The potential impeachment of Prez Trump is reaching its inevitable anti-climax as the MSM pushes the agenda on broke-ass plebs.

Example . . .

Claire McCaskill for some reason: "I’ve been wrong before but I predict a formal impeachment inquiry will begin this week."

Rep. Sharice Davids still desperately trying to sit this one out . . . As the momentum builds . . .

And so we ask, people with more serious problems . . .


We might, quote some of the more relevant comments later in the day so try to make the responses pithy . . .

Check the links:

The Hill: House Democrats blur lines on support for impeachment

Newspaper: Emanuel Cleaver now ready to impeach Trump: ‘I want history to know where I stood’

Fox News: Trump Ukraine games tip Dems toward impeachment

Politico: Impeachment momentum spikes, as Pelosi weighs aggressive moves


NPR: Trump's Ukraine Call May Be 'Game-Changer' On Impeachment

UST: Tipping point? House Democrats debate whether to pursue Trump impeachment over Ukraine allegations

Developing . . .


  1. Absolutely.

    It will guarantee their loss for 2020.

    1. ^^^ Nice irony. It's a risky move and will get shot down in the senate. But think about this more strategically.

      This is really a litmus test for the Democratic Party. They want the more cautious and establishment Democrats out. There is not future for them among the new radical democrats. This will force everyone on the fence to make a decision and whilst the Dems might lose a few seats they will be more united in the future in opposition against Republicans. It's a bigger deal for the progressives than anyone else.

  2. ^^^ Interesting. Setting themselves up for failure for years to come. Sounds like a great plan hatched in D.C.

  3. Byron Funkhouser9/24/19, 12:50 PM

    At the moment, there are no "more serious" problems.

    Congress passed a bill giving aid to Ukraine. Trump blocked it. Then he told the President of Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

    He has admitted to all of this.

    Trump's approval rating has never gone above 50%, so the notion that impeaching Trump will ensure his re-election is just nonsense.

    Maybe, Davids should change her party affiliation to Republican.

  4. Yes..let's do this! It's time! He must be impeached for the good of the country!

  5. As a conservative this is like Christmas. Please impeach. It will be a hilarious shitshow and lead to Trump winning in 2020 in a slaughter of biblical proportions

  6. "I want history to know where I stood"...stfu Cleaver, go stand in traffic.

  7. He is almost asking to be impeached. I'd suggest not taking the bait. Let Pocahontas take his scalp next November.

    By the way, no one's been able to tell me what Joe Biden did that merited investigation by Ukraine.

  8. His son is a cocaine addict who Biden had commissioned in the US Navy at an extremely unconventional (old) age...he then he was tossed out on his head for drug abuse...really, you can't be a commissioned officer in the military and do drugs...why not??

  9. 12:56... and then what? We elect a socialist to take away your means of self defense and force the socialist paradise on us?

  10. Those pictures of Hillary and Claire at the top. Two rejected old has beenS. They had their chance. Time to STFU.

  11. 1:08: Please elaborate with dates and explain why that's a crime committed by Joe Biden--and worthy of a quid pro quo "you investigate and I'll release your funds" deal with Ukraine?

    Inquiring minds are waiting with bated breath for this one.

  12. YOU TOO CLEAVER! What the bell have you accomplised? STFU!

  13. 1:08...are you saying Biden's son did not get rich off deals with the Ukraine and Cina? For the record: YES OR NO


  15. The truthful answer is I don't know, but neither do you.

    Let's see the evidence, and even if Biden's son is guilty, how does that affect Biden?

    Get back to me when Fox News issues your talking points on that one.

  16. Why do people give the cleave any amount of attention, he’s worthless to anybody outside 18th and vine.

    1:14 there’s video of him admitting he got the prosecutor fired because of an ongoing investigation into the company his son is involved with, it’s all over the news and internet, did you miss all that or have you been glued to the fake news station cnn all your life?

  17. Clinton was impeached for less. As was done then, so must be done now. The country needs to know of his criminal malfeasance. There is 30% of the country(and 100% of the morons here) who will never believe he did anything wrong. They must be written off. The rest of the country needs to hear all the crimes he committed. Remember on 19% of the country initially supported impeaching Nixon. As the impeachment hearing continued, the country got to see all of his crimes and the worm turned. So will it be done here. Let's go!

