In a groundbreaking interview, Fox4 morning anchor Mark Alford shares the inevitable accusation of racism at the crux of the MLK Blvd vs Save The Paseo vote.

Here's his description of a recent conversation . . .
"The Paseo Boulevard was a strategically designed artery connecting the burgeoning parks system that helped define Kansas City, Missouri.
"Recently, a group of pastors led an effort to rename the boulevard for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. They convinced the city council to go along it. Now voters will decide on November 5, 2019 whether it should be changed BACK to the Paseo. Some of those pastors say it’s a racist attempt. You decide in this two-part interview.
"In this episode, hear from Vernon Howard and Sam Mann, president and vice president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference of the greater Kansas City area."
Take a listen:
Part 2: Fight for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard
Money line . . .
"This is the perfect epitome of the pathology of white privilege that suggests that white people can decide what a street name or a Blvd will be named in a predominately African-American community -- In which white folks in the city have had very little interest investing in, living in, keeping up, beautifying and maintaining. In fact, the interest of white folks have been more in other areas. How is it now, that we arise to lift up an African-American hero in a prominently African-American area and have the pathology of white privilege say "NO . . . You will not do that?!?!" We believe there is something wrong with that picture. And we believe there are white people of good will who understand how significant this is to the broader community. And not only that . . . The African-American children who need a symbol of hope and peace and beloved community in this town."
Accordingly . . .
You decide . . .
best thing they could have done. That kind of talk gets people angry and unwilling to support their cause. They might have got some of the liberal vote. Not now.
ReplyDeleteInsult potential allies. Not very wise or politic. He's trying to exted an olive branch there but he just can't make it work. best way to get out the votes is to make an enemy. That's seems to be the plan now.
DeletePeople who actually followed the vote know it wasn't done properly. The community was ignored and overlooked. This is about money not what's best for children, neighborhoods or home owners. It will be a privilege to vote this town.
DeleteQuinton better get out there and campaign for his decision. He has a lot of votes to keep and support to pay back.
ReplyDeleteThis is funny. Everyone is bitching about their property tax but yet they want to keep the MLK street name and pay money to the King family every year. Spend more money for a street name of a man who was never here.
Blacks say they need something for the kids to have a symbol of hope???? That's is the biggest lie and crap I've ever heard this is a racist issue. If you want your kids to have a symbol of hope pick up a damn history book it's not going to come by way of a street name change.
If the Paseo stays MLK Blvd then black people need to foot the bill every year!
Who maintained it? Who built it? If there is privilege, it has been earned!
ReplyDeleteA significant number of folks involved in the change it back movement were not white.
ReplyDeleteDamn, I wasn't aware the King family demanded royalties for use of their father's name. Disappointing.
ReplyDeleteWhat liars they are. Assuming that people who live on The Paseo are African Americans, then it should have been easy to get their consent to change the street's name to MLK Blvd., like the city ordinance requires. Instead they got the as usual compliant city council to waive that requirement, either because they were too lazy to make the effort, or more likely because they knew it would fail.
ReplyDeleteThese racist reverends do not contribute to their community, they tear it apart.
bad move by Howard. He can't help himself and is alienating more people.
ReplyDeleteWhen political activists got caught stealing a street name with over 100+ years of history, they denigrated the memory of the man they claimed to be honoring!!!
I think we should compromise. How about naming it James Earl Ray Blvd?
ReplyDeleteThe pastors convinced the city council to go along with their plan... Translated, they convinced the city council to spend everyone’s money on their pet project. These guys are as morally bankrupt as the developers out there fleecing the poor taxpayer.
ReplyDeleteOh no!! This triggers me!!! Where's my safespace!!!!! Trigger warning!!!! Trigger warning!!!!!! Help me, I'm melting down!!!
ReplyDeleteThere is no payment to the King family or anyone else in the program. That said, It needs to stay "the Paseo." It is the historic artery that defined the parks system
ReplyDeleteI highly doubt the King family is letting their name be used for free.
