Overland Park Finger Gun Felony?!?!

Another look at "zero tolerance" insanity and the paranoia which runs rampant in the real world and in public schools . . . Check the teachable moment:

Metro 13-year-old charged for making threat using finger pointed like a gun

OVERLAND PARK, Kan. -- A student has been charged with a felony following an incident at a metro middle school. "If someone makes a direct threat to another person to do harm to another person, that is considered criminal threat and that would be a felony," Johnson County District Attorney Steve Howe said.


  1. By this logic, I guess if he'd kept his hands in his pockets he'd be arrested for concealed carry on school property.


  2. Holy Moly what's the charge for flipping someone off?

    The Chiefs stadium at every home game is full of people acting like they are swinging a tomahawk. Is mean Jean going to charge all of them for making a threat at the opposing team?

    This will never make it to trial.

  3. ^^Hey first time poster here...you seem really dumb. What's your damage?

  4. ^^Stop your lying we see right through you. You're here everyday all day long posting some really stupid shit.

  5. ^^so's your daddy. So what.

  6. 6:31 - who's the fucking moron here asshole, did you even read the story numbnutz? It was girl, not a "he'd" as you so eloquently stated.

    there was obviously more to this than just some kid pointing a finger at a few kids in school. a threat of some sort maybe? you think maybe the DA wouldn't bring charges in a situation where some kid was just pointing a finger at another kid? in this day and age when schools get shot up on the regular, I don't think law enforcement takes to kindly to threats of any sort. if you have a problem with that, then do something about schools getting shot up.

  7. ^^Why are you asking dumb questions on a story nobody really cares about?? How come you don't have anything to do or anyone else to talk to?


    Chiefs player Tyreek Hill and girlfriend Crystal Espinal faced no legal repercussions after their 3-year-old child suffered multiple injuries (broken arm, etc.) consistent with child abuse. Incriminating evidence was captured on audio. Hill had previously plead guilty to domestic assault and battery by strangulation against Espinal.

    Johnson County District Attorney Howe declined to prosecute. The NFL failed to discipline Hill, and the Chiefs signed him to a $54M contract extension.


    A juvenile female middle-school student pointed their finger at a few other students and herself when responding to a question from someone else.
    Johnson County District Attorney Howe is charging the girl with a felony!

    This compare and contrast episode is brought to you by BIZARRO WORLD!
    A society ruled by the Bizarro Code which states "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!"

  9. ^^Stop trading in false equivalences. One has nothing to do with the other. Do better!

    1. Chimpy, you're so active today! Lol

  10. The wussification of America continues at full speed. Normally supportive of cops, but this over-reaction to the deadly forefinger is nuts! I salute that intrepid cop with my middle finger. Is that a felony or misdemeanor? Just more "woke" shit.

  11. 9:38 makes a great point

    9:54 the same stupid fucking nitwit who gets knocked the fuck out every time they open their mouth.

  12. 9:20 - my guess is you are 6:31 and you cared enough to post some dumbass comment in this thread without reading. Reading, I know you haven't cracked a book without pictures in about 30 years but you should try it.

    If you aren't 6:31, you still took the time to post in thread on a story no one cares about.

  13. There are no great points made on this blog. Just dying spasms of diarrhea from lonely geriatrics waiting to die.

    1. Chimpy, don't be depressed! The only lonely one is you, obviously! Lol

  14. I agree with this! ZERO TOLERANCE! The kids have to learn early. Do you want to end up with a 150 murders a year like Kansas Shitty?

  15. No wonder school authorities get no respect.

  16. What punishment is she facing? Amputation of the offending digit? What a fucking joke. This "prosecutor" should be run out of town on a rail.

  17. A direct threat to someone is disorderly conduct. A class c misdemeanor in Kansas. There has to be a deadly weapon for it to be a felony. Howe is mistaken!

  18. Is it a single mother raised section 8 diversity child ?

  19. I’d love to sue this leftist democrat traitor school system for pulling this queer shit. If these Marxist global warming idiots tried this criminal shit on my family they’d be sued all the way back to their criminal roots in Russia. This is the very reason why these worthless public schools are turning out brainwashed idiots that are totally lost. There’s no education any more, just control and humiliation. What these bastards did to this kid was criminal and no it’s the time to punish them to the tune of about ten million

  20. Can someone explain how a pantomimed finger gun is a felony yet you can be charged with misdemeanor assault in some cases? Mimes everywhere should be very afraid


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