Controversial 'Heartbeat Abortion' Legislation Is The New Hotness In The Heartland

The move to extremely limit one of the most controversial surgeries in human history is now gaining momentum and political opponents only seem to offer movie production threats in defense of what many believe is infanticide.

Check this note for a Missouri name check:

More 'heartbeat' abortion bills advancing in Midwest and South

If a new Mississippi law survives a court challenge, it will be nearly impossible for most pregnant women to get an abortion there. Or, potentially, in neighboring Louisiana. Or Alabama. Or Georgia.


  1. Good, if psychopath killers want to rip their babies apart let them go to the back alley's with a dirty knife like they did before. Serves them right.

  2. Byron Funkhouser5/12/19, 9:47 AM

    All of these laws will be overturned as unconstitutional, which is really the point. Anti-choice fanatics are hoping at least one of them will find its way to The Supreme Court where they have a fantasy that Roe v Wade will be overturned.

    The misogyny of the anti-choice fanatics is usually just below the surface (8:36). But, make no mistake this is an attack on women.

    Fortunately, most women know this & it will just result in another blue wave in 2020.

    Women must run for political office as self-defense.

  3. ^^^^^STFU stupid

  4. If murderous whores want to eliminate their own offspring tough. Blacks are already eliminating close to 40% of their unborn. That's far more than the KKK could have done!

  5. Byron Funkhouser5/12/19, 10:29 AM

    Another one bites the dust.

  6. Going to need bigger prisons for all these unwanted babies.

  7. like a bunch of flies Not on a banana nor on the pile of dog shit next to it.

  8. mothers day is a good day to go to the plaza in your pajamas

  9. Yes they probably will be found unconstitutional by the lower federal courts. But one day, a case will make its way to the Supreme Court, which will then have a chance to re-examine the Roe and Planned Parenthood cases and discover that they're built on bad logic and worse science. On that day a living Constitution will meet a living baby, and the cases will be reversed and a saner rule put in place.

  10. if they outlaw abortion how will they get anyone to vote for them

  11. A bunch of WT dudes on here commenting how they should have control over a woman's body, makes sense. Why don't you keep your religious beliefs to yourself?


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