Kansas City MCC Profs Protest Pay Freeze

A chilling reminder that a recession is on the way just in time for election season. Because colleges love gabbing with newsies, these local profs push back against the administration who have FAILED to adequately and incrementally reward educators and their cushy jobs.

Read more:

Metropolitan Community College faculty denied a pay raise, leaving many shocked

MCC-NEA members crowd the community college's board room. Metropolitan Community College's Administration Center was a sea of red last Thursday night, when over a hundred T-shirt-wearing members of MCC-NEA-the college's faculty union-squeezed into the boardroom and spilled out into the hallways for the monthly Board of Trustees meeting.


  1. Byron Funkhouser10/29/19, 7:01 AM

    Do they support raising the minimum wage?

    1. None of your business, retard. It’s a Kansas City issue and you don’t live here, retard.

  2. They deserve more money. Look at some of their students, some came from the ghetto.

  3. I think if they published salaries you would find most public school teachers make more than the junior colleges pay.

  4. Teaching is a calling not a living.

  5. Keep their pay frozen until they quit pushing the leftist agenda on the students. Teach students to think for themselves instead of regurgitating liberal crap.

  6. Fuck 'em.
    All they do is turn out a bunch of morons.

  7. Piss on this bunch of Commies.
    Call Bernie Sanders to help you out. He's a fucking millionaire.

  8. Sorry...can't provide free education, housing, healthcare, childcare, food stamps, for all the illegals you wanted and pay you too.

  9. After hearing arguments from both sides, the Board of Trustees sided with the administration. The Board is charged with more than representing faculty. It must also represent students to help hold down tuition costs and local taxpayers to restrain property taxes.

  10. I'd like to know what they are being paid now. If I or others knew what that figure was we might be able to decide what should be what. I hate stories as this because they never really tell you anything. Teachers everywhere are always wanting more money. But I like to see what the actual classroom time is, number of days in classroom per year and so forth before I side with any teacher on what they are paid. I have several acquaintances who teach and not a one of them is underpaid for the time they invest on the job.

  11. ^^Why do you need to know dummy? Fuck you. You don't even live in KC or Missouri for that matter. Who gives a shit about what you think of MCC? You don't have any acquaintances who teach either moron, you're not fooling anyone with that shit. All teachers are underpaid for the time they invest on the job. Get the hell out of here scrub.

  12. 10:33 I went to that college for one year so yes I do have an interest here unlike you who appears to have none. All teachers are not underpaid. Was it you who just a few months ago was reaming Mayor Lucas about how much he was being paid by KU?

  13. The question not asked is what value are they producing? Seriously - what companies hire from MCC? What value is MCC adding to the metro? I took a class there once to save a buck on a transfer credit. It was not top notch students. One student actually asked "What kind of job should I expect when I graduate here?" and the professor answered honestly - "Maybe an assistant manager job at a retail establishment...and maybe you can get in a managerial program there."

    That truth adds ZERO value from a GED. The question is why even have the MCC? Look to JCC and you see they have evolved and created a niche. Cooking, electrical work, etc. If MCC has these, nobody knows about them. I'd look at each college and grant the ones creating value raises if necessary and fund it with cutting departments in the ones that provide no value.

  14. Let’s not forget that a teachers salary is vastly different than a professor’s salary, Ive heard most professor’s can make over $200,000 a year compared to a teacher who could make $55,000, with a masters degree that is.

  15. ^^^ And professors can look up the short dresses of comely coeds.

  16. 10:33 one can see they didn't attend MCC, probably a drop out of KSPS.

    Right it is a cheap school but you can get the credits you need to move on to a better place to finish your education.

  17. Sorry, I got called out here. When I attended as now called MCC it was then known as Penn Valley Community College before the name merge took place year after I graduated.

  18. ^^^ What degree do you hold retard? Where did you graduate from? Retard school doesn't count.

