Show-Me Rural Missouri Catching The Syph

Quick look at so-called "Trump Country" engaging in a great deal of risky behavior with very little help from lawmakers from either party to STOP A PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS BEFORE IT RESTARTS . . . Read more:

As Syphilis Invades Missouri And Rural America, A Fraying Health Safety Net Is Failing To Stop It

When Karolyn Schrage first heard about the "dominoes gang" in the health clinic she runs in Joplin, Mo., she assumed it had to do with pizza. Turns out it was a group of men in their 60s and 70s who held a standing game night - which included sex with one another.


  1. I have heard there are a lot of faggots in Joplin. One of them probably came up here and caught it from the faggots in the Crossroads or Westport and took it back to Joplin and infected all the homosexuals there.

  2. And according to 60 Minutes on CBS taking antibiotics is a bad thing to do as it helps to create super bugs.

  3. Hey, the cool stds aren’t just for big city fags,

  4. We have a faggot epidemic. Wasn’t it enough for them to spread AIDS everywhere? Make gay sex illegal again.

  5. Dominos gang! Not a sadder vision then some 70 year old rednecks greezin up their anuses preparing for sodomy. Who are these people?

  6. The Mizzoorah lifestyle just keeps getting sketchier and sketchier. Now it's gay geezer sex orgies. Holy shit! Can't you people be NICE hillbillies like Jed Clampett and them? I blame the meth and oxycontin.


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