Will Kansas City Stand Out In The Cold And Rain 'Open Spaces' For Janelle Monáe?!?!

Don't look for an accurate attendance count from local media given that KCMO TAXPAYER CASH is depending on a good turnout. To be fair, TKC WOULD BE WILLING to wear a hoodie and a poncho for The Roots . . . But only if the tickets were free. Here's more hype . . .

Janelle Monáe Plans To Give More Than Music Back To Kansas City

Pop star and actress Janelle Monae is returning to her hometown this weekend to headline the October 13 concert of the Open Spaces Festival. Monae, a graduate of Schlagle High School, talks about how being from Wyandotte County influences her music and her personal and professional aesthetic.


  1. I don't think Pancho wants to be worn by you.

    Unless you mean poncho, Daniel Webster.

  2. Sounds like it will be a hate whitey event. Warning to self-hating virtuous soy-boy cuck liberals, that means you too!!

  3. Headline is missing punchline.

  4. Kansas,City Should be Careful from Hear on out how they spend the Tax Dollars. The Citizens of K.C.MO.will survive the upcoming economic downturn but THE CITY WON'T.

  5. How much will this cost the taxpayers? Has to cost us something or it wouldn't come to Kansas City.

    1. Last figure I recall seeing was around $750k. Pocket change for sLie.

  6. I wouldn’t sit on a down cushion by a cozy fireplace in a hotel lounge to hear her caterwauling.

  7. Yeah, I wouldn’t walk across the street to see that skanky diseased whore. She’s just an illiterate whore.

  8. ^^^^That's because you’re old and boring. You never leave the house anyway Maude, thank fucking God!

    1. I wouldn’t walk 10 feet to whip out my big dick and piss on you if you were on fire, basement boi.

  9. ^ Your dick is not that big soy boy, I know.

  10. I'd give a kidney to Lonnie McFadden, but the rest of them can pound sand.

  11. Jane elly Mo naa, classy.

  12. No one from north of the river should attend this event, even if you have free or discounted tickets from government employees. White people will be targets and your cars will get broken into.

    1. Nobody from north of the river is stupid enough to go there. Except for the negroes that have found section 8 housing.

    2. Oh they’ve found it in JoCo too my friend. And the crime magically followed them.

  13. Saturday night Sharice Davids and Laura Kelly had time to go to Starlight for this show...obviously received free tickets....but Sharice can't find it in her busy schedule to debate Kevin Yoder at the previously agreed to venues.
    What do you think she will do in Washington DC? I'll bet she will be at the Kennedy Center every night she can instead of working on district 3 concerns.


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