  18. The government of Ukraine is essentially a puppet installed by the Obama regime. Giving military aid to Ukraine is a provocation toward Russia. When Obama overthrew Ukranian government, it was done with the purpose of taking control of Natural Gas supply that Russia recieved from Ukraine. Naturally, Vladamir Putin said fuck that and took the gas by force. Biden installed his son in a ukranian energy company in exchange for billions of dollars in loans to the new western backed ukranian government. Ukranian prosecutors investigating Hunter Biden were forcefully removed at the behest of the Obama administration. Fast forward to 2019, Ukraine has become another proxy war between Russia and thr United States. Trump is smartly not trying to inflame the situation by giving Ukraine money. This will all explode in uncle Joe's face once impeachment proceedings regarding thid issue expose the truth.

  19. 1:14, it is well known this happened - use the google if you want details. Here is a link (it's even that ultra left org CNN for your benefit:

    Not saying what Biden did for his son there is a crime, but it is shady (and what his son did was a crime, UCMJ and all)...just like Trump and the Ukraine issue now, so what's the big deal? Oh, I see, it is situational politics from the left. Look, if they can't impeach (fully) Clinton for porking an intern in the WH it is doubtful they will get Trump on this crap.

  20. Lunatic asylum. So the facts are that Biden strong armed Ukraine and china to enrich his no-count son with no-work deals to the tune of over 85K a month. Biden then extorts Ukraine to fire its prosecutor looking into the Biden corruption. Then, D's allege (without any actual facts) that Trump withheld funds to Ukraine so that it would investigate Biden's fraud and what exactly did Trump do wrong and Biden do right. Shouldn't the president be concerned with graft and crimes against the usa regardless of the offender?

  21. Clinton wasn't impeached for less. He was impeached for lying under oath and was disbarred by the ABA and is never allowed to practice law again

    The trump thing is "well this guy heard something second hand even though trump is going to release the direct transcripts of the conversation the 'whistleblower' says they heard about from a secondary source"

    Good luck in 2020. Trump is going to win bigly

  22. the whistleblower has no direct knowledge of anything. yet they demand his complaint. Does no one actually read the news or do they just screech about headlines the read on facebook?

  23. 12:47 and Kohl at 1:26 = Dead on the money.

    Byron, you ignorant slut, the President's popularity, varies from poll to poll depending on the onslaught of negative news coverage from 90 fuckin percent of the Main Stream Media.

    Trump's popularity in the polls, reflects pretty much the same percentage that Obama had at the exact same time in his presidency(If you could call a "Pen And Phone", Executive Order ((How did you like keeping your doctor, your health plan and all of those dead cops?)) Monarchy that passed for - according to the Press Pack Dogs in the media the "Obama's Presidency".

  24. Yeah, even as not exactly a Trump fan this looks bad for the Dems. He's releasing the whole transcript, Ukraine has said they weren't pressured, and now the Dems look even sillier than before. Biden's questionable Ukraine conduct on behalf of his son will come out, and Biden will eventually have to step aside in favor of Warren, who is basically Hillary Part 2.

  25. Enjoy the Show. The Only For the Democrats to have a chance in 2020 IS Try the impeachment rout it won't pass the Senate. And the Voter's already know is a political witch hunt. He will be stronger in 2020 Ninety million voters don't want socialism .If Pence was the Canedate he would Win with Nicke,Hailey as his running mate. The Democrats don't have a candidate that can win.

  26. Following losers is seldom a winning political strategy.
    Impeach the president and judges you don't like.
    The comically silly Green New Deal.
    Eliminate private health insurance for tens of millions of people.
    Free health care for undocumented immigrants.
    Free college for all.
    Eliminate all college and health care debt.
    $100/month for everyone.
    Lose the presidential election.
    The Dems never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

  27. 1:26 & 1:27: No, there's no double standard. If you have the ability to be objective--maybe just a little--you can imagine what the media would have made of this if Obama were in Trump's shoes.

