Will Granny Kelly Bring Back Obamacare?!?!

National media perspective on Kansas considering the fate of po'folk over partisan politics . . . For the moment. Take a look:

Kansas Medicaid Expansion Faces More Hurdles Despite Gov-Elect In Favor Of It


  1. That old lady better legalize marijuana first

  2. She best be getting for the residents as good as we taxpayers are forking out for her to have.

  3. Kansas does not have anywhere near the money to pay for this in the long term.

  4. We residents can buy whatever health we can afford. Guvmint owes nothing to non-retired parasites. Medicaid welfare expansion is a sucker deal. Feds get it started then the state taxpayers are on the hook going forward.

  5. Told you she was a socialist.

  6. as long as we're going to spend more money, let's save and rationalize the country hospital system for small towns.

  7. I think I know who the death panels should target first! Laura Kelly then the rest of the democrats.

  8. One country on Earth has employer-backed health care. Is that because we're smarter than everyone? Take the fraud and waste out of medicare/medicaid/military it would pay for healthcare. Hell, the Wall Street bailout would have paid off every American's mortgage, instead we bailed out billionaires that crashed the economy. Those same people will soon crash the economy again and we'll be expected to bail them out again. Anyone who argues in favor of our scam insurance companies dumbfound me.

  9. Write this down: It's not the job of the Feral Government to involve itself in healthcare, end of discussion.

    1. The Dims would consider that blasphemy. They think the government should support everyone from cradle to grave. Everything’s free and funded by the magic money machine behind the curtain.


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