KCI is a disaster and the new plans look smallish, disappointing and and ill-convinced.

Today's newspaper cover story doesn't tell us anything we didn't already know . . .

Star: KCI airport contractor trailed by local history of delays, defects, payment disputes

Fun fact from an otherwise boring and far too wordy article . . .

"Edgemoor Infrastructure & Real Estate, didn’t disclose that the Weitz Company, one of three contractors it tapped to help manage the $1.5 billion project, had to pay hefty, court-assessed penalties for failures on an apartment development from which it was fired nearly 13 years ago."

Newsflash, former Council dude Scott Wagner warned us all about this when he smacked down Edgemoor before his failed run for mayor.

And so, behind the scenes, as KCI traffic is a dangerous labyrinth of cones and misdirection . . . We can see very real signs of the council wanting to go in another direction the wait on construction beyond simple demolition continues.

The question to our blog community brain trust . . .


You decide . . .


  1. Scott was right about the airport but wrong for mayor.

    He should be the new city manager.

  2. Gawd, what a cluster fuck.

    No one saw this coming, did they?

    Just checking.

  3. Duh suckers...this is what kcmo progressives voted line politician, bankers and developer actually saw real plans or blueprints.

    The new kci will be the joke to the world...did you what kc paid 2 billion for is the punch line and the voters are the joke.

    Please tell me again why the old kci had to be we could add starbucks.

  4. It's not just Kansas City. When you think of just how fucked up the political process is that got us to this point, just how much money will be wasted and the power granted to unqualified, unrepentant "Pigs At The Trough" insiders to bring this project to a conclusion - Check this column, it really explains where we are as a country and here in Kansas City.

  5. Gawd. They should be blocking them from tearing anymore of the existing airport down. This whole plan is shit and is evidence of egotistical, ill informed politicians. The whole thing stinks. Kansas City destroyed a perfectly functional airport in the name of newness. This new building will suck ass. No doubt about it.

  6. We all saw it coming Chuck it's just that nobody ever listens to us. That's the downfall for having a lot of common sense.

  7. For the $1.5 billion cost of the new airport, we could have remodeled the current one for $400 million, plus built new Chiefs and Royals stadiums for $500 million each and had a $100 million left over for a new aquarium.

  8. ^^^^^ Or even fixing potholes, @8:01.

  9. Good Lord, does Edgemoor have to bribe the Mayor and Council all over again? Guess so, new pack of crooks, new "costs of doing business" to add to the overall bill.

    Don't worry, Edgemoor will be happy to pass on more of your money as required for "pay to play", they're in this for the long game, after all, we're talking about eighteen to twenty years of construction, destruction, re-dos, modifications required by changing circumstances, repairs due to faulty materials, unforeseen cost increases, labor strikes, an any other excuse that can be found to justify extending the contract.

    And of course, the "Plastic Box Terminals" will have proven themselves to be inadequate by then (hint: they already have), so we can look forward to another Airport Project in a couple of decades. After all his same design is now thirty years old, and the first examples built had to be replaced ten years ago.

    There are rumors of a brand new, fresh, cutting edge design being considered in Europe, consisting of a linked series of circular Terminals radiating outward from a central security controlled entryway. This breathtakingly original design makes it extremely convenient for arriving passengers to exit each circular Terminal building and proceed quickly to transportation or parking.
    Maybe we will be able to build something like that to replace the already proven-to-fail design that Edgemoor has is in the works for KCI.

  10. read that article Dave, it is interesting.

  11. And Schulte talks about the terminal needing to be done by 2023 in time for the NFL draft because "the city will be getting national and international attention".
    Even though anyone of consequence will be arriving by private jet to the KC downtown airport.
    What a joke!
    These clowns are always about "national and international attention", of which there is mostly none, and NEVER about the people who actually live here.
    The airport project has been a fiasco from the secret meeting and continuing to this day.
    It will certainly bring "national attention" to KC.
    But, sadly, for its $2.7 billion+ cost, cost overruns, and terrible design.
    Please fix the streets.
    And at least try to get the murders under control.