    There are two types of TDS--I think you may be suffering from Trump deification syndrome.

    At any rate, Trump has agreed to release the transcript and the whistleblower wants to testify, so we'll soon know if this is a storm or merely a tempest in a teapot.

  28. Lets see, we can't win in an election so lets cloud the airways with impeachment hogwash. Looks like to me the ones leading the impeachment talks the most are those who have either lost or are losing it.

  29. 2:10 you left out toddler sex changes, transsexual abortions, tranny story time, and post-birth abortions on demand.

    From a former liberal progressive the dem.s have gone off the rails...I agree with alot of the progressive economic platform - tax the rich at a fair rate, curb wall street greed and regulate the international bankers, but I can't vote for the slugs who vilified the covington kids, and kavanaugh purely for political gain, not to mention that as a white man they want me and my family dead and replaced. I look forward to voting for trump and against every sjw democrat


  30. Yes Yes lets impeach Trump so our jobs can go back overseas and we can close down all of the mining towns, open our boarders to let people come in and get benefits, free food and housing we an all take turns sleeping on the street or at Claire's house, and lets give all of our money to foreign countries to keep them at bay and on and on and on. You liberal morons get the f**k out of this country!

  31. Byron how about revoking your bail and getting thrown back in jail so we can stop seeing your endless brainless thoughts.

  32. There is a Report That Conservatives all over the U.S.are moving to the Ozarks. Many with money and many with little .They know what the World Order has in store. There They have moved from liberal States and City's. Don't let what happens in D.C. effect How you live your life in Missouri. Stay out of Debt And stop giving your money to multi national Companies. And when Socialist. Take over you will have your wealth. In a conservative state.

  33. Right now there are plenty of folks serving time in the penitentiary for bribery/extortion with less evidence against them that The Donald has already admitted to on video.

    If the whistleblower is a high ranking GOPer and the tape is as bad as everyone who knows Trump must suspect (given his lack of subtlety or self-control) we may well get a new President before 1.20.21.

    1. ^^^ That's a good point Phil!

      A lot of people are sweating prosecution for way less. Everyone should think about that when we ask why the Democratic Party is very fired up about this moment in history.

  34. Yeah..., right Phil.

    Lemme tell ya, if Trump gets 2 to 5 for HIS "Bribery", Biden gets the fuckin needle.

  35. I be beeeting dat crackas ass again we he get out!!!

  36. Would absolutely love to see Yeoman - Salt of the earth, Josh Hawley bend over backwards to defend corruption

  37. You know who thinks this is a bad idea, Trump's base. But then again, Trump can do no wrong in their eyes. His 33ish% or so will never question him. NEVER. So, they don't really matter here, there's another 10-15% of voters who matter here.

    And then I guess it comes down to this: Are you ok with a President - strong arming, or whatever you want to call it - having foreign governments dig into his opponents to try to smear them? Are you ok with constant lying? Are you ok with blaming the press for everything? Those are pretty fundamental questions. There's 33% or so out there who have proven they couldn't care less. It's the other voters.

    Given Trump's track record with facts and Bill Barr spinning things the way he wants them spun, I also expect the 'fully, unredacted' conversation Trump has agreed to release to not be the full story. Trump has no credibility so this should surprise no one.

    1. Your frame of reference is 100% dictated to you by sources that have proven themselves to be cynically targeting Trump.

  38. 1:00 - You say you are a conservative....what the hell does that even mean? Do you really consider Trump a conservative?

  39. The boy who cried wolf says......

    Nobody believes anything that comes out from the demmocrim party except maybe high school and college kids and the illegal immigrants and the lgbtqrstuvw and the genderless crowd and the baby killers and the............. well, you get the picture.

  40. 2:28 - what jobs has Trump brought back from overseas? What mines are re-opening? Nothing has changed at the border. Nothing, he's just putting asylum seekers in cages as drugs continue to flow. Who are we giving money to, in order to keep them at "bay"? WTF are you even talking about in that rant?

  41. 3:23 One more time. Mueller - who would have indicted Trump for tearing off his mattress tags if he could have found ANY evidence, found NO COLLUSION WITH THE RUSSIANS WITH ANY AMERICAN INCLUDING DJT.


