Kansas City Blogging The Missionary Killed By Arrows In 2018 Because He Just Couldn't Leave People The Hell Alone . . .

Here's a missive about the guy who died for Jesus that just about everybody would've told to go to Hell if he was still alive.

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A lesson in how not to be a missionary: 12-1/2-18

The other day here on the blog I made brief mention of the young Christian missionary killed on a small island east of India and of my view that he wasn't a martyr for the faith but, rather, a foolish...


  1. It’s against the law to go within 3 miles of North Sentinel Island, per the government of India, for this reason.

  2. Was he planning to use Google Translate to preach the Gospel to these fukn savages? I mean what pissed of those smelly brothers?

  3. The reason their immune systems are so weak is due to their generations of inbreeding. Darwinian selection will do the rest and more are sure to visit...it's only a matter of time before some simple disease exterminates them. It's their own fault because they are so stupid.

  4. Too bad he didn’t take Iman Billy to show him how it’s done.

  5. Those naked savages look cold. I'm sure there's some blankets with cholera still around from frontier days out west.

  6. Sounds like Billy Inman is moving on from bashing Catholics and Israel to smearing missionaries...and the star writer seems to hate Christians just as much. Moreover, he obviously knows nothing about Chau and lies about what he did. It's just a question of time before those murdering savages get a bad cold.

    1. By now, those smelly bastards have downloaded porn on Chau's cell phone and are sitting around waiting for their welfare checks.

  7. Only the Kansas City Red Star would hire a news editor who had no formal religious schooling, had left the church at the time of his hiring and has spent the bulk of his effort at the paper criticizing religious denominations rather than supporting them.

    Whether or not you're religious or if you agree with Chau's beliefs it's crystal clear to me that Chau has done far more to serve his faith than Billy Tammeus has ever done for his. Chau never abandoned his religious beliefs, unlike Tammeus, then rejoin his faith later in order to achieve some sort of credibility in order to sell books.

    While sadducees like Tammeus sit back in their comfortable retirements on high and write pieces criticizing every aspect of traditional Christianity Chau practiced what he preached in accordance to his own belief, something Tammeus has never done. A simple reading of Matthew 28:19 bears that out.

    "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"

  8. Maybe he fucked the chiefs slut daughter and knocked her up.

  9. What a nutjob! At least we didn't send any Troopers in harm's way to save his ass!

  10. Most famous Darwin award winner this year, at least I don't think this wako had reproduced yet.

  11. 1] at mr 8:46 am: I don’t believe this missionary was a part of traditional Christianity. More like evangelical fundamentalist. Traditional Christianity was not protestantism.

    2) a lot of you guys are really mean spirited. The man was mistaken and misguided yes but he forfeited his life for that mistake so why do you have to pile on.

    r a d I s h

  12. 3:13, the natives deserve a Darwin Award too. Their inbreeding and subsequent genetic weaknesses, including weakened immune systems will lead to their extinction soon enough. Probably from a simple cold or something basic.


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