After the former boss was forced to call it quits . . . Take a look at the new bosses who have some good ideas about oversight but still no way to encourage locals or visitors to develop interest in an art form that peaked 75 years ago . . . Read more:

Months After Scathing Report, A New Board Takes Over At Kansas City's American Jazz Museum

Kansas City's troubled American Jazz Museum has new leadership after its interim board of directors unanimously elected a new board Tuesdsay afternoon. The museum has been led by that interim board, and has not had an executive director, since Cheptoo Kositany-Buckner and most of the 22-member board resigned last spring after a highly critical consultants' report released in early April.


  1. Atleast they got someone associated with the WWI Museum.

  2. Here we go again, the price to run the place just quadrupled, sLIE hand picked a bunch of his supporters to steal more money, same verse, worse than the first

  3. I didn’t see anyone in that picture capable of running a profitable business. There are no white many more millions are going to be stolen and wasted this time?

  4. Need some diversity. The Mayor must be a racist.

  5. ^^^^^^^ you think white people can run this place?

    Go suck an egg jazz boy @10:22. Not even Dave Brubeck himself could turn this place into a profitable business. No demand. It's not about racist you miserable horn blower @ 10:22, it's about jazz not having any audience. Too bad shitheads like @10:22 want to keep coopting another culture. It just won't work here anymore, maybe you ought to go listen to some Taylor Swift music? Good luck with that, Chief!

  6. ^^^^^^^ You sounds black as shit and probably smell as bad. Kenny G would turn that place around fast.

  7. TKC Comment Referee11/21/18, 12:02 AM

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kenny G!

    Winner, winner CHICKEN DINNER!

  8. People get gunned down on jazz district streets. That’s a fact. Imagine pandering to French tourists about the kcmo jazz district and when they arrive seeing drive by shootings and the area blight. Yeah, throw another hundred mil at the area and see how it doesn’t change anything.

  9. Can't wait to see Kansas City get excited about jazz again!!

    1. Then you better wake Boss Tom and Charlie Parker from the grave, because short of going back to the 20s/30s, it ain’t gonna happen.

  10. What the Fuck is a Jermaine doing there in that picture? His own colleagues on the Council fired him from the AJM board!! He was half the problem!! He’s a lackey looking to land on his next gig. He had the highest travel expenses of anyone other council colleagues by far!! And to what end?Hes just another democrat living off the government teet. Get a real job Jermaine. And drop the bling watch, you don’t gots to always be pimpn it.

  11. You get an Escalade, you get an Escalade, you get a.......

  12. The City need to vote on the continued use of public funding of the museum and the 18th and Vine District. It is a vote which is overdue. Let this vote take place before you spend more money in this district.

    1. Absolutely right. But the scary part is, it would probably pass. Any city that elects the likes of Slyme, Frank “Financial Trainwreck” White and Carwash Cleaver would probably be fine with several more millions for the jazz museum.

  13. Entitlement. As bad as Trump is with his policy, this council makes me wonder how I would vote for the Democratic Party ever again.


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