  12. Is anyone surprised by this? Anyone at all? And the arrogant idiot who was the driving force behind this debacle is gone now (thank goodness) but we are left with piles of rubble at KCI, limited parking, and months maybe years of waiting for something to happen up there. Once again the citizens of KC have been screwed. I don't know ONE person who voted for this thing.

  13. Maybe the problem isnt edgemore, maybe the real problem is black and veatch, don’t forget they were handed the airport until the smart citizens of kc said hell no. I think wrenches are being thrown from all directions to do anything to get black and veatch the job again.

    If the airlines are paying for this then where is their input? Doesn’t this make them responsible as well?

  14. Certainly Edgemore and the Airlines are the bag holders right?


  15. Black and veatch does not do airports. Burns and aecom do.

  16. KC could screw up a wet dream with a teenage Rachael Welch.

  17. When Missouri gets the Hyperpoopaloop built, the State will only need one Airport, and it'll then simply be a matter of riding your bike to the nearest Streetcar stop, hopping aboard one of the many Streetcars in KC, shooting downtown to the Hypaterminal (located where the KC Star use to be), zipping over to St. Louis, boarding a plane belonging to one of the two surviving Airlines, and jetting away to wherever you want to go, provided that your Destination's Terminal doesn't shut down while you're in the air.

    Ain't the Future great?


    TKC was the ONLY KC news source that consistently warned that the SylvesterJames / TroySchulte / JolieJustus triad would boondoggle this project 6 ways from Sunday!!!

    (come February, Schulte retires, and all 3 are gone, leaving their mess for others to clean up and pay for)

  19. I happened to be in the terminal recently at 1 am. No restaurants or shops were open and I damn wasn't looking for one. Planned to take an Uber but those shysters tripled their prices at that time since a plane just landed. I just wanted out of that damn place and fast.

  20. And at what point does Kansas City take responsibility for Kansas City and stop blaming everyone else for the deficiencies associated with Kansas City. The airport required replacement decades ago; but as with every other infrastructure project the project was delayed by decades. 2 billion for airport. 5 billion for water and sewer. 4 billion for roads. And the people with an income have all moved to Johnson County (a city in Kansas). The political spin on the airport doesn't match the contract signed by the city and the developer.

  21. Now that minority contractors and their families have made a little cash ripping out one terminal, just redo the two existing terminals. Forgo the glass walled Costco airport typology. With decent contractors and decent architects that know how to phase and isolate incremental construction well, shouldn't be a problem. Screw your design build bullshit and design a decent airport. Stick a big parking garage at the site of terminal A. Then the airport will still be smaller and nicer, for your robust, growing metropolitan and regional area.

  22. If you all presume that the metro and regional population is going to atrophy or is slated to atrophy, then the fckn 'smaller' part of your airport shenanigans may have made sense.

  23. and those one light condo building are pieces of shit, who wants to sit on those balconies.

  24. those balconies are not even good spots to store your bike and some cheap little outdoor grill that they are usually used for.

  25. 10:13 good catch, I meant to say burned and mcdooche but somehow managed to screw that up.

  26. The idiot citizens of the Kansas City metro will never comprehend the new airport is required to accommodate both security requirements and airline requirements; and failure to meet the requirements will result in the metro area driving either to St. Louis or Tulsa for flights. Kansas City thinks too highly of itself. A football team does not make a city...

  27. ^^a remodeled 2 terminals can add a central security check point, folks will have to walk more, no getting around that, nothing wrong with a minuscule amount of cardio before a flight.

    So what are you talking about 5:04? Name more of the airline requirements. Or let us know when actually say something.

  28. but i actual don't care, particularly after watching how ridiculous SOM and edgemore are and the politicos that kissed their ass.

  29. Smaller and nicer by SOB and Edgemore.

  30. Jolie Justus et al can go open move to open a probono office in Branson for all i care.

  31. you all bitch about empty bike lanes, why does most of city bother with sidewalks?

  32. based on use, residential neighborhoods do not need sidewalks in this town.

  33. there has been a study that nt only do folks project their self image onto cars, overweight people don't think they drive through what they perceive as narrow gaps.


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