Bully, Granny & Spoiler Argue In Kansas

Was gonna title this one "Devil's Triangle" in Kansas but here at TKC we RESPEKT WAMEN and not even politicos deserve that kind of "drinking game" degradation.

Here's the best write-up of this week's Kansas debate where the right-wing MAGA candidate promised to be even more extreme than one of the most unpopular governor's in modern Kansas history . . . And he'll still win thanks to late-stage Democracy.

Read more:

Kansas gubernatorial candidates frame election as different kinds of referendums

TOPEKA - The two major-party candidates for governor in Kansas offered sharply different views Tuesday on what this year's election is all about. In a debate in Wichita sponsored by the Kansas Broadcasters Association, which was streamed live by a number of Kansas TV stations, Democrat Laura Kelly framed the race as a referendum on [...]


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