Escape From Kansas City Park Reserve

Another look at unfulfilled promises of a Kansas City condo dump . . . Take a peek:


Residents struggle to move on from Park Reserve condos

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - As residents' complaints continue to pile up at the Park Reserve condominiums, homeowners looking to get out are having a hard time finding prospective buyers. When you see the skyline from the condos at West 31st Street and Baltimore Avenue, it's easy to understand why someone would want to live there.


  1. Would one of the media in KC take a look and find out if this place still getting TIF tax breaks? Of course when I say media I don't mean the Star.

  2. The guy who sold these people these condos needs to be arrested for fraud, sued into oblivion, and jailed. After reading stories about this place for over a year I'm starting to feel bad for the people who bought condos there. Looks like the guy is so old he might die before he can face consequences


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