  19. Four year, public, university professors and administrators get paid astronomical salaries and retirement benefits compared to corporate workers. Plus college faculty only work roughly 8 months a year, and only three days a week working six hour days. Availability of Federal Student loans created cash flow for faculty salaries to sky rocket the last 20 years. State University Presidents make $400k plus another $75 to $100k annually in benefits. Even crap schools like CMSU.

  20. GOOD! MCC's Professional Nursing (ADN-RN) program is complete shit. The (racist) instructors make you teach yourself and have questions on the exam that you didn't prepare for. Yes, when you go into an E.D. or get admitted to stay overnight at a hospital, these are the graduates who will be caring for you. Over half of them stuck-up millennial twats who don't give a fat fuck about you. They did it for the 3-12s and to brag about "saving lives" on their Facebook account. (Actually it's the Rapid Response team who do the saving when a patient codes.)

    Fuck Penn Valley and the rest of the ilk.

  21. Keep posting, Dave. Maybe you can get Chimp Boy to stroke out. It's a worthy goal!

  22. CMSU - Call Me Stupid University is now:

    UCM - You Call Me Stupid University.

  23. The movie Deliverance was filmed in Warrensburg. Bunch of toothless hillbillies roam the town

  24. @ 12:50 and yet we know you have nothing. Weird

  25. ^^^^And yet I own you though. Weird.

  26. ^^In your dreams weirdo.

  27. Can I qualify for a student loan, for a degree in gender studies there?

  28. OK, here's the deal. MCC can't afford to pay these people even though they should. MCC, like many colleges, has problems making money and managing money - probably because people aren't buying what they're selling.

    • The faculty was promised a raise and this agreement goes against the promise. Faculty at MCC are paid pretty well compared to faculty at a university, plus they have the added benefit of not needing a Ph.D. in their field nor do they have to publish. Regardless, many faculty at MCC hold doctoral degrees.

    • The reason MCC can't afford to honor its promise is it's losing money. Enrollment at MCC has been sliding. Under Kim Beatty's watch, enrollment has dropped even more. Looking at reviews, it seems MCC has customer service issues. This could be due, in part, because MCC has left several service positions vacant to make up for shortfalls in enrollment revenue.

    • Speaking of enrollment. Have you noticed all of the Johnson County CC Billboards on the Missouri side of the state line? JCCC has been fixing its enrollment by cherry-picking from Missouri. JCCC offers a "Metro" rate which compares to MCC's lowest tuition. The ad campaign and tuition deal (and maybe better service) have taken about 2,000 students from Missouri. That's about two thirds the size of a small MCC Campus.

    • MCC keeps trying to sell training to local businesses in hopes to generate more revenue. This tactic hasn't worked because of the service issues. There are a handful of businesses that are happy with MCC, but they have a difficult time acquiring new customers because there are better training options out there that are less expensive. By the way, MCC's training is expensive because the workforce development staff is bloated and top-heavy.

    • The last thing I'll mention is the culture. Kim Beatty acts like all it takes to energize her workforce is to act like Oprah Winfrey and get people all jazzed up. She does things like bring in motivational speakers and forms special innovation teams that go on retreats and such. Some of that stuff works. But at the same time, the college's HR team has been heavy-handed and esoteric that most people just work hard enough to not get fired. The faculty unionized and the staff is starting to. It's because there's no trust. Many people working there describe it as toxic.

    • The bottom line is money isn't coming in because fewer people want to go to college there. Low enrollment and a toxic environment cause low morale. Low morale leads to poor customer service and that drives more students away. Kim Beatty spends most of her time shmoozing "community leaders" and c-level executives trying to find ways to partner or whatever. She should spend more time focusing on getting more students in the door and keeping them satisfied with their choice to attend MCC so the college can make more money to repair its old buildings, modernize its out-moded technology and eventually fairly compensate its employees. It seems simple, but it requires leadership that's not driven by ego.


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