One More Place For Fading Middle-Class In Kansas City To Drown Their Sorrows

Really nice write-up of this local pub that's far away from this town's nasty and often dangerous entertainment districts. Checkit:

Dodson's Bar Opens in Waldo

Looking for a new place to meet friends for a drink during this holiday season? Try Waldo's newest bar, Dodson's Bar and Commons at 7438 Wornall. I stopped by last week to check it out and chat with "'smooth operator and Assistant General Manager" Eric Jones. Dodson's opened on September 12, site of...


  1. Hasn't this bar been 3 different things in the last year or so?

  2. ^^No, have you ever been down there geezer? No? Thought so.

  3. Haha. I drive past it every day in my 1940 Ford Truck with a wind-up starter.

    It was Quinton's, then Waldo Bar, then just Bar, now this?


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