Kansas City 'Cold Weather Rule' Reminder

News that our broke-ass readers can use or at least share with indigent friends & relatives . . .

In Missouri and Kansas the Cold Weather Rule is in effect November 1 through March 31 each year. It prohibits all utilities from disconnecting service based on lack of payment during forecasted cold temperatures

More info on this fact of life and good law from local power companies:

PSC Cold Weather Rule Takes Effect November 1

KCP&L: The rule also provides certain types of payment arrangements for up to 12 months.

Kansas Corporation Commison: The Cold Weather Rule helps ensure you will have electric, gas, and water service for your home during the winter. You must make pay arrangements with your utility to use the Rule.

Accordingly, news of Independence homes suffering power cuts is curious and might deserve further investigation.

In the meantime, this info is important for po'folk who are increasingly targeted by big biz billing that is outsourced and often unaware of local rules & regs.

Developing . . .


  1. over this cold weekend when it was 8 KCPL cut off our electricity so they did it

  2. Good policy.
    After winter, years ago, when gas company, Killa City, shut off five customers who died from the cold.
    Probably under Cleaver or Kay Barnes.

  3. A lot of ways I'd hate to die, but freezing to death is no. 1. Libraries are gonna be packed this winter. Put Vaporub under your nostrils before entering.

  4. Apparently the customer has to ask the utility for a plan of some sort. It's not like the utility knows the customer needs the service and leaves it on. I know this because my druggie tenants thought I had cut off their service for some reason, then laid around high for two weeks. I drove by and saw someone carrying in what looked like a gas can, and just about crapped my pants Gary Lezak style. I knocked on the door because there was no electricity and when they opened the door, I could smell kerosene (more than the marijuana. Also urine and feces, because apparently the water is off and they are pooping without flushing). I asked why they had no utilities and they again tried to blame me (I have no part of their utility bills). Their lease indicates they will maintain all utilities. Filed for eviction this morning and papers will be served tomorrow. Out on the streets in under 30 days and indicated it was for illegal drug activity and utilities issues. Even if they start the utilities, I made a police report on the drug activity. It's the one time landlord/tenant laws work in the landlord's favor.


  5. Well maybe if people wouldn't abuse the system like they do in Kansas City, Independence wouldn't turn off their power but you know the ones who abuse the system and ruin it for everyone else.

  6. What they forgot to mention is if it’s over 32 degrees they can cut it off, learned that the hard way

  7. 1:14 you just fall asleep and wonder if you will wake up, some do some don't


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