JOURNALISM: Kansas Conservatives Desperately Seeking More Deets On Sex Life Of Disgraced Politicos

Here's a look at the right wing playing identity politics when it suits their narrative . . . Very much like most progressives.

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Some editor may have thought the “Democrat” mention in the headline of the DUI story compensated for the failure to mention “gay” anywhere in the story, and so “Guess the party” yielded to “Guess the orientation.”

How Dem House Candidate With 2 DUIs Ceased to Be Gay - The Sentinel

For one curious reason, followers of local media did not have to play "Guess the party" when reading about the fate of Kansas House candidate Brandon Woodard. The Kansas City Star stepped up to the plate with, "Democrat running for Kansas House seat cited for drunken driving not once, but twice."


  1. A "drunk" sounds better than "a drunk fag".

  2. You can get that drunk ?


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