Corrupt Kansas City Star COLLUSION With Mayor Sly James And City Hall Helped Create STALLED New KCI Airport Hot Mess

Throughout the airport discussion most of the "journalism" from the daily newspaper has been a negative influence local voters and Democracy in general.

The fading institution has outright LIED about stories that originated ON THIS BLOG and claimed them as their own simply because they added unnecessary verbiage and bland writing.

Even worse, they've worked to protect political connections rather than offering any real insight in airport negotiations that are FALLING APART. For the record OUR AWESOME TKC BLOG COMMUNITY talked about the threat of PUTTING THE PROJECT BACK OUT TO BID AGAIN FIRST whilst the daily rag is trying to explain away BILLION DOLLAR PROBLEMS . . .

Latest example . . .

Road blocks common for airport projects like KCI terminal | The Kansas City Star

It's been a long road for Kansas City International Airport's proposed new single terminal, but that appears common for large airport projects. Cities like Seattle, San Diego and New Orleans have seen similar delays.


  1. Okay, the collusion thing is funny. Maybe over some people's head but you make me laugh TKC.

  2. No surprises here!
    You couldn't count on anyone at either KCMO city hall or the Star to be able to run so much as a one-car garage.
    The amateur twins!

  3. The newspaper is a democrat rag. Nothing more.

  4. Hey that's ok, you're a democrat fag, so I guess it's all even.

  5. ^^^^^^^^^^ 8:47 Soooooooooo lonely. Keep up the good work defending the newspaper. They need all the free help they can get. I guess you can take a couple to pad your mattress. You bum!

  6. Here’s the proof, sLIE was just on tv telling everybody to chill out, it’s normal for this to be all screwed up! Funny how the star and sLIE come out and tell everybody it’s ok at the same time, collusion is right especially when the mayor is using our tax money to keep them afloat so they can be his mouth piece

  7. 4 PM
    Top 10 Things That Will Happen Before The Airport is Finished:

    1. $10 Billion Spent
    2. Bi-State tax proposed and rejected
    3. KC Star goes All-Digital
    4. Chiefs win 3 Super Bowls
    5. McClatchy goes bankrupt
    6. Major road or bridge named after the accomplished Sly James.
    7. Majority of citizens can’t name 3 of Sly James’ accomplishments
    8. KC water rates increase at rate so high that Perrier seems cheap
    9. Mayor Clay Chastain gets City Hall torn down and buys the former all glass Kansas City Star building and moves KC Gov’t there
    10. The 5 remaining employees of the All-Digital KC Star - who are all Editorial writers- hire Lewis Duiguid, Barney Fife and the Eater Bunny... And collectively write a column on how the Donald Trump wall was built in racist times and must be taken down even though it proved to work. Right after that Lewis penned a column on his old VW and how racist the sky and clouds are and how he couldn’t understand why he didn’t qualify for Mensa.

  8. The difference is those cities were not building new airports.They
    were just doing add ons or remodels. Their airports are all significantly older than KCI. Unlike Kansas City, nearly all other
    cities have the common sense to remodel instead of spending billions
    on a new airport.

  9. This project is a rush to misjudgment.

  10. 1:44 is hilarious.
    But overlooked Yael, Sancheez, Kraske and Helwing.

  11. At this point we should just get rid of an airport altogether, including the one we already have.


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