Delete4848 woodland ave... Kcmo...what's at this address ?? MARTIN LUTHER KING elementary school.. isn't that a symbol of Hope for the black community? So if we have such a fine Elementary School named after such a fine individual why do we have to have a street named after him also? Seems like the school is sufficient enough!
ReplyDeleteWhat a surprise!
ReplyDeleteThe same old tired shop-worn slogans and accusations.
It's surprising they didn't mention Confederate statues.
Or Emmitt Till from 1955.
Or "police brutality".
Or "our fair share.
How can these clowns spend their time and energy on something this frivolous while there are 140+ residents of the black community murdered year after year?
And for anyone who thinks the King family doesn't cash in on MLK's name, when the Smithsonian wanted to buy some MLK memorabilia for the new museum, the King family's prices were TOO HIGH.
Too high for the Smithsonian Museum!
Time for some Lucas leadership instead of continually being rolled by the same grifters.
ReplyDeleteThe Paseo inspires Hispanic kids..don't Hispanic Lives Matter?
ReplyDelete^^^The King family charges when the name is used for a commercial purpose, but normally not when it is used for a public purpose, for instance a school, a park or a street.
ReplyDeleteThat said - change the name back to The Paseo. Stick a finger in the eye of these un-righteous reverends and also the City Council members who went along with the scam.
Such a big power grab for Howard and the SCLC. Not trying to throw any shade on MLK but this street name business is a real slap in the face of the black community. Instead of Howard trying to address many of the real issues in the black community like poverty, crime, and infant mortality, he and his organization are pushing for changing street signs which is really about profiting MLK family. I'm voting to change the name back.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the pot calling the kettle racist.
ReplyDeleteHeck if I was black and upset I would shoot another black person.
ReplyDeleteI rarely vote in local elections but this has had me fired up for a long time and I'm sure as hell voting to keep the paseo
ReplyDeleteThank you 💚
DeleteAlways the victims...
ReplyDeleteThis vote is a vote about E. Clever who stirred up these corrupt Black Ministers to get involved with J. Reed to sponsor this street name change.
The Council members who supported this including Jolie Justice should be ashamed of themselves.
Sly James sat back and let this happen.
My vote is to change the name back to The Paseo.
This is prefaced by the fact that I am Black... shut the fuck up with this race baiting bullshit. Black clergy represent themselves... I personally do not support naming any street after MLK. These preachers are the ones who feel entitled to sidestep procedure and the rights of property owners. Fuck these religious grifters. Find something better to do. Talking up a dead man from the 1960's is not a good use of time. Stop trying to profit from this mans legacy. Period...and mind your own fucking business. Goddamn race and religious baiters make me angry. They have nothing to bring to the table so they talk up a purported race issue. This is 100% about procedure and protocol. It os them that are reinforcing White supremacy my muting the voices of the property owners along Paseo and the will of the people. Are there detractors? Maybe but the entire platform is about something altogether different. Grow the fuck up and leave God and Martin out of it!!
ReplyDelete^^^^^^Some of the most honest words I have seen in here in a long time.
ReplyDeleteThe thing is the black youth could care less and black men will continue to gun down other black men on the boulevard. Blame the bloodshed on racism instead of being open and vocal about the toxicity of urban black culture in 2019.
ReplyDeleteIf it's Elvis Presley loving white folk trying to "whitewash" MLK from acknowledgement, so be it, but I don't think that is the case.
ReplyDeleteIt might be the actual residents who live along The Paseo who want the name to remain. It might be that these same residents are primarily proud African Americans who don't accept the demagoguery of pastors who purport to speak for the African American community writ large. It might be.
what's wrong with being racist's based on science, logic, reason, common sense and experience.
ReplyDeleteA few issues with statement made in this broadcast…
ReplyDelete1) Dr. Mann, speaking of Dr. King, said "he was here" - when?
2) Dr. Howard said that the Petition had "the signatures of over 100 residents of the Paseo, along with a thousand others", yet the City Charter requires that the Petition For Name Change include "permission" for the change signed by 75% of the PROPERTY OWNERS along the thoroughfare in question", and no mention at all of "residents". Was such permission from Property Owners obtained?
