Actually, almost NOBODY is talking about this but here's a look at public radio pushing their bloody agenda. Read more:

Why More People In Kansas City Are Talking About Menstrual Equity

Menstruating isn't just having a monthly period. It's also having a monthly bill, because buying proper hygiene products such as pads and tampons can be costly. "It may cost $7 for 22 pads. That's pretty expensive," says Jessica McClellan, founder and president of a Kansas City non-profit called Giving Hope and Help, which provides funds and resources, including menstrual hygiene products, for domestic violence shelters.


  1. As usual, the story had nothing to do with your ridiculous, sensational title line. Stop trying to be Geraldo Rivera in the 70s and just be yourself.

  2. They need to try using sump pumps.

  3. I read the article and was not surprised at all to see the SJW come out in it. Where it talks about gender neutral terms and transgender menstruation. Omg there is some weird shit out there.

  4. Whether or not people identify with being female, only female humans menstruate. Then to make a decision to miss work for a week because you don't want to pay for feminine hygiene products is stupid. You miss out on hundreds of dollars to save twenty two? Lots of people make bad decisions. I also believe if you make this stuff free then people will take more than they need and the cost skyrockets on the company/government department providing the products. I donate items at our local store to Catholic Charities or at our church when they have a monthly "food drive" and occasionally include these items as I understand that women have this concern. Now I am not buying the highest priced or newly marketed items but I do include the store branded items in my giving. Contact that agency for help if you need it ladies.

  5. Security Guard Cameron Wright10/20/18, 10:26 AM

    Welcome back to the (((Media Clown-World))), where "Menstrual Equity" is a big problem that good people need to pause and reflect upon. The last paragraph plugs a book entitled," Periods Gone Public: Taking A Stand For Menstrual Equity", by (((Jennifer Weiss-Wolf))). If it's insane, ridiculous, and just plain bullshit--always look for the Jew.

  6. Old enough to bled old enough to breed

  7. The left's latest double-speak. "Equity" really means "more free stuff."

  8. Trannys poke pins into their fake pussies every month to make them bleed.
    No. These idiots aren't fucking nuts, are they?

  9. No more Tampons!


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