Kansas City Police Bail Call Is A Scam

Phone tech is tricking local grandparents, here's a warning about the fakery and another reason my millennials are wise to avoid phone calls altogether.

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Scammers spoofing KCPD phone number


  1. what do you make of the fact that Locally Sourced Meats in the River Market is not included on their website page, for the 2 years that they have been there. The Soda shop, which arrived after LSM, was posted on their website, but when LSM mentioned that, instead of posting LSM they took down the soda shop. Cargill, located down the hill in the West Bottoms to their shop, at least they identified themselves. Is everyone Cargill's bitch?

  2. cargill dudes, came into their shop, AND identified themselves!

  3. "another reason my millennials are wise to avoid phone calls altogether."

    Your millenials?

    You couldn't make any less sense if you tried.

  4. Everybody knows mean jean doesn’t do bail, especially for murderers

  5. Cargill, the lazy white man's beef. Just like a soggy fish!

  6. yes, protect the children, we've been taught that since the first car tire commercial.

  7. http://locallysourcedmeats.net/
    not on river market directory

    This has nothing to do with the post, it was just the post that was up. And that my friends is the nature of language in this blog, it just happens.

  8. Most millennials belong in jail anyway, so I'd hang up even if the call was genuine.


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