    It's gas lighting, Orwellian "memory hole" rationalizations at light speed.

  42. Sad that the only way the dummocucks think they have of beating the president come election time is to throw a constant barrage of lies and misinformation out 24/7. They don’t have one person worth voting for, if they did they wouldn’t have to resort to such hateful attacks, people are tired of the stupidity that comes from these worthless idiots daily, that’s how bad the party is now. It truly is sad.

    I can’t and won’t vote for a democrat now or anytime in the near future unless they grow a pair and start acting like normal human beings again.

  43. All this talk about Biden and his son.....and neither has been charged with shit. Head back to your basements geezers.

  44. The same people pushing the russian hoax thing for three years are pushing this bullshit. It's hilarious. Dems do not have a platform or issues to run on and it's all negative energy...bad for the soul

  45. Chuck, a 5th grader knows Mueller was working under the premise a sitting President couldn't be indicted. Also, he only said, I'm paraphrasing here - they were all too stupid to collude with Russians. He did however say his conduct fell under the terms for obstruction of justice. Oh yeah, and like 3000 prosecutors across the country agreed and said had DJT not been President he would've been indicted.

    Facts man, they're tough.

  46. 3:11, be specific. What is the video evidence you refer to? All I've seen is Trump admitting he asked the Ukranians to investigate the Bidens, and separately admitting that he temporarily withheld aid to Ukraine.

    I have not seen any video where he admits the two were related. Is the "evidence" only in your imagination? If not, show us what you got?

    Cleaver's highest and best use would be as a weather vane. His positions change depending on which way the wind blows.

  47. "Emanuel Cleaver now ready to impeach Trump: ‘I want history to know where I stood’
    The Democrats are destroying history so Cleaver should not care.

  48. 3:38 Impeached for what? His kid taking a meeting in Trump Tower with a Russian lawyer who worked for Glen Simpson and Fusion GPS, who, in turn worked for Democrats and Clinton?

    Seriously, this Russian collusion shit is as dead and as beat as Barbaro and that horse has been dead for years.

    You morons are as crazy and as fanatical as Dracula's "Renfield" - sitting around in padded cells, eating bugs, lapping up your own vomit and praying for a beaker of blood.

  49. Phil means Biden. He is confused. Getting old sucks.

  50. As a non- registered Democrat- Pelosi should resign.
    She lacks backbone of her convictions. She is caving in.
    I can’t think of one thing Democrats have accomplished or will with this silly dog and pony show.
    What Democrats have done for any Americans is cause them grief and agony.
    What they are doing is insuring Trump wins in 2020. Dumbasses.

  51. Come to think of it, Biden was ordered by Barry to threaten the Ukrainian’s. Where was the outrage then?

  52. Whistle blower says......

    Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.

  53. The politicians are made because a citizen became president. We elected the rest of those idiots to work for us, not against each other. Vote everyone out except Trump and elect other non-politicians to work with him and for Americans.

  54. House Democrats are nothing but a Bunch of Barking DOGS! I have never stood for any PARTY! All men are corrupt. I've always voted for the individual the'MAN'and I will never VOTE for a Woman if she's anything close to a Hillary. I'm so angry at the Democrat's corruption I could spit FIRE! I don't see how anyone can call them self's a Democrat and not be totally ashamed! Who's side are THEY ON? Spying on their own President. WHO are they really working for? Because it surely isn't us.

  55. AOC is the best thing ever to happen to trump.
    He will be elected again in 2020.
    Name one thing positive the Democrats have done for the American people?

  56. What a sewer Washington DC is in conjunction with the lying mendacious 4th Estate and the corrupt pigs-at-the-trough Federal Deep State parasites who suck the blood out of middle class, hard working folks in search of ever more power and sinecure.

    Think of how ridiculously preposterous the talking points have been over the last 2 1/2 years. The president was accused daily, some days hundreds of times on major affiliates, of Treason and being a Russian operative.

    You fuckin Democrats are not just deranged, you really are Renfeild in that padded cell, eating bugs, lapping up your own vomit and praying to your "Thought Leaders" for a beaker of blood.