3) Dr. Mann states that "Parks and Rec has the power to do it, and they brought it to the City Council" what is his basis for this statement, since the City Charter places the "Plans and Zoning Department" in the position of receiving any such Petition and supporting documentation, and gives Planning and Zoning the responsibility of "verifying all signatures and approvals and certifying their authenticity before submitting the document to the City Council". Where does Parks and Reenter into this, since they are not mentioned anywhere in the relevant section of the Charter?
4) Both Drs. Howard and Mann state that a City-wide vote is not required, but the Charter states that "the Council shall vote on the Petition, and, if approved by them, shall place the Measure on the ballot of the next City wide Election, where a simple majority of the vote shall be required for passage". Why do they both contend that only Council approval was needed?
I wish that Alford had the courage to have asked a few of these questions and had better prepared for this interview, but that would have required at least some level of Journalistic skills.
Guess Mark found his own level as an "Anchor" in the "Sea of Journalism", but then 'anchors" always seem to find their own level in any sea.
Let the Reverends pay the King family every year. We already have an elementary school and a park named for him. I have yet to hear from the media what that payment is per year.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you call the damn road, if you are whitey all you need to know when you see that sign is head west, quickly. Especially if it is after dark. There isn't nuffin in browntown worth risking your life over.
ReplyDeleteSo these guys are not going to get their way, and somehow that is RACIST! If you think that white people have been ignoring the needs of the residents on Paseo, just wait until its permanent name is MLK Blvd. Renaming JC Nichols Parkway is a way better option. It gets rid of the name of a segregationist who is partially responsible for the east/west divide, and actually attempts to connect the two sides of Kansas City.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell would you want to connect the city?? Good God, we need a wall, not a connection.
ReplyDeleteI knew they would play the race card fake Preachers,Let's vote it is a more fair then lobbying. They claim to be men,of the cloth .But they plot behind the scenes.
ReplyDelete1:42pm Race is not a card. Its not something used in a game. However, here the use of race is nefarious and unjustified but race as a standalone is not something that can be played. White supremacy systemically is real. However, its not at issue here.
DeleteChimpster @3:07, your ooks and eeks and grunts aren't making sense. You play race games in your standalone cage all the time. Your favorite monkeyshine is racing around to hide the bananas where the sun doesn't shine!
DeleteSave the Paseo!!!!!
ReplyDelete^^Says the profoundly retarded person
ReplyDeleteTo 10:23 who rarely votes in local elections:
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't brag about it asshole. You and other "non-voters" are largely responsible for the mess this shitty is in. You sit back and pontificate about things you don't like, but accept no responsibility for the result. You're an idiot!
Use your vote wisely, understand the issues and VOTE!!!
ReplyDelete"The African-American children who need a symbol of hope and peace and beloved community in this town." Oh what will the childr'n do? sLie and sQuint weren't good enough role models? When the street was named, take a look at what the boulevard looked like as compared with today.
ReplyDeletePlaying the race card is damaging to progressive civil rights when racism is truly encountered. Shame on Mr Howard and Sam Mann. They undermine their work in the community with false superficial accusations.
ReplyDelete^^^ nice one! That’s funny right there! Hahahahaha!
ReplyDeleteOK, first off, no one has to pay the King family a nickel for this naming.
ReplyDeleteSecond, the Council acted perfectly legally in this process -- which took about a year filled with public hearings where anyone was free to express their opinion. Those who were opposed don't want input, They want a veto.
Third, "The Paseo" -- which is the only KC boulevard that HAD NO NAME ("paseo" is the Spanish word for the French word "boulevard") -- is a perfect fit for a great AMERICAN. King not only led the fight for civil rights for African-Americans, but set the template for women, gays and others to pursue their own rights. He opposed a senseless war -- and if he had been heeded, that long sad wall in DC would be shorter by 30,000 names -- most of them white boys. When he was murdered, he was leading a LABOR action, fighting for decent wages and working conditions.
We have boulevards named for a British Prime Minister, a dead farmer, a slaveholder, a racist "humanitarian" -- why not after a REAL American hero?
