Kansas City Slumlord Crackdown Working???

Not really given that most of these places run off the books . . . But here's progressive media support for progressive policy in a progressive city still coping with rising prices and murders. Read more:

One Year In, Kansas City's Inspection Program Is Improving Conditions For Renters

In the past, Kansas City officials had no authority to rectify health and safety problems in rental properties. But in August 2018, voters approved an initiative that allowed the health department to investigate complaints and to seek remedies.


  1. No what it's done is run them off, which is good but also bad. Tons of landlords with small rental houses have put them up for sale because they can't recoup their money in rent because of the new rules and also the outrageous tax in Kansas City making affordable housing a has been, no matter what Sly James preached about his new buildings. Cracking down on the slumlords also hurt the innocent guy. It was done all wrong. The biggest slumlord was Sly James and now Quinton Lucas is not any better.

  2. ^^Well they should've taken care of their shitty houses in the first place. The city is glad to be rid of them!

  3. yes and now because of it there are less homes to rent so inventory has gone down and prices are way the fuck up. Costs $1400 to rent a house in Waldo now. $1200 for a two bedroom in hyde park. We should be creating new inventory not less

  4. It's just another KCMO money grab racket.

  5. Now if we get get rid of the worst slum tenants in killa shitty..... we all know who they are.

  6. The notice is literally evicting the tenants. And that is how you depopulate a city.

  7. The city ought to exempt rental housing that was in good shape before the tenants moved in, but was trashed by the tenants themselves. I suspect that happens a lot.


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