. ^^ha!! True Dat!

  13. @ 10:20 don't be a puppet.

    Any evidence he "abused" the bankruptcy system? Any evidence he cheated taxpayers?

    I'll wait...

  14. ^^^^So you agree he is a sleazebag whoremonger who cheated his vendors?

  15. ^^^^No only fools like you are saying it.

  16. @11:10, No Rachel Madow, I don't, but thanks for asking.

    "sleazebag whoremonger" is an opinion not subject to verification. I will accept any evidence you can produce that he "cheated his vendors"

  17. Oh, please. He's boasted about that. I'll take his word for it.

  18. @ 12:21, read the link, I'll give you that one, but the article states that he doesn't pay the contract price if he is unsatisfied with the work, and who would.

    As for the other two factual assertions, you have been fact checked and proved wrong by my crack staff of 19 year old fact checkers here at CNN.

  19. No fact checkers after last night's debate despite the hyperbolic statements made by the candidates. The media will give them a pass.

    The american sheeple will believe whatever the media tells them.

  20. ^^and yet one of them is your next President. Weird.

    1. Oh Chimpy. Monkeys don't have presidents! Have another welfare banana and try to think for once! Lol

  21. And yet you have no bananas. Weird.

  22. Tulsi look fine

  23. Would Tulsi respond to the whip? Intriguing, she might be able to turn Mayor Buttplug back normal.


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