  57. "The swamp abides. The latest news media dumpster fire over President Trump’s phone conversation with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky is a three-way ruse. Ruse 1: deflect attention from the main issue, which is Joe Biden’s trolling for payoffs on his missions to foreign lands as vice-president, first Ukraine, where son Hunter was gifted a board of director’s chair and $50K-a-month salary with Ukrainian gas company Burisma, and then a $1.5 billion “private equity investment” to Hunter Biden’s wealth management fund from the state-owned Bank of China. Ruse 2: to deflect attention from the damage soon to be inflicted on the Deep State by the forthcoming DOJ Inspector General’s report on FISA court abuses. Ruse 3. To set in motion yet another obstruction of justice trap for Mr. Trump on the basis of false charges."


  58. Chuck, I never said "impeached" at 3:38. Dafug are you talking about? I did say that prosecutors across the country said that if DJT was not a sitting President, the evidence presented by Mueller would bring indictment charges. You understand that? And save your tin foil Fusion GPS, Glen Simpson garbage for your Trump subreddit. Christ, are you this weird in real life?

  59. If you use you the words "deep state" and "cabal", you need to check into a psych ward.

  60. The transcripts should be solid coming from the guy who sharpies weather maps.

    1. Your obsession is hilarious.

  61. 5:05 I am guessing, that on a bad day, you have to remind yourself to breathe.

    Eat another bug.

  62. Chuck is just a medicaid socialist drain that worships a rapist from NY that happens to be president.

  63. Hey Chuck, don't lump me in with these psychotically obsessed, dissociative, retarded Progressives. I mean, it's true, I do eat bugs and lap up my own vomit, but I'm not crazy enough, after all of the categorical, ipso facto evidentiary evidence to think Trump colluded, or cooperated with the Russians and even here, from my padded cell, waiting for my main man Dracula, I know that the ONLY collusion with Foreign Powers, including Russia, the Ukraine, the Five Eyes (The UK, New Zealand and Australia) and Italy was with, The Democrat Party at the behest of Hillary Clinton.

    Even the "Children Of The Night" howl in laughter at the ignorance of those obtuse enough to buy into, still, still, still after everything, the Progressive, left wing, media assisted hoaxes proffered up every day for uninformed idiots to lap up, well..., like vomit.

  64. ummm....talking to yourself again, chuck?

    Well don't let us get in the way of your conversation with...yourself?


    1. I guess that's one way to avoid having a counterargument.

      Be simpler just to admit defeat though.

  65. good point 5:04 What motivated the nepotistic environment of hunter biden 2become a board member of a Ukrainian gas company?
    I think history has got it on record that a good portion of the US thinks trump is kind of an asshole, everybody does, does not mean the democrats are not assholes too.

  66. Can the death panels that are in Obamacare take care of Chuck already? He's had enough handouts already.

  67. Even if your political opponents son is a drug dealer, why the fuck do you bring another country into it? Why wouldn't you just have your people call the FBI or something. Trump's all like "Nah, let's get Rudy on top of that, he's really had his shit together lately".

  68. Meanwhile, Republicans pushed full steam ahead. Take, for example, the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution that officially abolished slavery in 1864. Of the 118 Republicans in Congress (House and Senate) at the time, all 118 voted in favor of the legislation, while only 19 of 82 Democrats voted likewise. Then there’s the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments guaranteeing rights of citizenship and voting to black males. Not a single Democrat voted in favor of either the Fourteenth (House and Senate) or Fifteenth (House and Senate) Amendments.

    In spite of this, in almost every Southern state, the Republican Party was actually formed by blacks, not whites. Case in point is Houston, Texas, where 150 blacks and 20 whites created the Republican Party of Texas. But perhaps most telling of all with respect to the Republican Party’s achievements is that black men were continuously elected to public office. For example, 42 blacks were elected to the Texas legislature, 112 in Mississippi, 190 in South Carolina, 95 representatives and 32 senators in Louisiana, and many more elected in other states -- all Republican. Democrats didn’t elect their first black American to the U.S. House until 1935!


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