TKC Reader Predicts Rise Of The Machines: Real World Example Of How Automation Replaces Workers Amid Missouri Prop B Higher Minimum Wage Fight

Right now we're sharing this EXCEPTIONAL note from an AWESOME TKC READER as  Missouri Prop B continues to gain momentum.

We go back and forth on this one but for today we offer this INFORMED reader comment and reasoning better than what you'll find on lesser social media platforms.


$15 per hour minimum wage

It really is sad that a thoughtful discussion on the minimum wage can not happen in any media outlet in this city except Tony's Kansas City.

The YouTube link provides a reasoned explanation of the minimum wage and how government interference eventually pushes the most the low skill worker into unemployment line.

Apply this short film to any industry, like burgers, and the simple automation that WILL come from a $15 minimum, or any minimum wage above the natural wage negotiated between labor owner and employer, and you'll discover that government (union) interference eventually leads to either loss of job, loss of employer, or both as shown in this video.

If anyone really wants to help the worker, especially in the tightest labor market we've experienced in our lifetime, eliminate the minimum wage and allow employers and employees to negotiated the value of their commodity (labor) with the business owner who takes all the risks.

You decide . . . 


  1. We need $15 minimum wage to get all the bottom suckers off of public assistance.

  2. ^^ A kick-ass TKC insider? Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Worthless.

  3. Basically you have to decide if you want higher wages and low employment or no minimum wage and high employment. Go with the second every time because employed people are happier and less likely to commit crime. Few realize this

  4. 9:52AM- refute the argument. Babbaling idocies doesn’t not help anyone support your position. If, in fact, your are a kindergarten student, than you’re excused from acting like a child.

  5. What in the world makes the 1st poster think $15.00 will take folks off government assistance? It would be just the first step to $20.00, then $25.00 etc.

    There will always be huge govt assistance programs for democrap voter loyalty.

  6. ^^^What in the world will make these repubturds quit posting awful comments? Oh yea...the icy fingers of their impending death...that's what! Sooner than you think.

  7. Make more than $11.50/hr you don't qualify for any public assistance programs in Mo. Of course that's why those who get $15 have their hours cut so as to not make too much money for their free ride on the government. Just look at Seattle. Raised min wage all the workers asked for less hours per week so someone else could pay their rent.

  8. ^^incorrect as usual. That is a flat out lie. Maybe you can get away with willful lies like that with your retard friends, that shit don't play here. Go back to Faux News're through here.



  10. 2:16PM - Said... "Libertarian bull shit".

    What a remarkably astute observation. Perhaps you could provide some elucidation so we could enjoy more of your wit and wisdom. Normally, you need to travel to parts of Raytown or Independence to find such an intellect.

  11. This is idiotic. Automation is not related to mandated minimum wages. Automation has always happened, long before any minimum wage existed. It happens across industries, not within specific companies. Regardless of minimum wage, companies will automate. They can ALSO pay higher minimum wages. Look at Amazon, a company ENTIRELY BUILT ON AUTOMATION. Read a book on basic economics, morons.

  12. 7:10 PM "This is idiotic..."
    Yes. Automation happens.
    However, being one who has actually read, written, and taught economics, I'd have to give you a "D" for your answer. Not failing, but not impressive.
    So you will not continue your sounding like the "moron" you called others, let me provide you some rudimentary education.
    Minimum wages were created to keep low skilled (at the time, black) workers out of the labor pools. They were a direct attack against very competitive, capable minority workers. I don't have time to provide citations, but it's simple to Google.
    Minimum wages that you site, like Amazon, Wal-Mart or Target (voluntarily raising and encouraging increases in the m-wage) are simple to explain since they ALREADY pay more than the minimum wage. By asking the government to increase it, the mom-n-pop stores (think the Dime Store), are forced to raise their wages. Target and Wal-Mart look like they're helping, get good media, but since it has NO effect on them, all they are really doing is playing shrewd business-folks and hurting competitors.
    There is a natural "wage". Currently it is above our minimum wage. This basically means that the m-wage is benign for most EXCEPT the low to no skill worker. This prevents that worker from getting his first foot on the working ladder.

    Next to automation.... Yes, we can agree, automation, thankfully, occurs. HOWEVER, the argument of this report comfortably puts forth that the automation was forced upon the businesses as a direct result of the m-wage. In other words, while the choice of automation was always there, they chose the lower cost option of hiring low skilled workers. Once the low-skilled worker expense was increased by 40%, the cost of automation (in comparison) was dramatically reduced. While no one was forced to jump to automation, mandating it's cost reduction (by mandating the M-Wage increase) made the switch simple, economic decision.

    What your comment fails to take into account, is the law of unintended consequences (in the case of automation) and in the case of m-wage, very clear INTENDED consequences (keeping blacks out of the labor pool).

    In your case, calling others economic Morons is kind of like tattooing that message to your forehead...
    I do hope this helped with our education. Good luck.


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