Kansas City Faith Blogger Contemplates The Great American Divide Worsening

An important consideration by this local newsman as he shares a reality check regarding the fate of the Republic with his readers. Checkit:

Are we permanently and hopeless divided? 11-25-19

America's culture wars have, from the start, been entwined with religion. Name the issue -- from abortion to immigration to school prayer to environmental concerns and on and on -- and you find people divided in part because they see...


  1. Bill claims faith communities could help, but the cuck does everything he can to weaken them. Except Muslims of course; he bends over backward to excuse them. You need to STFU UP, Billy.

  2. ^^^ Nice language. How Christian of you.

    Must be an evangelical. Fake religion and all.

  3. Evangelical fanatic member of the Cult Of The Donald, not a Christian.

  4. ^^^^ Sad. that's 99% of them according to recent polling.


  5. What's the matter 4:35 the truth too much to take? When your only retort to someone's statement is to criticize their choice of words it's plain to see you have no argument to what they have said so you should have just kept your fucking mouth shut to begin with. You're no doubt a profoundly retarded person.

  6. Any religion that mutilates womens fun spot is not a real religion in my book. Will a muzzy please explain yhat for me, after your done screwing a child or goat.

  7. Billy must be gay because he supports the mooselimbs homosexual preferences.... with children. They mutilate women’s fun spot because it’s ugly and the penis is beautiful. Their and Billy’s religion not mine.

    A friend of mine was in Iraq and Afghanistan and said the men had butt sex every Thursday, the us soldiers called it man love Thursday and sore ass Friday!

  8. ^^^^ Ugh. Stupid comment. Find another blog. Not wanted here. Go find some friends on Twitter.

  9. Is it time for Matlock?

    1. You should know, Chimpy!

  10. 4:04 I am Jewish, and I am sick of you attacking Israel...so, nice try Bill. You cuck.

  11. Ha!!! 4:04AM(?!?) Got knocked the fuck out by 4:35AM. I mean he got knocked the fuck out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Oh Chimpy. Leave that keyboard alone. It's for humans!

  12. 7:24, not according to 7:23. And Billy IS a cuck. Look it up schmuck. Hahahaha! Game. Set. Match.

  13. 7:24 is either Bill or a muslim. Or maybe both! LOL!

  14. I think the KANSAS CITY ATHEIST COALITION is running amuck this morning! Watch your ass!

  15. Bill always makes excuses for Muslims...even though they killed his nephew. The rest of Bill's family must despise Bill for such cowardly cutlery.

  16. President Trump has been ordained by God to be our President.
    God will smash his enemies into dust and raise him up like King David.
    Try as you might to defame The President, you will be humiliated and beg for mercy from a vengeful God.

  17. The Main Stream Media, Has been Dividing this Country for Decades. That is how you Destroy a Country from Within .This is not rocket science .YOU can have a Capitalist society, with Social Programs .YOU are spending Trillions on Trillions on Wars FOR other countries resources and oil. And Billions on Foreign aid. This Country could use the money for Infrastructure and social programs. Every one will be happy .

  18. The Red State/Blue State has only been around since Gore Vs Bush in 2000. 24hr Cable News came around a decade before that. Why people prefer to watch cable news is beyond me. There needs to be 24hr Yoga to replace 24r News. Pilates would be better. Perpetual war is where late stage capitalism is heading. Not sure if you will hear any complaints in this dirty old city.


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