Kansas City Star Fake News Touts Money Losing 'Open Spaces' Artsy FAIL

The skeleton crew at the daily rag is pushing outright PROPAGANDA with a tragic missive offering very little reporting on one of the biggest local money losers in local art history.

Earlier this year our blog community showed us:

- Low turnout crowds
- A deficit of more than $750K to start
- And a budget busting curator salary of $250K

Meanwhile, this sad little presser simply repeats talking points from City Hall and offers nothing but support to this money losing effort that hijacked $500K worth of city subsidy to start and will continue to cost more. Checkit:

KC's Open Spaces arts event by numbers: social, funding | The Kansas City Star

It's impossible to know exactly how many people experienced the art in Kansas City's 9-week Open Spaces experiment, but analytics indicate it was a hit on social media.


  1. The star should know that open spaces is not going to have a second act. This one is just wishful thinking.

  2. Fake news is the only tool the star has left. Most people get their news from twitter.

  3. ^^Nah, most people don't read. Thus Trump.

  4. The Star's piece is mostly boosterism, true, but contains important facts e.g. over $500,000 of public money diverted away from essential city services and also that attendance at the two marquis event concerts was just 3,000 and less than 1,000 respectively.

  5. "analytics indicate it was a hit on social media"


  6. They spent way more than $500,000 of taxpayer funds, more like $1 Million when the audit is done. A much bigger failure then KC Jazz Fest!! Slie is worse than Trump!!

  7. Sly couldn't shine Trumps shoes properly without fucking the job up.

  8. Big failure--where was Megan Crigger for 6 weeks? looking for a new job? That curator got more than $250,000. The city has so many needs and we spend it on this...your tax $$$ not at work. Well, not for the public, anyways.

  9. Social media does not pay the bills of the failed open spaces artsy experiment.

  10. The open spaces are between the ears of the city government.

  11. I really hope the new state auditor shows up at their door asking where the money went. Can we please just get get some potholes and sidewalks really fixed not just patched over.?

  12. She’s a dummocrat so don’t expect her to audit a dummocrap city government

  13. The Star is a great example of “social funding”.
    The big fat tax breaks it receives are tax-payer social funding.
    The share holders contribute.
    Those that short their stick are the smart ones.
    A good definition of the Star is Hypocrisy. The editorial board doubles down on hypocrisy on a frequent basis- this hastening the demise of print journalism.
    2020 could and should be the year print dies it’s forced to compete with 10 million bloggers for news.


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