And if decency won't sway you consider this: What organizations are going to want to hold their convention in the town that dishonored Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.? Who will be staying at the new Convention Hotel? If you are uncomfortable with a "racist" label, step back from an action that makes us look that way. Avoid that appearance.
So your solution is to be bullied by race hustlers rather than be thought racist, advocating a completely empty gesture on the part of a public figure who had no ties to KC whatsoever, while studiously ignoring the real black on black genocide in our streets.
DeleteIn other words, a fine Democrat!
5:51 White people dont give two shits about Martin King... you know how I know? Every year, they have a holiday for him, White owned companies never close unless their business is directly related to the stock exchange closure. Most all businesses who can afford to host conventions could care less about honoring Dr King and changing the street name isn't going to cause them to not host an event anywhere. You comment is hyperbole, at best. As far as wasn't. Not much the Black politicians and the mortgage fraud that is linked to the fat White councilman is above board.
DeleteCleaver Blvd/II is already the MLK Blvd of Kansas City.
ReplyDeleteMr. Cardarella @5:51, I'd like to suggest that you check the Kansas City Code of Ordinances for yourself, specifically Section 88-605-03, "Street Naming".
ReplyDeleteThis section can be easily accessed by going to
and searching for "street names".
This Ordinance, which you can read online (please don't take my word for this, check for yourself) clearly sets forth the steps required for both naming a newly created street and changing the name of an existing one.
Nowhere in this Ordinance are ANY of the steps you say were taken in this instance called for, and NONE of the steps the Ordinance requires are cited by you or were followed in re-naming the Paseo.
Furthermore, any familiarity with Kansas City's History would lead anyone to know George Kessler named The Paseo to honor La Paseo De La Reforma, a famous BOULEVARD in Mexico City. Since the French word "Boulevard" refers to any thoroughfare with two or more lanes divided by a parkway or median, the claim that both words mean the same thing, as you do, seems to be at best misguided or uninformed.
And as to consequences, when it becomes known that the City Government of Kansas City changed the name of one of its thoroughfares without following its own Ordinances, and "shame" will fall not on the City, but on the Mayor and Councilmembers who committed such and arbitrary and illegal act.
If anything the People of Kansas City should be praised for rejecting and correcting a criminal undertaking.
I think that naming a Street, Avenue or Boulevard after Dr. Martin Luther King would be a good thing for this city. Yes, I am a caucasian female slightly under the age of 70.
ReplyDeleteI never thought that renaming The Paseo was a good thing.
Why not either 63rd Street OR Troost Avenue? Troost was named for a White Doctor that had a Plantation right here in Kansas City. To me renaming Troost would be a big poke in the eye to Dr. Troost and his heirs and a boost to the African Americans that reside in this city.
No matter what happens with this renaming, there will be people that throw stones and call names which does nothing to improve any kind of relationship between the different ethnicities of this city.
MLK family collects upwards of $300,000 annually for naming rights
ReplyDelete^^^^ Damn.
ReplyDeleteAsk Phil cardwell who does get paid
ReplyDelete..the mlk foundation
..I guess if you are trying to be obtuse that technically is not the mlk family
11:07 Is that annually? If so, along with the cost of the signs how much on this shit bubble did the taxpayer in KCMO take in the ass? Most negros cant afford to pay taxes, many have side hustles for cash and make undetectable bank, and many get state aid from the tax payers to pay for the reckless multiplication of negros who have no problem doing the "deed" but cant pay for their roach babies.. The signs should have been changed to "Lazy Negro BLVD", or "We Aquired Illeagl Guns Working Hard to Keep KC looking Bad BLVD", and the best one yet "HOMICIDE TERRITORY BLVD" - sorry Negros but you need to step it up if you want to be apart of this community instead of a roach infested CANCER, A sign change is the negro lazy way of trying to get recognition.
ReplyDeleteYou know, what I find interesting is that you will never see Black Muslim Ministers come out and do what these alleged Black Baptists are doing. That is how I know this entire argument in favor of the name change fails on all levels. No self-respecting Muslim would undertake such a cause for any reason. There are always multiple ways to accomplish something and this chosen method was all wrong.