Tough talk on a politico who didn't prove the massive voter fraud that he claimed and has now been forgotten by both the GOP establishment and Prez Trump. Here's the quick dig from this rising star . . .

BPP: Rep. Davids on HR-1: Kris Kobach ‘Notoriously’ Made It Harder for People to Vote


The nation needs approval of the House Democrats’ signature political reform bill to prevent state officials–such as former secretary of state Kris Kobach in her home state–who work to prevent many citizens from casting ballots, says freshman Rep. Sharice Davids (D-Kan.).

“So, you know, I think that HR-1 gets to the heart of what a lot of folks feel is a problem with our government and elected officials which is that we have a lack of trust between our government and the way it’s being operated and the people who depend on our government to make sure that we all have access to opportunity, and when we think about what is the core of that,” Davids says.

You decide . . .


  1. Stupid moron needs all her illegals to vote for her again, because that’s the only way she can win, pandering to them and her base of lamentables (shockingly bad in quality). Her flock of condemnable and questionable followers is disgraceful to the good honest people of the USA. Johnson county should be embarrassed to have voted her in.

  2. ^^...and yet they did & aren't. Weird.


  3. Well here's the funny part. Her people (who BTW aren't native to this country) stand on the street corners yelling for us to go back to Europe but she wants open boarders for everyone else to come in. Make sense? NOPE! So it's all about the votes now isn't it?

  4. ^^try not to be triggered by everything you read. How about that? Not everything requires a response. You seem butt hurt. Maybe call your proctologist or seek a safe space ASAP. You're melting help.

  5. She's terrific!

  6. What the fuck is wrong with her face?

  7. So in other words he didn't say.. your not here legally hey no problem let's get you all set up with documents and your set to go. Got any kind of ID? Fake will do.

  8. ^^No. So in other words, you don't have to be triggered by a woman. Not every post requires you to piss and moan like an infant. So in other words, go find something positive to do with your day. Sharice will be here for the next two years at a minimum, so go find something more worthy of your time. We don't want to hear you cry like a bitch. That's all.

  9. ^^^Insults are the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident.

  10. The only people Kkkobach wanted to be able to vote are white Christians.

  11. She is Awesome!

  12. Sharice rules! Definite improvement over Yoder. She will do great things for Kansas. The patriarchy must be destroyed and she is doing it!

  13. heyhowareya heyhowareya

  14. “So, you know, I think that HR-1 gets to the heart of what a lot of folks feel is a problem with our government and elected officials which is that we have a lack of trust between our government and the way it’s being operated and the people who depend on our government to make sure that we all have access to opportunity, and when we think about what is the core of that,” Davids says.

    WTF is she trying to say? Look, what more proof do you need to see she is an idiot.

  15. ^^I'm not going to explain it to you Cletus, It would be a waste of time. Don/t you have anything better to do than spend all day looking for quotes from Davids that just end up making you look like more of a scumbag than you already are?

  16. I'm a legal resident of Kansas and nothing Kris Kobach did made it notoriously harder for me to vote last fall. If you're a legal resident then it's no issue, if you're an illegal resident, then you have no business voting for anything. Just how hard is this to comprehend?

    Legal Resident is good.

    Illegal Alien is bad.

    Plus HR-1 is so full of stuff you can bet it may be the Democrats pushing it but they have no intentions of ever following it if it were made into law. HR-1 is a bill strictly about making voting for illegals easier while all the other stuff is foo foo crap to distract what is going on here.

  17. @1:19 the quote is right here in the story no looking involved stupid. Besides you couldn't explain it anyway because "YOU ARE STUPID".

  18. Mommy mommy! Buy me another coffeeshop. The other one died. :(

  19. @1:33PM are you a retard? Did you read that mess of vomit before you posted it? Jesus Christ you're a fucking moron!

  20. Who wrote that for her ?

  21. Can someone tell me exactly what she has done so far?

    Didn’t think so.

  22. 2:23 you got knocked the fuck out, so be a good bitch and accept your medicine.


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