Missouri Bishop Condemns Ultra-Conservative Anti-Immigration Pundit Michelle Malkin

More than 10-years ago the alt-right pundit imagined "reconquista" in order to boost her fortunes over broke-ass Latinos and now she's taking on the Church ito dutifully serve the egos of senior citizen white dudes . . . Not you, you're one of the good ones.

Here's a glimpse inside the crisis of conscience for most Kansas City Conservative Catholics who want to forget that Jesus was a broke-ass refugee who, reportedly, was so down on his luck that his blended family had to sleep in a barn.

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Missouri Bishop Wants to Gag Michelle Malkin, Squeezes Disavowal From Pro-Life Group

Following noted political commentator and author Michelle Malkin's presentation to the Missouri-based Vitae Foundation, Springfield-Cape Girardeau Bp. Edward Rice succeeded in intimidating the pro-life organization and slurred Malkin for her remarks linking the Catholic Church and illegal immigration. Malkin was the featured speaker at a Vitae Foundation event in Springfield, Missouri, on Aug.


  1. Seal the borders. Why can't the planet have a few white dominated countries. After all that is where enovation and leadership originates.

    1. ^^^^ And the. Manufactured in Sheynzen, China? Like those MAGA hats?

  2. I thought Michelle Malkin had been carted off to the loony bin years ago. How did she escape?

  3. The catholic church should stop raping underage boys first before policing black women so they stay in their lane

  4. Who the fuck cares what the catholic church says about anything? All they care about is money and getting more of it...


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